Chapter 17: "I'm In Love"

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Chapter 17: "I'm In Love"

  The bike stopped at a cafe that I did not even know existed in this town. He did not know what to do, so just wait for Key to get off the bike.

  It was obvious that if I became the professional in all this, it would most likely break one of these tubes or the belt that I did not know what it was for.

  Key got off and removed his helmet along with the glasses he was wearing. He looked at me and smiled.

  Stop hyperventilating stupid Kelsey, he's just a kid with teeth for the love of all that's holy.

  His hands went to my legs.

  Hey, hey. What was happening?

  "Get this leg over here ..." He took my ankle and slid it to the side of the bike.

  Great, she looked like an idiot invalid.

  His hands came up to my head freeing me from the helmet. He began to laugh.

  -What? That I have? "I did not move my hands to my face, but I would have done it but for the terror I had of falling from this thing.

  "You're red-" "I do not know why, but I was sure it looked like a big tomato now. And your hair ... Let me fit it. "His fingers began to caress my hair and I stood stagnant at his gesture.

  I'm Clifford. I'm Clifford the big damn red dog.

  His eyes locked on mine. I had a beautiful smile and I was just with

Stupid face, the usual.

  -Ready. We enter? I nodded and he helped me off the bike carefully. He left his helmets above it and took away his keys. It did not make him secure or anything like that.

  It is incredible the confidence that this boy has with the people of the town. If I passed by here and found a bike without insurance I would take it with all pleasure. Of course, if I knew how to take it, of course.

  He opened the coffee door for me and immediately a rich smell of coffee hit me.

  Ok, I did not like the coffee but the smell was so exquisite that I was willing to try it.

  "Find a table, I'll talk to the owner for a minute." I nodded again and sat down at the first empty table I found.

  For a town cafe, it was pretty crowded. There was ambient music as everywhere, the walls were a nice yellowish reddish orange (if that color existed) and the tables were dark wood, as were the chairs. At the counter there were a few waitresses and servers getting Orders and going from there to there with trays. I saw Key behind the counter bar talking to an old man with an Italian mustache.

  I wanted to laugh, but it would not be fair. I also grew Italian mustache sometimes.

  "Excuse me, are you expecting anyone?" I turned around recovering from the stupid remark I had made in my mind.

  "No, umm ... he's already here.

  -Is in the bathroom? Do you want to order for him? "She was a very pretty blonde with brown eyes with the apron of waitress who had all the others

That they were attending.

"No, he's there, he's coming." I pointed with my index finger toward Key. She turned to where she was pointing and opened her eyes.

  -Can not be. Are you coming with Key? "I did not know if it was right or wrong, but I nodded. WHAT AFFECTS! "God, what a shrill voice this girl had.

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