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I woke up remembering tonight we had a gig at the local pub. The whole reason of coming here in the first place. Last night was a nightmare. So many memories turned into dreams last night. In one of the multiple dreams I dreamt last night, Jaycee killed herself in front of me.

I was singing on the stage at the pub, and spotted Jay, she was crying, I wanted to know why, but i couldn't just stop the concert. I kept my eyes on her the entire concert, but when I moved them away for one second, everything went down hill. I looked back at her to see her stick a price of broken glass into her own stomach, she did it continuously, I had screamed, making the whole room silent. She had disappeared, leaving me crying on stage with many people starring at me.

That's the dream I woke up to this morning. I was sweaty, and out of breath. I rubbed my eyes reminding myself it was a dream.

I looked sideways and saw the closed memory book, reminding me to take it back to Jay today. I took a shower, then headed to Jaycee's house. She opened the door this time.

"Morning," she welcomed. I walked inside, memory book in hand. "Morning," I say back. We stood there awkwardly not sure what to do. I looked down at my hands to find a memory book in them. "Oh yeah, here's the book," I handed it to her. "Yeah, thanks," she said back.

I decided to start up a conversation. "It's our last day in London. We have a gig tonight then we'll have to hit the road." I told her. She nodded, "I'm going tonight," she stated. My eyes went wide remembering the dream. "You alright?" she asked worriedly. I nodded. "Uh, meet me before the concert okay?" I asked her before rushing out the door. She looked confused.

/Jaycee's POV/

Uh that was weird. Did I do or say something that could've offended him? I went upstairs upset with myself. I was aggravated. I don't remember doing anything. I thought hard.

Nope. Nothing. Maybe he doesn't want me to go to the concert. But he told me to meet him before it, so he knows I'm coming. I'm probably just making a bigger deal out of this than it really is.

I went to the bathroom for a quick shower. I rapped a towel around my body and went to my bed room. I looked through my closet and decided to wear my black All-Star Converse skinny jeans and white high top converse. I also threw on a bastille shirt I'd ordered a while back. I fixed my hair and looked in the mirror. I guess this is as good as I can do. I sighed.

Where I live, it's that time of year where you don't need jackets, but also you won't be hot. It's the nice temperature that sits between hot and cold. I decided to go to work early, I had a 3 hour shift at the café today, knowing that I'd need to get off early for the concert.

"Hey!" I smiled to Joey. He looked at me and frowned. "What's up?" I asked cautiously. "What happened the other day?" He asked. I stuttered trying to think of a reasonable answer. I found the perfect one.

"When I get really exited, I sometimes faint. You know those four guys that came in that day?" I asked him, noticing that he was believing me. He nodded. "They were the members of my favorite band, I saw them through they're disguises." I stated. He nodded. "Oh, alright! That makes since!" He smiled back to me.

"So, do you want to hang tonight?" he asked me nervously. I sighed. "I'm actually going to there concert tonight,". I gestured towards my bastille shirt. He nodded understanding. "Hey, how 'bout tomorrow?" I asked. He smiled, "sounds great, ill ring you with the details." I nodded.

I waitressed at at least 40 tables in those 3 long hours. Fridays were usually when the café was busiest. Many people from the school would come for lunch. I left after my shift ended and went home to relax a little before leaving to the train station. Many people were on the train that night, I had a feeling that this would be a sold out concert.

Do You Remember (Bastille/Dan Smith)Where stories live. Discover now