Part 7

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You wend your way between towering stacks of Pitt cola and pile food into your cart. Taking the lot to the front, you swipe your card and put in the PIN. Once outside the supermarket, you arrange the plastic bags in your rolling suitcase and walk through the center. You're amused to see PineTree walking toward you , not looking up from a red tome in his hands. You deliberately clip him on the thigh with the case, and he stumbles, nearly falling on the marble floor. You stop in your tracks and help the boy steady himself. He looks up and smiles, blushing a little. You apologise and he waves it away. You contine out and shout back at the last moment, as you stand before the glass doors; "See ya PineTree!"

The boy whirls around and he opens his mouth, but you are already halfway down the street. You hide behind the diner as he comes sprinting past. He runs up to a brunette that looks very like him, and whispers fervently in her ear. Her bubbly demeanour melts into one of confusion and fear. You laugh darkly and push through the bushes into the forest of pine trees. You slink back gratefully into the shadows of the cave.

You set down the now full case of food and bite gratefully into a (favorite sandwitch). After finishing your meal, you drug yourself yet again, and wait impatiently to return to Wonderland. Of course, eventually you delve back beneath reality, and emerge in the graveyard, leaning peacefully against the AXOLOTL grave. You stand up and look around, confused. Where was he? You wander around, scared for the very first time in your Wonderland. You hear an angry voice in the trees. You fight through the monocrome forest and come upon your Nightmare surronded by piles of paper.

He had his eye in his hands. He looks up and floats forward. "I'm so sorry, (y/n), I didn't realise how time was coming on I...I..." He looks you up and down, and smacks himself in the head. "Of course, it's so simple, why didn't I...(y/n)?" He askes, you take his hand and he leads you back through the trees to the graveyard. "Do you know why, of all people, I chose to come into your Wonderland?" You shake your head. "It's because of this." He points with one small black finger at the grave you always awaken against, the grave with the curious letters AXOLOTL asross it in what you realised now to be blood.

You are silent, your Nightmare goes on. "Long ago, PineTree and his twin sister ShootingStar tried to erase me by tricking me into entering their uncle's mind. They shot him with the memory gun, and assumed I was dead. Foolish them. I had, infact, recited a fail-safe of my own engineering, that would use my remaining physical powers to squeeze me out of Stan's mind and catapult me into another's. The rest was just smoke and mirrors. 3 years I've been hopping from Wonderland to Wonerland, but I had no purpose until I stumbled upon this," He stroked the top of the grave lightly. "A.X.O.L.O.T.L" He carresed the letters like flowers in the palm of a hand. You are speechless with surprise. Your Nightmare turns to you. "I realise now that it's you (y/n), you are my fail-safe, that which will return me to power and reflect my soul. Tell me (y/n)..." He came up closer to you. "How would you like to get to know me, outside of Wonderland. The real world. There is so much to be done, and so little time to do it. Come with me, let's spruce up Gravity Falls to celebrate your mother coming to town."

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