C h a p t e r 9 - More than Meets the Eye

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After waking up from my nap I (along with the rest of my team) find out that our sensei's name is Kakashi Hatake. I wish I could learn more about him, but his name is all he gave us when we introduced ourselves. Kakashi seems to be one big secret.

Firstly, he only gives us his name and he's now our sensei, but we don't know anything about him. Secondly, Kakashi's appearance doesn't help at all. His face is mostly covered, making him seem even more mysterious. Lately all I've been thinking about is why he wears a mask and what his face could actually look like. I should honestly stop thinking about it. He probably doesn't ever take it off, and if he does it wouldn't be in front of us that's for sure.

Shoving away my ridiculous and random thoughts, I listen to Kakashi sensei tell us about our survival training tomorrow. Turns out we're not officially genin yet. We have to pass another test and chances of failing are high. Once hearing that, a look of worry appears on our faces. I can even tell Sasuke looks concerned, but not Naruto. He simply decides to use the situation as motivation in order to pass. Naruto sure does know how to brighten up a mood.

With a new form of hope in the air, the atmosphere becomes lighter. Afterwards, everyone walks off in different directions...well, almost everyone. Sakura follows Sasuke while trying to strike up a conversation, which fails. Naruto on the other hand decides to follow me as I make my way to the training fields.

"What are you doing Naruto?"

"You're not the only one who trains (Name)." Naruto replies

"MmHm, you coming along wouldn't happen to mean you want to train with me, right?" I ask, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Well I never said that." He mumbles.

I giggle at his response as we make our way to the training fields. From there we help each other train until sundown. I lay on the ground panting, trying to catch my breath. I observe Naruto as he throws punches and kicks at the lifeless dummy in front of him. He may not notice, but I can see Naruto's gradually getting better.

'He'll be really strong one day.'

"I've had enough for today, I'm going to head home." I say grabbing his attention.

"Oh, ok." He quickly replies.

"You're not coming?"

"No, I'm going to stay a little longer."

"Well alright, I'll see you tomorrow then!"

"Bye (Name)!"

Saying another goodbye I turn around and walk the path that leads me home. About halfway there, I just so happen to notice a raven-haired Uchiha hiding behind a lamp post. Peering at him from a distance I spot a small look of nervousness on his face. One part of me wants to walk away and pretend I didn't see him. The other part of me is nicer and wants to see what's wrong with him. For some reason the nicer side won.

Moving towards him I finally ask "What are you doing?"

I obviously surprised him seeing how he sharply turns his head when hearing my voice.

"Why do you need to know?" Sasuke questions back.

"I don't actually, but I was just wondering so I asked."

"I'm hiding from Sakura. After you and Naruto left, Sakura's been following me around all day! She's being more annoying than usual, can't she take a hint?"

I place my hand over my mouth in an attempt to keep my laughs from coming out. This is too much, I honestly can't believe Sasuke went as far as to actually hide from her.

'Is it that bad!? I'd hate to admit it, but I feel a little bad for him.'

"Well if you've been hiding for as long as I think you have, then you're probably good. I'm sure even Sakura would've stopped looking for you by now." I say

Sasuke leaves his place of cover and stands beside me. A smile still lingers on my face as I see Sasuke looks uncomfortable while moving away from his place of safety.

"Don't worry, if Sakura comes back I'll protect you."

"As if I need protection." He states trying to sound tough.

"Yeah sure, says the person who was hiding behind a lamp post," I tease "I'm going home...you can walk with me if you want."

"Hmph, don't have anything better to do." Sasuke replies as we walk side by side.

Along the way we talk about random things, like what we think Kakashi might have us do tomorrow and so on. In truth I realized that Sasuke may not be as bad as I originally thought. Finally reaching my place of residency, I stop and say goodbye to Sasuke.

"See you later."

"See ya." He simply states before walking away.

With that I go inside and lay down, in hopes of receiving some much needed rest.

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