C h a p t e r 26 - "Staying with Me"

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~ The Next Day ~

The night sky continues to darken while I pace back and forth within the quarters of my home. I try to keep calm as I gather my belongings. To put it simply...I'm packing. Trying to mentally prepare myself for the decision I'm about to make, isn't making it any easier. My nerves are on edge, along with the anxiety I'm feeling. The feeling of not knowing what's going to happen.

After today, I'll be considered a rouge shinobi. Someone who leaves loved ones and abandons their village. It'll look bad, I know, but I'll only be doing one of those two things. That's leave the ones I care for behind. As for the village, I'll never abandon it. I'll just be gone for a while, but I will come back. I'll get to see everyone again and everything will be back to normal. Though, I haven't spoken to anyone lately. Not after what happened yesterday.

I haven't stepped foot outside my apartment the entire day. I was supposed to meet up with my team this morning for training, but I obviously didn't show up. This caused Sasuke to come by. He wanted to check on me since I never miss training. He stood out there knocking on my door for ten minutes.

I deliberately ignored him. He'd ask too many questions, so I chose not to risk it. It pained me more than anything to stand on the other side of my door and not be able to let him in. I wanted so badly to just rush out the door and land in his embrace. I wanted to cry and tell him everything that's wrong, but I couldn't. Eventually Sasuke left assuming I wasn't home.

Clearing my head of the thought, I finally finished packing. I can't carry too much, so it's mainly the essentials. Putting my backpack on, I walk to my night stand. Picking up the frame, I stare at the picture of team 7.

'I'll be back soon...hopefully.'

Putting it back, I grab a pen and a piece of paper, deciding to leave behind a note. I can't say goodbye in person, so this is the least I can do. Quickly gathering my thoughts, I place the pen to paper as I begin writing. Once finished, I walk out the apartment.

Turning around, I lock the door and tape the note to it. I already know Naruto will be the first to find it. He always comes by in the morning, not to mention he lives near by. He's gonna freak.

'Well, no going back now.'

The cloudless sky remains pitch black, not one star in sight. Once again, the moon is the only thing illuminating my surroundings. The only thing keeping me from being completely submerged in darkness. I continue to make my way towards the Leaf Village gates with extreme caution. It's in view now.

'Almost there.'

As soon as I begin running again, I hear what sounds like foot steps behind me. Immediately stopping, I turn around to check. The calm wind blows against my frame in silence...nothing's there. Choosing to ignore the sound, I turn back. Only to have my feet freeze in their tracks the next second. To my surprise a certain someone is there. Right in front of me.


"...Sasuke." I whisper.

I just stand there looking at him. He does the exact same thing. Intensity rises in the air as our black and (e/c) eyes continue to meet. It feels like an entire minute goes by before one of us finally says something.

"Where are you going?" Sasuke asks in a slightly demanding way.

"...I can't tell you." I reply trying to keep my face void of emotion.

"You're leaving...aren't you?" He claims while moving closer to me.


"What's going on (Name)? You haven't been acting like yourself lately." Sasuke comes closer and takes my hands in his. "What's wrong? You can tell me." He finishes while placing a kiss on my forehead.

I pull myself back, now looking away from Sasuke. I clench my jaw, tears now welling up in my eyes. My figure begins to shake slightly. He tries to take a step forward in order to comfort me, but I quickly take another step back.

"Please Sasuke...please don't make this any harder than it already is!" I shout in a desperate plea, my tears now flowing uncontrollably.

'This is too much!'


"NO SASUKE!...just move, please."

"I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you." He states, as he gets closer once again.

I try to move away but he grabs my wrist before I can do anything. Suddenly tugging at it, my body clashes against his. With my face now pressed on his shoulder, he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Sasuke stop! I have to go! LET ME GO!" I shout, trying to get out of his grasp.

My efforts were in vain. Sasuke just simply overpowers me when it comes to physical strength. I can't get away.

'I wish I could stay Sasuke, I really do.'

After a few minutes I finally stop struggling. I decide to just enjoy this feeling for the last time. My hands grip the material of Sasuke's shirt tightly as I hug him back. Seeing that I've calmed down, Sasuke speaks up.

"I won't be left alone again. You're staying (Name). You're staying with me."


Author's Note:

I'm sorry if Sasuke appears to be OOC (Out of Character) in this chapter. He's a very complex character, and it's hard for me to write how he would expresses his thoughts/feelings in situations like these. I did the best I could. Hopefully you liked it anyway! I also hope you're looking forward to the next update.
Until next time...

Love ya!

~ Zumoshi

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