Nervous for a first

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It was 4:30 and I was really nervous for some reason. I usually don't get nervous when hanging out with a girl, I do it all the time. But Jaycee seems different. I don't know whether its a good or bad different though.

Last night she entered my dream, I think it was us in the past. We were in her backyard, laying in a hammock together. Her mum came out, giving us lemonade and biscuits. She sat with us for a while, it was really peaceful. After her mum left us alone again, she bent in to kiss me, I hadn't kissed a girl yet, so I rolled over falling off the hammock. I think she was embarrassed because her cheeks were red. She told me to forget what had just happened and that she was just playing to see my reaction. I acted as if I'd believed her, but on the inside, I know she wanted to kiss me, I somehow regretted moving away to see whether she would kiss me or not. To see whether or not I'd kiss back.

When I awoke this morning, I remembered the memory better, more in depth. I would need to remember to ask her about it. The more I think about her, the more I remember her. After a while maybe I will remember everything.

After I woke, Kyle was sitting up in his bed, laptop on his lap. He began asking me questions about her, how I knew her, and how I had forgotten one of the closest people in my life. I told him I didn't know, I told him, 'I don't think I'll ever know'.

I showered quickly blow drying my hair and rubbing my fingers through it. It's natural puff kept it up. I wore my 'To Kill A King' shirt, grey skinnys, and white converse a fan had designed for me.

I told the boys I'd be gone for a while, they told me they'd be at the local club to have a good night out.

I drove the car down to where she lived, in a burgundy colored house. I knocked on the door to hear, "come in," from the inside.

I stepped through the door to see a staircase I had remembered well, a hallway I remember running through as a kid, I even saw a picture on the wall. A picture of me and Jaycee. We were sitting on the couch laughing. She was holding a book I her hand, a big book which looked as if it were a memory book. I started looking around the foyer room for a book, but was interrupted by a woman. "Oh, hello Dan! Your taking Jay out right?" Mrs Cunningham assumed. I nodded, "Yeah, I was hoping she could tell me about us." I stated. I ran my hand through my hair.

"Jay come down, he's here!" Mrs Cunningham yelled up the stairway. I heard footsteps before we saw Jaycee rush down the stairs.

She was wearing a loose black London University shirt, with dark blue jeans and black high-top converse. Her brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail to wear you could see her black stud earrings. She looked pretty.

She was very petite. I was 6'1 and she looked to be 5'4. She smiled at me and I smiled back. "Ready to go?" I asked her. "Yep." She nodded.

We went to the car and hopped in. "So, I was wondering, how old are you. My mum said you were a year below me, so I'm guessing your 26." She nodded, "yeah." Wow, this is awkward.

"If there's anything you want to know about me, just ask," I tell her. I had just pulled out of the driveway and was going to one of the more expensive restaurants.

"What were you like in college?" I thought about it before I answered. "I'm not proud of how I acted in college. I'm not going to be very specific, but I went to a lot of party's. I got with the wrong group of guys. I said things to girls that were unforgivable. If I could go back to college and delete everything that I did, I would." I said and she nodded.

"What about you?" I asked her. She looked away from me, "I didn't like college much. Most people say when you get to college you find your true self. It's suppose to be where you find the people that are truly your friends and will be your friends forever. That didn't really happen to me though. I didn't mind it, I wasn't worth there time. They were always laughing whilst walking round campus and I was always reading. So no one really wanted to talk to me, they thought I was too boring, and... I guess they heard about my past." She says.

I gave her a, 'are you crazy' look. "You weren't worth their time? No, they weren't worth yours. Your an awesome girl Jaycee, you just need some confidence." I say to her. "I am confident!" She stated. "I just rather not make a fool out of myself by trying to talk to someone, then they walk away from me, I'd rather them just talk to me first!" She concluded. I nodded.

"Yeah, I guess I see how you feel." I replied back. She smiled at me mischievously. "So, how many girlfriends have you had?" Dan frowned. Too many to count, id say.

"Not too many," I lied she nodded. "I haven't had any, to tell you the truth. Well Joey asked me out at the café the other day." Jaycee stated. "Well?" I asked. "I told him to ring me up," she laughed. I laughed too.

We pulled into the driveway of The Olive House. The rest if the way there, we had just talked a little bit about ourselves. My favorite color purple, hers green. My favorite animal, a weasel, hers a cat. Just small stuff like that.

The restaurant was fancy, with chandeliers hanging every 5 inches. Windows were tinted, and the lights were darkened. "Woah, this place is fancy!" she exclaimed. "You've lived here your whole life, have you not been here before?" I asked her. She shook her head, still looking around with joy in her eyes. I smiled at her, I was happy for her.

We sat down. "What would you like to drink?" A young waitress asked us. She winked at me, I ignored her presence. "Uh, I think I'll take a sweet tea." Jaycee answered. "Same," I said not taking my eyes off of her. She looked at me, "did you notice, we are the only ones in this restaurant not dressed up in fancy attire." I looked around, I quirked my eyebrow, "it's whatever," I stated jokingly.

The waitress came back with our drinks and asked us our orders. "I want the pretzel burger." Jaycee stated. "I'm sorry, that's a lunch special only." The lady acquired. "Oh, uh, can I just get ribs then?"

Wow, she's getting ribs on our date, not a good decision. Wait, did I just say date. Is this a date? Two people, a girl and a boy, eating out at a fancy restaurant together. "Excuse me?" The waitress asked, "what do you want to eat?" I must've zoned. "I'll have the ribs too!" I smiled at Jaycee. The waitress left to get our food.

"Hey Jaycee, I think I remember another memory of ours," I smirk. I'm about to bring up the dream, if you were wondering.

"Remember that time we were laying in the hammock together, drinking lemonade and biscuits with your mum?" I watched as she thought about it. Her face turned a little red, so I think she remembered. I continued, " then you leaned in to kiss me and I rolled away falling out of the hammock." I laughed a little. She was red as a tomato now. "I don't think I remember that," Jaycee lied turning away from me. "Oh really? Then why is your face so red?" I asked her. I leaned back in my chair about to comment again when the waitress and a man came to our table with our food.

"Oh hey! I know you right, we went to school together!" A boy said to me. He looked about my age but was unfamiliar to me. I decided to go along with it. "Ah yeah, hey..." I began. "Jeremy Anchor," he finished for me. "And your Daniel Smith. He added. I nodded not sure what to say.

"Who are you?" Jeremy asked Jaycee. "I'm Jaycee Cunningham. I went to school with you too." She stated in monotone. She had an evil glint in her eye. "Ah, yeah sorry, I don't really remember you." He said to her.

"We need to continue are dinner if you don't mind." I shooed him away. He nodded understandably. "I don't remember that guy to be honest." I laughed thinking it would help. She looked me in the eyes, "it seems you don't remember anyone from down here." She muttered quietly, but loud enough for me to barely hear. I looked down, that had actually hurt, but I don't blame her.

"I, I'm sorry." I stated. "I don't understand how I've forgotten you, there's like a wall over my memory box so they can't get out. I will never forgive my self." I say. "Just can you please tell me our greatest memories? Please?" I begged.

She nodded smiling.

Ive decided to update early again for the same reason, it's Christmas break and me being me, have nothing better to do. Thanks for reading and voting so far, I really appreciate it! 2 votes WOO-HOO, i know that's not very many but it makes me happy! :) vote and comment!

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