chapter 20: -i can explain everything to you-

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Chapter 20: «-I can explain everything to you ...»

  "Damn ..." I put a hand to my cheek and sighed.

  With a branch. And I was sure that this time I had bled. I felt the burning on my cheek and the liquid on my fingers. It was not much blood, but shit that hurt.

  Everything was so damn dark, I could barely see what was in front of me, where I was walking, when a tree was approaching, or if there was some kind of snake prowling near my foot.

  "Damn you Kelsey." I cursed again, and why not out loud? I had been walking for ten minutes and I had not heard that damn scream again. And to begin with, I already wanted the person who shouted to be dead, because most likely I was lost for going on your stupid rescue. So if she or he was not dead or dead, I personally would be in charge of kicking her ass so hard that she could not sit on a chair for long, more than she imagined. Although the voice had sounded like a man to me ... But who knows? Maybe a transvestite ... I do not know.

  I did not know how to get back. I did not know where to go. I did not know what had happened. I did not know where Key was. I did not know where Aaron was. I did not know anything.

  He was still a little afraid of what had happened before at the party. And make it clear that the words "a little" were relative, because I was, literally, trembling with fear. The thoughts of all those people running, the way Key reacted and being alone in the middle of the forest walking lost without knowing where to go when minutes before you heard someone shout for help, they were not a good combination.

  And he thought that if he still made no noise, whoever he was could never know that he was looking for him. So shout it out.


  Yes, you could not have thought of saying anything better. Because if there was a murderer out there, he would probably say, "Present and ready to kill you." Well thought out Kels.


  Oh, thank God, I was beginning to think I had imagined it.

  -I'M HERE. Tell me where you are - My feet went faster through the woods in an attempt to follow the voice and help her.

  -HELP! "She was a man, now she was sure. Being closer and closer made my thoughts clear. He would arrive, find him, help him with the shit he was in, then he would know where the parking lot was (because he would know it. In spite of everything he had to be a bit damn positive), we would go there, Key would appear and Then Jake, and we were going home and all this shit was going to end.


  Damn, I understand that you need help, wait a moment for the love of God.

  I jumped a log that was in my way and I passed behind a tree. A clearing, without a single tree, of those used in the camps, round as a circle, was in front of me.

  -HELP! "I came from there, I was sure. I turned at my feet trying to locate someone with my eyes. Although now it was much clearer to see, because the trees covered the moonlight, everything was bathed in a beautiful white dawn. If it had been another time, I would have appreciated it properly. But despite the dim light the moon emitted, it was still too dark for my eyes, so I only saw shadows instead of trees.


Come on Kelsey, the boy should not be able to see you either, make a damn effort.

  -I'M HERE! I CAN NOT SEE YOU! I made my way to the edge of the clearing where there were a few trees, and then the forest began again. I did not know if it was the north, the south, the east or the west, but I had to find him to get out of here once and for all.

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