Part 15

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Three sets of glowing blue chains ensnared the wrists of the pines family, chaining them to the wall under their assigned plaques. Your Nightmare sighed contentedly and slides down the wall to rest. You walk over and sit down next to him. He kisses you on the cheek, entwines his fingers with yours, and lays his head in your lap, his golden hair spilling all over the place. You smile lovingly at the adoring look on his face and start to stroke his unruly locks back into place with one hand. You wished this moment could last forever, just you and him in the semi-darkness, fearlessly in the most dependant, beautiful kind of love. But then the pines family began to stir.

PineTree, MysteryMan and Sixer were starting to wake up. They shook the sleep from their eyes, and look blearily around the room. PineTree saw ShootingStar first, crooked against the wall, with legs drawn up to her chest. MysteryMan saw the chains that held him and his family first, with no discernable locks or hinges. And Sixer saw you and your Nightmare first, grinning like maniacs. He checked that all his family were safe, and went to walk forward, but slipped when the chains pulled tight. He fell on his knees, and your Nightmare got up, pulling you behind him. He came up in front of Sixer, who's eyes traveled up his human form to his face. "Long time no see, Stanford Pines."

He kicked Sixer in the stomach, who flew backward and smashed into the wall. He looked at you, and you saw not hatred, or anger, but concern. You held up a hand to your face, what was he staring at? Your Nightmare clicked his fingers, and ShootingStar woke up with a start, tears in her eyes. "Oh, Dipper! Where are you?!" She shut her eyes and wiped them, covering her face with her hands. Dipper scrambled along the ground on all fours. He embraced his sister, and she hiccuped in surprise. "It's alright Mabel, I'm here (This is not Pinecest), we're all here, your safe." Your Nightmare scoffed. "I assure you, PineTree, you are far from safe, but I certainly won't be coming down here for a while now that you're all in your proper place. Come, my love, we have no buisness here any longer." You walk with your Nightmare out of the room, but you stop at the doorway. You peer back into the room, where the family was huddled together, whispering words of comfort to each other.

You turn back to your Nightmare. "Can I talk to them, alone, for a while?" Your Nightmare squeezed your hand and kissed both of your cheeks. "Of course my love, I'll be in the penthouse when you're finished. You smile and put a finger to his lips. He closes his eyes, turns, and slowly walks back up the hallway of doors. You watch him out of sight, then crept back into the room. You sat down opposite the pines family, huddled together against the wall. For several minutes you sit just like that, in silence, staring and wondering what the other was thinking. After a while you broke the silence. "Do you have, a...a story, that could tell me...explain to me how you know my Nightmare? Anything you have to share?" Pinetree opened his mouth angrily, but Sixer shushed him. Sixer broke away from the rest of the family and came closer to you. He said carefully "Yes, but are you sure you want to know?"

You put your hands together into a mess of fingers and place it under your chin, resting your spinning head. You wanted answers so badly, but did you trust these people, no! They tried to kill him, what where you doing asking them for help?! Not help, just information, not asking, interogating. Just for this once, do what you need to do for what you deserve to know. You were startled to hear the voice in your head again, you hadn't recognised it so loud. Oh, it's you, why should I listen to you? You told me not to smash the rift, but I did, and look at me now! I'm one of the most powerful people in the whole Multiverse! You shake your head. I'm going insane. Just like him, I've finally cracked. "Yes, I'm sure. Whatever it is, you can't stop me loving him." Sixer looked at you sadly, as though you were making some terrible mistake, but didn't rebut. "Very well, but just know before I start, I was in a similar situation with Bill, long ago, he was my best friend, and then someone told me what he really wanted, and I've never trusted him since." You nod, and brace yourself for the truth, the whole naked truth, that might burn you.

Wiggity Wiggity what's up dudebros!

Sorry, had to get that one off my chest, but anyway! I'm so happy to have my computer back and I am loving writing this, I hope you like it and stay awesome!

Love from


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