C h a p t e r 17 - Mystery Ninja Revealed

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The fog continues to blur my sight, now getting thicker than ever. Guarding Tazuna, I stand in front of him and prepare for an attack that might come my way. Though its hard to predict what's coming with this ridiculous mist. Closing my eyes, I try to sense Zabuza's chakra. I closely focus on my surroundings attempting to find something.

'I can do this, all my training must pay off.'

Finally sensing a trace of chakra, I'm able to locate it but something's wrong. There are two chakra signatures!

'Zabuza...he's not alone. Who else could it be?'

Suddenly, I sense Zabuza's chakra disappear...he's gone. Focusing harder, I notice his presence quickly reappears.

'Behind me!'

Snapping my eyes open, I swiftly turn around just in time to see Zabuza swing his sword at me. The sharp, steel blade rushes past my head as I duck, barely missing the attack. Readjusting the grip on my kunai, I launch myself at him, making a direct move.

Zabuza brushes me aside, and I bounce off him, creating some distance. Landing on my feet, I run towards him again while ignoring the constant shouts from my team and sensei. Throwing the kunai as a diversion, I ready my attack. As expected Zabuza easily deflects it with his giant weapon.

Leaping into the air, I quickly weave the signs for my wind style attack. But apparently I wasn't fast enough. Seemingly at the speed of light, Zabuza somehow manages to get behind me. With no time to react, I'm forced to take a brutal kick to my back.

I hit the ground and the painful impact resonates a shock throughout my entire body. Causing an aching scream to rise up my throat and out my mouth.


"(NAME)!!!" Everyone shouts in panic and concern for me.

I earn a few bruises and scratches from the harsh landing. I grunt out in pain while steadily rising to my feet with a little difficulty. It feels like he put everything into that one kick.

Damn, this guy's no joke. It doesn't matter who his opponent is, it makes no difference to him. He shows no mercy. This small realization causes a shiver to crawl up my spine. All I can say is that Zabuza has really earned his title as a Demon of the Mist. This'll be tough, I hope Kakashi sensei can beat him. Parts of me are already aching, while Zabuza on the other hand is perfectly fine.

'I wasn't able to put a scratch on him. Is he really that strong?...or am I just weak? Which is it?' My thoughts of self-doubt are soon interrupted by Zabuza's voice.

"You brats are stronger than I thought, but it doesn't matter. I'll let Haku finish you off." He harshly concludes while hatefully glaring straight through my soul.

Soon enough, a person appears in front of me. They pull out a few zenbon needles and hold them in between their knuckles as if they were kunai or shuriken. Pulling out my kunai, I stand waiting for them to make the first move. Until I notice what they're using as a weapon.

'Zenbon needles? It can't be...no, it is! This is the boy from before! This is Haku?'

Haku throws his needles my way, but I'm able to dodge them. He throws more but they never reach me. Looking up, I see Sasuke standing in front of me. He must've deflected the needles by throwing a kunai. I assume while staring at his back.

"You're not the only one who can fight you know." He mentions turning to me, cocking his head to the side.

Looking back at Haku, I see he's not phased by Sasuke's presence. He simply stands his ground while observing us. Everything comes to a standstill for a few seconds, but with Sasuke being impatient he decides to make the first move.

Sasuke attacks, engaging in a hand to hand combat fight with Haku. Surprised at his actions, I stand and watch while they go at it. I stopped myself from making a move when hearing the sound of metal clashing together. Turning towards the sound, I find Kakashi sensei fighting Zabuza.

'He's doing ok, that's good.'

In the distance, I see Sakura is still with Tazuna. They should be fine, just as long as we keep these two busy. Bringing my attention back to Sasuke and Haku, I find that Haku begins to take the upper hand. Sasuke takes a hit forcing him to fall back. Giving me the opportunity to jump in front of Haku and land a swift kick to his face. Creating the signs, I'm finally able to release my jutsu.

"Wind Style: Slicing Tornado!"

A giant whirlwind encircles Haku, leaving him vulnerable to my attack. The violent wind continues to slice and tear at him, until it disperses. I was finally able to do some damage. Looking at the now injured Haku, I watch as he creates a few hand signs of his own.

'What's he planning?!'

"Ice Style: Crystal Ice Mirrors!"

Before I can even react, multiple rectangular blocks of thick ice appear, surrounding both Sasuke and myself. Haku somehow manages to step inside one of these "mirrors". Allowing his reflection to be shown in all of the other blocks of ice.

 Allowing his reflection to be shown in all of the other blocks of ice

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'We're trapped! What kind of jutsu is this!'

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