Chapter 4: New Nerdy Friend!

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A/N: HEY DOODS! I decided I should write a longer chapter than usual. Also this one is for a friend! She helped me before I even knew the title! She helped me since the beginning of my first book (actually maybe by chapter 10 of it, but close enough!)! I hope you crystals enjoy this! Luv yal! See all you shining crystals laterz!


Chapter 4: New Nerdy Friend!


Casper's POV

I ran into Bodil's house and did my happy dance. I then felt someone staring at me and looked up. I saw Bodil watching me like I had gone insane. He slowly started walking towards me and said "Casper... Are you ok?" I ran over to him and hugged him. He seemed really confused and very scared, but he still hugged me back. "Ok! Casper what's going on here!? You are really freaking me out! So spill!" Bodil said as he pushed me off him and stared at me sternly. I sighed and took a deep breath then said "So... SOMEONEWANTEDTOSPEAKTOMEAFTERSCHOOL!IDIDN'TKNOWWHOITWASSOISAIDOKTHENAFTERSCHOOLIFOUNDOUTITWASADAMTHENINOTICEDTYWASALSOWITHHIM!THEYBOTHAPOLOGIZEDFORNOTSPEAKINGUPEARLIERANDIFORGAVETHEM!THEYSAIDTHEYWENTAGAINSTTHEOTHERSTOTALKTOMEANDTHATTHEYWANTTOPROTECTME!ISAISIWASGOINGTOYOUTUBERUNIVERSITYBECAUAETHEYWEREWONDERING!SOTHAT'SWHYIMSOHAPPY!"

I looked at Bodil and noticed he looked like he had become dizzy. I walked to the couch with him and sat him down then I sat down next to him. "Would you like me to say it slower?" I asked softly. He nodded his head. I took another deep breathe then said "So... Someone wanted to speak to me after school. I didn't know who it was so I said ok. Then after school I found out it was Adam, then I noticed Ty was also with him. They both apologized for not speaking up earlier and I forgave them. They said they went against the others to talk to me and that they wanted to protect me. I said I was going to YouTuber University because they were wondering. So that's why I'm so happy!"

Bodil was shocked I could tell he was speechless. "Um... Bodil are you alright?" I asked him as I waved my hand in front of his face. He just nodded his head to signify he was alright. I let out a sigh of relief. After about five minutes of sitting in silence Bodil said "I can't believe that they actually apologized to you!" I smiled and said "I know that was the last thing oil was expecting!" We talked about it the entire night then went to bed. 'I can't wait to go to YouTuber University!' I thought to myself as I fell asleep.


As both Bodil and I walked into the humongous building my attention is directed towards a girl who looks about my age. She runs off around the corner though before I could actually see her face. I walked up to the desk and the lady said "Name and username please..." I could tell she didn't want to be here right now. "Casper Jewel Aceti, and CasperTFMCgamer..." I trailed off. The lady started looking at her list and not to long after she grabbed a key and held it up. "Gamer girl form number 427. Your dorm is on the top floor to the left and it's the last room in the hallway." I grabbed the key and noticed my suitcases were gone.

"Um... Where are my bags?" I asked the lady as I pointed to where they were before. "Oh! They took it up already! So you may go and explore!" The lady said in a very fake cheerful voice. "Ok! Thanks!" I said as I turned around. I noticed Bodil had vanished. 'He must of gone to explore.' I thought to myself. I then received a new text message. I looked at my phone in pure shock.

From: unknown number

If you ever want to see Bodil again come to dorm 311 on the second floor.

I immediately put my phone in my hoodie pocket. I sprinted to the elevator. I kept jamming the up button impatiently until the doors opened. I got in and pressed number two then stepped in front of the doors and waited for them to open. As soon as they opened I got out and I bolted. I didn't actually know where I was going so I stopped and looked at the nearest dorm number. "270... Great I'm going the wrong way!" I mumbled to myself as I turned around and started running in the opposite direction. After what seemed like hours of running I was at the end of a hall of course it said right on the door '311'. The door was slightly open already so I just walked in and closed the door quietly behind me. I was surprised by what I was seeing.

"Bodil... WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?" I screamed at him. He was perfectly fine! He must've erased his contact on my phone when I asked him to hold it for me. There was also another boy with him... This boy was skinny and tall, about 5"11 or 6"0! Well at least tall compared to me I am only 5"7. He had brown eyes and short brown hair. He was wearing a plain purple t-shirt and a pair of gray jeans. "I'm sorry! I thought it was the only way you would come over here! I wanted to introduce you to my roommate or friend Jimmy!" Bodil said while he laughed. I knew he wasn't really sorry, but I just ignored his giggling fit and turned my attention towards Jimmy. "Hi! I'd rather you call me Seto though! You are the CasperTFMCgamer right?" Seto asked as he smiled at me. "Um... Ya! You can call me Casper though! It's very nice to meet you... Seto." I said while flashing him a sweet smile back.

Bodil finally recovered from his giggling fit and said "What about your roommate Casp?" I froze and realized that my roommate might have arrived while I was gone. "Um... I have to go... Bye! Also... STOP BEING IDIOTS WHILE IM GONE!" I screamed at them as I ran back to the elevator.


I grabbed my lanyard that I put my key on and fidgeted with it until I had it in the lock. I turned it and opened the door. I closed and locked it behind me. I noticed that there was new luggage in the room, but no one jumped me... I looked around in each room since it was like a mini apartment in a way. Then when I was least expecting it she jumped me. "HI ROOMY!" She screamed. I feel to the ground and said "HOLY SHIT DOOD!" She laughed and helped me up again. "Sorry dood! Didn't mean to scare you that badly..." She said as she rubbed the back of her neck because she was embarrassed.

She was really pretty. She was a little but taller than me maybe about 5"8 or 5"9. She had shoulder length hair with purple tips, and the most amazing hazel colored eyes I have ever seen. She was wearing jeans, and a purple t-shirt like the one Seto was wearing, but it said "The4EvaNerd Loves Her Nerds!<3" on the front of it. "Hey let me introduce myself! My name is Chloe! I'm also known as The4EvaNerd! That's my YouTuber name!" Chloe said happily. I laughed at how happy she was then said "I'm Casper or I'm also known as CasperTFMCgamer it's nice to meet you Chloe!"

She smiled then hugged me. I was very confused so I asked her "What is this for!?" She backed up and said "I just have that feeling we are going to be besties!" I laughed at what she said and said "Ya know what I have a feeling this friendship is going to blossom quiet rapidly!" She danced around as she screamed happily "I FINALLY HAVE A FWEND!" I couldn't stop laughing until there was a knock on the door. "I'll go get it!" She said as she ran off to get it.

I waited for a minute or so then she came back and said "It's for you..." I got scared, but got up and went to the door. When I opened it I was filled with shock by what I was seeing. There in front of me was the last person I wanted to see right now holding flowers and... My photo album from before high school... The photo album of... My brother, Jerome and I...


A/N: wow that was longer than I expected... Oh well! I hope you guys enjoyed! Please shine in the comments! Tell me what you think of it and PM me if you have any ideas for new stories! I'm always open to them! Shine even brighter on that vote button! Luv yal! See all you shining crystals laterz!X3

Dedicated to @The4EvaNerd

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