C h a p t e r 35 - Rekindled Hope

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3rd Person P.O.V

An entire week has passed since (Name)'s sudden disappearance from the Leaf Village. Upon Kakashi's concern for his student, the third hokage had sent out a small team of jounin to search and retrieve (Name). Unfortunately, their mission only led to a cold trial of her whereabouts. With no further leads to (Name)'s location, the mission was aborted leaving team seven with no clue as to where their comrade had gone...

As the sun's rays gently fade into the late hours of the afternoon, team seven diligently raps up their usual training session. Kakashi speaks up, gaining the attention of his students.

"Alright guys, I think that's enough for today."

Rather than a normal response, all Kakashi receives are breathes of relief. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke begin to make their way out of the training field when Kakashi stops them.

"Before you guys leave there's something I want to announce. Whether or not you guys are aware, the chunin exams are coming up. I feel that each of you has the potential to pass, so if you'd like to participate then fill out these forms and bring them back to me." Kakashi says while passing out a small sheet of paper. "There is one condition though. The chunin exam is only accepting participants in groups of three. So if you guys wish to enter you'll have to register as a team. Any questions?"

Kakashi glances down at his students waiting for an answer. They simply stare down at the blank form not saying anything in return. With no response heard, Kakashi lets out a small sigh before giving them a quick farewell and poofing away from the field.

Despite Kakashi's seemingly strange lack of concern for his students' behavior, he is actually quite worried. Things with team seven just haven't been the same ever since (Name) left. The usually light atmosphere surrounding the team is now one of a tense and stiff uncomfortableness. That is to be expected after all. Even Kakashi hasn't gotten used to only teaching three students. They simply feel incomplete. Without knowing what else to do, Kakashi suggests they enter the chunin exams. Hopefully, the experience will strengthen their bond as a team, and maybe, just maybe they'll be able to start moving on.

After Kakashi's dismissal Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke finally exit the training field onto the streets of Konoha. Unbeknownst to the team, someone waits for them near by. Shikamaru is found leaning against the side of a shop only to be spotted by Naruto.

"Hm? Shikamaru, what are you doing here?" Naruto questions.

"I was waiting for you guys. There's something I need to tell you...all of you." Shikamaru says while lifting his head.

"W-what is it?" Naruto stutters, detecting the serious tone in his voice.

"...It's about (Name). Something happened to her before she left and I figured you guys should know about it."

Team seven's eyes widen at Shikamaru's words. The ongoing background noise of the village fades as silence begins to ring in the air between the four genin. Sasuke's face hardens as his thoughts begin to go wild with what could've happened to (Name). But for now he remains silent, only interested in listening to what Shikamaru has to say. Sakura on the other hand can't help but speak out immediately.

"Something happened to (Name)? What are you talking about?" She asks, letting her curiosity get the better of her.

Shikamaru lets out a deep sigh before answering. "As I'm sure you guys know, (Name) began to act strangely the day before she left. Well, the night before that she actually asked to meet with me in secret. Obviously concerned I asked if she was ok, but she clearly didn't want to talk about whatever was bothering where people might hear." Shikamaru pauses before continuing, "Later that night I met up with (Name) like she asked. She tried not to show it, but I could tell she was definitely paranoid about something. Again, I asked her what was wrong and she began to tell me something about how everyone thinks her clan is dead."

"What?!" Naruto shouts in disbelief.

"Wait, (Name) said everyone thinks her clan is dead? Was she trying to imply that members of her clan are still alive?" Sasuke hurriedly asks Shikamaru.

"It's a possibility, but I can't be sure. She started freaking out before saying anything else."

"Freaking out?" Sakura question this time.

"Yeah, almost as soon as (Name) started speaking, a look of utter horror crossed her face. I had never seen her look so scared. Soon after, she started screaming and shouting at me. Next thing I know, (Name)'s lunging at me with a kunai. I tried to stop her but nothing I said worked. She wouldn't stop attacking so I used my shadow possession on her. For some reason that immediately caused her to go back to normal. I tried to ask her what was wrong, but she just avoided all my questions before running off, looking spooked by whatever the hell had just happened." Shikamaru finishes.

"How strange, it almost sounds like something was controlling her." Sakura deduces.

"That was my initial thought as well, but no one else was around at the time. I don't know who or what would've been able to take control of (Name) without actually being there. Everything about it is just...odd."

"Whatever happened is obviously what made (Name) leave. Why didn't you say something sooner Shikamaru!" Naruto presses now frantic at the revelation.

"Trust me I wanted to, but try to see things from my perspective. (Name) came to me and asked for my help when she could've gone to her own team. Why is that? Surely there must be a reason. I didn't want to say anything until I understood what was going on, but now (Name) is gone. Seeing as I had nothing left to lose, I figured you guys should know what happened." Shikamaru explains.

Team seven was left speechless at Shikamaru's reasoning. Although they'd hate to admit it, he was right. (Name) was in turmoil and she didn't let her team know. In their minds it begged the question as to whether or not (Name) trusted them. Did they not try hard enough? Or was there something they could've done to keep her from leaving?

Shikamaru had hoped the new information would give them more insight to (Name)'s situation, but it only seems to confuse them. Regardless as to how the team was currently feeling, Naruto makes sure to thank Shikamaru before he leaves.

"I don't know what happened to (Name)," Naruto begins, turning back to face Sakura and Sasuke, "but I know that where ever she is now, she's doing her best to get over it. (Name) will come back...she promised. So until then I say we should do our best too!"

"But Naruto, we don't know-" Sakura attempts to add.

"That doesn't matter!" Naruto interrupts, "(Name)'s a member of team seven and she asked us to trust her. I don't know about you guys, but I want to get stronger. I want us to be a team she can be proud of!"

"...Naruto." Sakura whispers in shock.

"...I agree." Sasuke says before adding, "We should do everything we can while we're here."

Instantly, the dreadful atmosphere dragging itself around the team is finally lifted. Replacing it is something they hadn't felt in seemingly forever. It was hope. A hope that they'd carry to face the obstacles and challenges of tomorrow.

"Alright!" Naruto shouts showing off a huge grin in happiness.

"Our next stop, the chunin exams!"

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