Part 20

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The machine drops to your side, and you hang your head. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to do it." You hold the gun out to Sixer, and he takes it hesitantly. Your Nightmare laughs madly, his eye popping. His mad gaze follows you as you step to the side, seemingly ignorant of the gun being pointed at his head by his former best friend. "Aha! There it is! She still loves me...even after all she's done. What are you going to do after I'm gone, (y/n)? After all you've seen, all the crimes against nature you've committed, all the killings you've been responsible for, how can you expect to have anything resembling a normal life?" You sit down on the grass, never breaking eye contact. You feel the arms of the twins on either side, the warmth making you slightly sleepy. You and he look at each other, not bothering to pretend. The beam hits it's mark, and he smiles at the mortified look on your face. But slowly, the grin slides off his beautiful face, his eye droops, his face deadens. A dead body that had waited patiently for it's rest fell limp in the chains, and Sixer walked forward, crushing the wicks of the candles out beneath his boot.

You did not help with the untying or carrying of the body. But you helped with the digging. You and the four pines twins dug for three hours to make a reasonable grave in the packed earth of the graveyard. You made the grave against a tree, and had him buried before the rigor mortis set in. What you didn't notice was when the body's one eyebrow raised when you wondered aloud why the rift wasn't closing. A few hours after the body was buried, the rift and all it's chaos were sucked back to were they came from. When everything was relatively back to normal, you took a board abandoned a few meters into the forest and hammered it to the tree. You then took a black marker and wrote on the board;

My Precious Nightmare

You dropped the marker, and walked off with who you hoped were your new family. You already knew what had happened to your mother, and you were not looking forward to mulling that over in the dead of night. Everyone was silent when they saw you. No-one tried to run, or hide, or beat you over the head with an umbrella. They just stood, and took off their hats, and watched you and the pines family trudge back to the shack.

You walked through the door, and found that the shack felt like home. You remembered with a start the small house you lived in before everything changed. You felt nothing for that house. But the shack, it was comforting, it was small and warm, and the small thing that dotted the room made sure that your eyes were never bored. It felt more like home than that little house, more like home than the FearAmid, more like home, not that, that would always be your home, where you belonged. But the Mystery Shack was your kind of place. You rubbed you hand against your neck and looked at the ground, the picture of hesitation. "Ah, so, I have no, um, no place to stay so, maybe I could, stay here? I know it''s, well..." Sixer walked forward and put a hand on your shoulder. "I would be honored." You cried and hugged him around the middle. It felt like home as well, like a father or brother. He chuckled and patted you on the back. You let go and beamed at him. Then you tripped backwards and landed on the couch that would never speak to you, and closed your eyes.

My Precious Nightmare (Bill x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now