C h a p t e r 8 - A New Sensei

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Naruto and I sit eagerly waiting to find out what team we've been put in. Hinata has already been placed in a team along with Kiba Inuzuka and his dog Akamaru and Shino Aburame. I've always found Shino to be a bit strange. He's so quiet and always keeps to himself. At least this way he'll hopefully be able to become friends with Hinata and Kiba.

Even though I'm a bit sad I won't be with Hinata, I was hoping Shikamaru and I would be together. I know we'd work perfectly as a team, but it seems the odds are not in my favor. Since he's with Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi. Looking around the room frantically, I noticed the possibilities of me being on a great team were steadily decreasing.

'Please, for the love of everything that is good let me be on a team with Naruto!' I desperately pray

Iruka sensei glances at the paper in his hands as he continues to call out names. The next thing he says catches my attention. Sitting up, I listen intently. I can feel the constant thumps of my heart beating against my chest along with the unmoving anticipation in the air.

"Team seven will consist of Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki, (Name) Kirui-"

At this Naruto suddenly jumps up cheering happily at the fact that I'm on his team. We both high five each other when Iruka sensei tells us to settle down.

"Let me finish Naruto, *sigh* the last member of team seven will be...Sasuke Uchiha. All right, those are all of the teams. You guys now have to stay in here and wait for your new instructors. I wish you all the best of luck."

Soon after Iruka gives us another smile before leaving the classroom. Meanwhile Naruto and I stare at each other with a look of shock written all over our faces. We grieve at the fact that Sasuke is on our team. Sakura on the other hand... is jumping for joy.

'I can't believe this.'

Sakura isn't my favorite person to be around, but I knew I could deal with it. But Sasuke, that I can't handle. Now that Sasuke's in the picture it'll change everything. Knowing they put everyone in groups, it's probably safe to assume they'll want us to work as a team. Considering the people on my team, I fear our problem will lie in teamwork. A group of just me, Naruto, and Sakura would work, because Naruto and I know how to cooperate. Even though Sakura doesn't like Naruto, she'd learn to cope with the fact that he's on our team.

That won't happen now because Sakura will obsess over Sasuke and always take his side. Not to mention both Naruto and I don't work well with Sasuke, especially Naruto. I silently chuckle to myself at the thought.

'If we all don't try to cooperate this team is screwed.'

"You ok (Name)?" Naruto asks with a look of concern.


"You seem worried about something."

'At times it surprises me how quickly Naruto can tell when something is wrong.'

"I guess you could say that. I'm worried about our performance as a group, since Sasuke is with us." I explain

"Well, I'm not exactly thrilled about it either, but I'm glad you're on a team with me."

I grin before replying with "Yeah, same here."

The mumbled sound of students talking fills the classroom. With nothing to do I continue to converse with Naruto, waiting for our new instructor to arrive. As the hours tick by, I see team after team getting to leave with their new senseis. Growing bored, I slowly fall asleep.


Sasuke's P.O.V (Point of View)

The class is empty, no one is here besides me and my team. Everyone else left a while ago. I simply stare at the blank wall with disinterest, wondering what could be taking so long.

'This is such a waste of my time.'

Like things couldn't get any worse, I still can't believe I'm on a team with such losers. I can already tell Sakura won't be much help, Naruto is just pathetic and (Name)...well, I guess she isn't a complete loser considering her strength and ability. Shifting my gaze I look to see what they're doing.

Apparently Naruto plans to prank our Sensei when they get here, by sticking a chalkboard eraser in between the sliding door. Hoping it'll fall on their head when they enter.

'As if a jonin level ninja would fall for a dumb prank like that. He really is a loser.'

Meanwhile Sakura tries to talk Naruto out of doing it and (Name) isn't even aware of what's going on. It figures she'd be sleeping at a time like this. Looking at her sleepy features I notice how calm her face is. It's strange, no matter how hard I try I can't stop staring at her.

Suddenly, I get pulled away from my thoughts as I see the door slide open. A head pops in and the eraser falls on that head. (Name) now wakes up to look at who's by the door. The person appears to be a male with white hair that's tilted to the side. A mask covers his nose and mouth. His Shinobi headband is tied around his head but is angled covering his left eye. Leaving his right eye to be the only part of his face that's visible. The masked Shinobi looks at us blankly, while Naruto continues to laugh at his successful prank.

 The masked Shinobi looks at us blankly, while Naruto continues to laugh at his successful prank

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'Did he seriously fall for that silly trick? ... Is this person really our sensei?'

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