Part 1

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Claire's Mindscape; 3rd person POV

Claire walked around the playground, her hands twirling ribbons in her black, silky hair. She had heard of this place, her mother told her about it. She dreamed about it when she was a little daughter, it was a black and white home, and she had fun there. But she said that one day she stopped dreaming when she let him out.

Am I dreaming of the man? Where is he? Is he hiding? She heard a little laugh behind her. "Questions, questions, questions, always in threes, aren't they Claire?" Claire spun around on her delicate little hells to face the strange man. She pointed at him. "You're the man, aint you!" He smiled. "What man?" Claire shook her head. "Tha man what my mother loved 20 years ago! Do you still love her?" He put a hand on his chin. "Did she tell you about me? Then she much care...wait, did you say mother?" Claire nodded. "Is she married? Do you have a dad?" She nodded again. "Yep, she married my father Teddy, and he loves her. She reckons she loves him more than you!" He grit his teeth and kicked the dust. "That's interesting."

"That's very interesting."

Back to normal POV

Claire woke up very happy and inspiring, as always. She did seem very mysterious, breaking out in minor giggles whenever you looked at her, but other than that she was as delightlful as always. You decided to calm her down a bit with a visit to Mabel, now a single mum, and her two twin sons Connor and Mason. It was two years since she and Lawrence got the divorce, and she was handling it very well. She and you had even more of a special connection, as you had both lost a loved one by choice that they could never get back.

You walked past the houses with Claire and Teddy, and decided to drop in at Dipper's house, and ask if he and Pacifica and Ellie could come with you to see Mabel. You turned at the path and knocked on his door. It was answered very quickly by a beaming Pacifica holding a baby Ellie. She kissed you and Teddy and ruffled Claire's curls and shouted back into the house. "Dipper, (y/n) and Teddy are here!" You heard running, and Dipper appeared beside his wife, holding a screwdriver in one hand and a mug of tea in the other. "Hey (y/n)! Teddy! How are things?" You smile and kiss him on both cheeks, and he patted Teddy on the shoulder. "Dipper? We were wondeing if you and Pacifica wanted to come over to Mabel's house with us!" He frowned ever so slightly. "Sorry guys, Ellie's teeth are coming through, and we've gotta stay with her today." Pacifica rolled her beautiful eyes. "Oh, be quiet! Off you go, I'll stay with Ellie." Dipper beamed and kissed his wife. "I'll hurry back! Love you!" Pacifica laughed and went back inside. Dipper followed you and Teddy down the road to his sister's house.

You came up to Mabel's house, a quirky display that hit the eye like a firework. The walls were painted a cheery yellow, and were covered with chalk drawings. Brightly coloured and well cared for flowers dotted the yard, and two fat ginger cats lounged in the sun. Mabel's house was a beautiful thing, despite being completely unorthadox. You walked up the winding pathway and knocked on the front door. 8 year-old Mason opened it, closely followed by his twin brother Connor (man, twins really run in the pines family, hey?). Mason gave you a big front-teeth-missing smile. "Hello auntie (y/n), do you want to see mum?" Connor lightly punched his brother's shoulder. "Of course they do, you big son of a Saint Mary! Come on guys, she's in the kitchen!" The twins run down the hallway, and the four of you, Dipper, Teddy and Claire follow them.

Back home you sit on your counch in the living room, thinking, while Claire and Teddy amused themselves upstairs. You're thinking about the man you havent thought of in so may years, but who your daughter inadvertently brought to you're attention while waiting for Teddy to get home from work. You hadn't thought about him for 18 years at least. You were trying to fight it, but you didn't know how. You failed. Everything concerning your husband and child was pushed out of your mind by a blind white force of regret and sorrow. You wanted him back, now, and- Then it stopped, as soon as it started. You clamped your hands over your ears. You are married! 20 years ago you let me lead you, and you can't give up on me now! He's gone by your hand, and it's about time you let go.

You breathe in and out, and put your hands over your eyes. You feel a soft hand on your shoulder, and assume it is Claire's. A flutter of panic spikes throguh your stomache. You don't like her seeing you like this. You open your eyes, expecting to see you daughter. But it's not her.

It's not her at all.

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