C h a p t e r 7 - Classroom Bonding, NOT!

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As I'm on my way to the academy the next day, I can't help but think of Naruto. Today we're going to be grouped into teams and assigned a different sensei. He's going to miss out. I really wish Naruto had passed, we could've been put on the same team. That possibility is now out of the question.

Still thinking of the whisker-faced blonde, I decided I'd go talk to him after class. Entering the building, I walk down the hall getting closer to the classroom. As I'm about to open the door I hear faint footsteps clattering against the ground. The sounds become louder as the footsteps seem to get closer.

Turning at the last minute, I see a flash of pink and blonde hair. Soon after I feel myself roughly make contact with the cold hard floor. Groaning from the harsh fall, I look up to see what happened.

"See, I made it first!" Ino yells

"You must be going blind, my foot stepped into the room before yours!" Sakura shouts back

"No way, I got here first and everyone knows it!!"

Apparently Ino and Sakura were racing each other to see who'd get to class first. It seems I just happened to be in their way. My eyebrow twitches in slight annoyance at their behavior. Getting up, I dust myself off as I watch the two girls bicker at each other.

'Geez, they could at least apologize.'

"You ok (Name)?" Naruto asks me

"Yeah I'm fine...wait NARUTO! What are you doing here?!"

I stare at him with wide eyes as he points to his forehead. The headband, he has it! A smile soon spreads across my face. Out of sheer happiness I launch myself forward and give him a big hug. Naruto hugs me back before he lets go.

"So how did it happen, I thought you failed the exam?" I ask curiously

"Ha ha, well technically... I did" Naruto states rubbing the back of his neck.

"Then how'd you get that?" I say pointing at the headband.

"Uh, it's a bit complicated."

"Well tell me I want to know," I say impatiently.

We sit down as Naruto begins to tell me how he received his headband. As he continues to explain everything I become more astonished. I honestly can't believe what I'm hearing. Mizuki sensei tricked Naruto and then almost killed him!? Thank goodness Iruka sensei was there. But what shocks me the most is the fact that Naruto has the kyuubi (nine tails) inside him. I had no idea.

'That's crazy, how could I not know?!'

A commotion interrupts our conversation and it turns out that all the girls (minus Hinata) were fighting over who should sit next to Sasuke...again.

'Why am I not surprised?' I think sarcastically

While the girls were making a fuss, Naruto goes over to Sasuke. He places himself on top of Sasuke's table, glaring at him face-to-face...literally! Naruto didn't need to get in his face but it seems neither of them care at the moment. They glare at one another as if their lives depend on it, but unfortunately a boy behind Naruto accidentally pushes him forward. Causing him to fall towards Sasuke and soon enough the entire class remains silent.

My mouth hangs open along with everyone else. No one can speak as we all stare at the image of Naruto's lips on Sasuke's. In a split second they both break away and begin to gag, trying to rid the taste of each other from their lips.

Frozen by the event that just took place, I honestly didn't know what to say. Some are laughing, while others (the girls) suddenly have the intent to kill Naruto for taking Sasuke's first kiss. Jumping in front of Naruto, I quickly defend him.

"Stop, it's not Naruto's fault it was just an accident." I say boldly

Seeing as the girls know they can't beat me, they reluctantly walk away.

"Thanks (Name)." Naruto says as he breathes a sigh of relief.

"Your welcome." I reply smacking his back.

Things in the classroom settle down and Iruka sensei finally walks in.

'How come he always gets here after problems in the classroom have been taken care of?!'

Its like he's never around when things happen. Pushing away my own thoughts, I take a seat next to Naruto. Iruka Sensei clears his throat before explaining what we'll be doing today.

"Ok class, all of you here have passed the exam. Meaning you are now genin. With that being said you will be split into teams and be assigned to a new sensei."


"As for the teams, they will be as followed-"


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