Chapter 6: "I only know that they are dangerous."

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Alex ☝☝☝😍

Chapter 6: "I only know that they are dangerous. »

  The first week of school had passed like the wind, and I had sincerely been grateful that I had not crossed again with any of the Lawrence brothers. It was Friday, and I was fucking happy, because I could finally have a break from school and do productive things over the weekend, like reading a book, sleeping, listening to music, sleeping, and sleeping a little more. While Tris and I ate breakfast, she told me to do it fast before her precious Jake came to pick us up.

  Yes, he had already taken his car out of the shop and offered Tris a ride and we brought him back from school. The chances are that today I invited her out, although I'm sure she had not imagined it a bit, because if not, I would be completely and totally anxious and would suffer an anxiety attack while I asked a thousand times how his makeup was and Changed her dress a million times more, to finish deciding for the first one that had been tried.

  Yes, that was Tris.

  The doorbell rang and she looked at her cell phone's watch, grabbed her purse and started pushing me in the back to hurry up.

  Shit, I was going to choke on the cereal.

  "Quick Kels, I do not want him to stay waiting outside," he said as he pushed me back. I took the bowl of cereal and put it all in my mouth, regretting it instantly.

  I started to talk to her, but clearly she was not working because she had a smile on her face.

  I rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse as I tried to chew everything in my mouth. I took Tris by the wrist and we went down the stairs, because according to her there was no time to wait for the elevator.

  Tris opened the door to the main building and walked quickly to kiss Jake's cheek and salute him.

  I, on the other hand, needed an oxygen tube.

  I put my hands on my knees as I tried to breathe and chew the cereal at the same time.

  Which I clearly do not recommend, because I started to cough like an idiot and really came to think that I would die for the cereal.

  It must be the worst death in the world.

  -Ehmm ... Tris? I think your sister is giving her an attack. "Jake looked at me and I thanked him with his eyes as he coughed and touched my throat. Tris turned to look at me and then smiled at Jake.

  "Okay, it's just an exaggeration.


  I stood up straight and began to roll my fist into the air as I began to chew the cereal back into my mouth. Jake and Tris laughed as they looked at me.

  "I told you, Kels' anger overcomes any other feelings he has at the moment." He grinned back at Jake and I swallowed my cereal rolling his eyes.

  "Anyway," I said for the first time, "hi Jake, thank you for taking us, it's very nice of you to want to conquer Tris and not forget you have a sister who hates walking." I smiled as they both turned red.

What were four-year-olds?

  Without saying anything, we got into the car, not before Jake opened the doors for me and Tris.

  That's a point for Jake, what kind of cute guy opens the door for you in the 21st century?

  "Tell me something about you guys." Jake spoke looking through the rearview mirror at me and shifting his eyes a little from the streets to see Tris, who was in the passenger seat.

-Something like that? Tris tensed a little in his seat.

-I do not know; Where they grew up, how it was their childhood, why they came to Oak Minds ... "She spoke the typical questions to cut the awkward silence.

"Well ..." I started, because I knew Tris was not going to answer. We grew up in our California home with our parents ...


"Our childhood was normal, but I've always been Mom's and Dad's favorite.


"And we came to Oak Minds because Mom and Dad were tired of the city and all those things that stressed them, plus the new company they worked on decided they were too good to stay there and moved them to another building Same company, which was much closer to this town than to California.

And lie, again.

I do not understand why Tris had made me learn all this by heart, if she could not even tell.

Though she was sure Jake really liked it, and he did not want to lie to her.

- What is the name of the company where they work? Jake asked.

You could not get a boyfriend anymore, right Tris?

"Um ... it's about numbers and stuff ..." I said, avoiding the rearview mirror, because I knew he was looking at me. Nothing interesting, to be honest.

-And you? How was your childhood? Tris said to change the subject.

"The usual, I suppose ..." Jake shrugged. My parents grew up in this town and met in my father's shop: my mother had just left the

Institute and went to buy some milk -rio a little. They fell in love, got married and had me, and eventually my three brothers, Key who is sixteen,

Marco and Paul, who are fourteen, are twins, "she said," and the little girl in the family, Carly. "She smiled at his name. Tris looked at him with a smile.

"I did not know you had any brothers ..." Jake looked away again for a second, smiling back.

"Yes, the boys are all unbearable, just like any teenager, and Carly only has eight, she's our little one." Tris smiled back at him and I knew what it was.


"Surely he will be a great father to our children, Jack and Dinna, he will feed our dog Finn every morning and then we will play table games as a family."

I laughed to myself and looked out the window.

Probably the drive to school by car was longer than walking.

"Hey Jake ..." He looked me through the rearview mirror, and I shrugged, knowing he would not say anything, and needed the opinion of a school man who knew who they were. What do you know about the Lawrence brothers? Tris raised his eyebrows at my question and I saw Jake tense his hands on the steering wheel and stiffened on the seat.

Well ... This was new.

"The only thing I know about them is that they're dangerous. I do not recommend that you approach them at all. And I'm serious. "His voice was firm and did not have a drop of humor.

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