Our Never Forever ( a BajanCanadian fanfic)

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A/N: Hey doods! This is my new book! I know I said it would come out after "The Blackhole In Our Universe (a MinecraftUniverse fanfic)", but I couldn't help myself! It's so good so far! The first chapter is coming out tonight!!!

I hope you guys will like as much as I do! I am only posting the first chapter though because it's the introduction.

It shows you what she goes through everyday pretty much. I made the character up myself too! She is awesome! To anyone's name who is Casper than I am sorry...

She thinks really negatively of herself at many points. She self harms, and... I don't wanna give anything else away! Sorry... I am so excited for this book! I hope you guys are to! Luv yal! See all you shining crystals laterz!X3

Our Never Forever ((A BajanCanadian FF))Where stories live. Discover now