Chapter 3: "You're the new one, right?"

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Chapter 3: "You're the new one, right?"

The last bell rang and I walked out of the classroom to the locker we had been assigned at lunchtime. I saved my books and took out some others I needed for tomorrow's homework.

Shit. My biology notebook.

I snorted and rolled my eyes. How can you be so stupid Kels? Do you practice?

"Wow, how was your physics?" I turned my gaze to the right and saw Tris smiling, holding a pair of books in his arms and his bag hanging from his shoulder.

"Amazingly horrible," I said with a smile. And you in chemistry?

"Fine," he said with a smile.

"And I suppose it is not because we are separated in those classes, because that would really hurt me very much." She smiled again.

-Do not. Jake was in that class. "I closed my locker and smiled at him with my books in my arms.

"First day and breaking hearts?" She laughed loudly.

"He invited me to sit next to him and we talked the whole class. The teacher caught our attention from how distracted we were at each other. "He had a stupid smile on his face and I could not help but smile at how happy he was.

-And what happened? Why do I imagine, too, that you're not so happy about that? "His smile grew even larger, if that was possible.

"He invited me to go to school next to him, you know, talk a little more and tell me how things are here and what the teachers are like and all that ..." He waved his hand. It does not bother you, does it? He looked at me intently.

"Are you asking me if it bothers me that a really nice boy invited my best friend to meet the school on the first day of school?" I smiled and she did the same. It's okay to hate walking, but a couple of blocks alone are not bad.

"Are you sure you do not want me to say no and go with you?" I frowned. And maybe you can come with us.

"You are completely and utterly mad, Tris, go." He must be looking for you. "She smiled. I'm going to go through the biology notebook and see each other at home-we both smile. And when you get home I want to hear every detail of everything that happened. "Tris hugged me tightly, thanked me, and ran down the hall.

I looked around: the corridors were empty. I took my books firmly in my arms, sighed, and started walking toward the biology classroom.

The noise of my sneakers against the floor deconcentrated me and after a couple of minutes searching for the damn Biology room, I realized that maybe, and just maybe, I was a bit lost. I turned left in one of the corridors that seemed to have no end and I saw, in the distance, shadows of people.

Maybe they'll tell me where the Biology room is.

Walking steadily and not letting them intimidate me, I kept walking down the hall. They were boys.

Perfect, high school kids with fussy hormones. Perfect.

I moved a little closer to them and stood about two feet away. I gathered courage by breathing in and squeezed more of my books. I was not about to speak when their eyes fixed on me.

Holy shit.

I became completely and totally nervous. Let's dismiss the theory this morning that the boys in this school are ugly. Let's discard it at this precise moment.

They were four boys, who seemed to be of the same age. There was no time to describe her beauty, she did not reach the damn time. And it all got worse when two of them smiled.

Come on Kels, say something. You look retarded.

"I ... I ... I do not want to interrupt ... just ..." Now you do seem retarded Kels, you stammer. I took another deep breath and looked at my feet. I could not speak if I knew they were looking at me, even though I knew. I was looking for the biology classroom, and I think I got lost. "I let out a breath from the breathing I was holding and swallowed. I looked up and saw more of them coming towards me.

His hair was long and brown, with perfect curls falling on his forehead. His eyes were bright and green, very, very green. Of an intense color. I was practically hypnotized by watching them. He stood in front of me and I could turn my gaze to his perfect white smile.

Oh God. The boys in this town are going to kill me.

"You're the new one, right?" -I said nothing. My mouth was open and I can swear to God that I looked like a retarded woman with mental problems. He was breathing like an idiot, and it sucks, but he was sweating like a pig.

Why the fuck was she so nervous? God.

Swallowing saliva and he noticed it as he directed his gaze to my neck.

"Connor, it's the new one," the other boy who was smiling at me too, but he went behind my back. I squeezed my books harder against my chest and turned to see them back there.

The other boy, apparently named Connor, had blue eyes, just as intense as the boy in front of them, but they looked like they came from the ocean. Blues like the ocean and I swear to God I was not exaggerating. Her hair was dark brown and she had an extremely white smile. He looked me up and down, inspecting me meticulously as if he were a new species of human being. I turned to the front to look at the green-eyed boy and "Connor" armchair behind me.

"Chad, I told you the rumors were true." You owe me fifty, brother. "Chad looked over my shoulder at the supposed Connor, and his smile grew larger.

"I do not need you to tell me so I can figure it out." I swallowed again and felt their eyes on my neck.

Come on Kels, you have to get out of here.

-All stupid enough, stop bothering-I looked over the shoulder of the alleged Chad to a boy with dark brown eyes and hair, I would encourage him to say, blond as gold. He was tall. Well, not one of them four was not, but he was definitely the tallest.

"Do not be spoiled Alex, we're just talking to the girl." I could feel the smile behind the boy behind me. I swallowed again, while, again, their gaze drifted to my neck. I took another breath and let it go.

-I think I'd better go ... I can go to the classroom tomorrow ... - surprised that I did not stutter, I put a fake half smile on my lips and I turned around. I was going to walk by the boy's side with blue eyes, but he got in my way, took my arms and prevented me from surrounding him.

"Let's go, lovely, we just want to talk to you." She smiled and I took my arms from her hands, throwing my books to the floor. He has an attitude, I like it. "I bent down to pick them up while I tried not to look up so as not to distract me.

Quick Kels, get out of here.

"It's serious guys, they're scaring her, leave her alone." I heard the supposed Alex talk and inwardly told myself that I was the one that was best. I stood up with my books again in my arms and tight to my chest. I was surprised to feel a cold touch on my waist, I blushed and looked to my right. Connor, the blue-eyed boy, had taken me by the waist.

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