Part 10

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You had found it. The rift in space-time that could bring your Nightmare out of Wonderland and into the real world. It was a swirling mess encaptulated in a glass dome, oddly like a snow-globe, and it was warm to the touch. If it weren't for the 'Cipher File' you found in Sixer's basemant, you would have been back in the cave with the rift, ready to smash it. Your Nightmare told you of a protection around the Mystery Shack that would make the rift disapate if it was broken while inside. But you were still down there. You were waiting for Sixer to wake up, so you could interogate him on the 'Cipher File' that so confused you.

Sixer stirred. You sat down in front of him on the bench, and put down the rift beside you. Sixer picks his head up off his shoulder, and his eyes focus on you. You pick up the file and show it to him. "Tell me Sixer, what does this mean, why are there pictures of my Nightmare in here?" Sixer's eyes widen, and he bites his tongue. He seemed almost to be making a decision. "Why don't you ask him yourself? Do you think he will lie to you?" You flich at this accusation, and drop the file to the ground, so it's contents scatter across the floor. "Listen closely, once I get this rift back in the forest and smash it, my Nightmare will be free to leave Wonderland and join me in the physical world, so you may as well tell me now." Sixer put his head down. "Please, don't do this, you have no idea what he is. If you set him free, he will bring around the end of the world! You are just a pawn in his plans!" You laugh. "Tell me Sixer, what had the world ever done for me?"

You feel the anger at this man build up. You wanted to hit something. How dare he question the relationship between you and your Nightmare, and at your mercy! You shake. And stop. You walk slowly, looking over Sixer's shoulder, you hear his sharp intake of breath behind you. You pick up a sheet of paper on the floor. A large, neatly drawn title read Gravity Falls Natural Law of Weirdness Magnetism. Below was a complicated equation and yet another drawing of your Nightmare. You walk back to Sixer, and slowly, deliberately pocket it, along with the rift. "This should come in handy." Sixer says nothing.

You punch Sixer with all your might, and the chair tips, falls, hits the ground with a sickening thud. Sixer's head hits the floor, and he lies limp. "Shit" You say, leaning down and putting your hand at his mouth. You feel breath, and wipe imaginary sweat off your forehead. You leave the basement in shambles, Sixer on the floor and the rift in your pocket. You would ask your Nightmare about the file, but for now you had more important things to discuss with him.

You left the Mystery Shack without any problems, and quickly made your way back to the cave. You take the rift from beneath you jacket and breathe in and out slowly. "This is it (y/n), in just a few minutes he'll be here, with you. No-one and nothing will ever come between you." A small voice in the back of your head, asleep for the long weeks under the drugs, awakened, with a new edge to it. Don't do this. It's wrong. A Nightmare has no place in this world, and your about to set one free? How much are you willing to give for this phantom? Do you have the right to give the lives of all humanity, just so that he might hold your hand, in a world of pigment? You start to panic. Another voice, deep and commanding, spoke in your head, shouting over the other one's poetry. HE IS YOURS!! YOU DESERVE HIM AFTER WHAT THEY DID! DO IT! NOW! With a grunt, you throw the rift at the ground with your utmost strength, where it shatters, and the 'contents' puddle on the ground.

The hair on the back of your neck stands up, and you back into a tree. A beam of incredibly bright light shines out, and you shelid your eyes from the glare. You see a multicoloured tear form in the sky, strange sounds and smells seemed to be coming from it. You had been in a world of black and white for a long time, and a thing of so many colours bedazzled you speechless.

And then he came.

Heya! I'm back baby! My computer literally just arrived back from Singapore and I wanted to get back to you as soon as posible, so the chapter is really short. I look forward to writing much, much more very soon, but until then, Bye Bye!


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