C h a p t e r 29 - Mysterious Genjutsu Revealed

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Naruto's P.O.V

Kakashi and I immediately head to the hospital as soon as we hear that Sasuke is there. As we continuously got closer to our destination, I begin to feel more and more anxious. My nerves are standing on edge and I know it's because I'm confused and worried. None of this is making sense.

'Why is Sasuke hospitalized and why did (Name) leave?! Just what the hell is going on?'

Walking through the doors of the Leaf Village hospital, Kakashi quickly asks a lady at the front desk which room Sasuke is in. Once pointed in the right direction, we make our way down the corridor. Sneaking a quick glance at Kakashi, I notice his face is expressionless. He's concerned, I can easily tell he wants to know what's going on just as much as I do. Hopefully we'll be able to find out soon, or maybe Sasuke will be able to shed a little light on the situation.

'Knowing Sasuke, I probably shouldn't get my hopes up.'

When we reach the designated room, Kakashi doesn't hesitate to walk in. Upon entry, the first thing my eyes land on is Sasuke's unconscious body tucked within the blankets on the bed. Only to realize a second later that Sakura is in the room as well. She stands up from her chair that was purposely placed next to Sasuke's bed. Surprised by our sudden entrance, she greets us with a startled look on her face.

"Kakashi sensei, N-Naruto!"

"Sakura! You've been here the whole time?" I ask while moving towards her.

She simply nods in response before sitting back down. Kakashi looks at Sasuke before redirecting his gaze to Sakura.

"What happened?" He says wanting to get straight to the point.

Sakura doesn't answer immediately. She takes a deep breath before speaking. When Sakura looks up, I take notice of her pink nose and slightly puffy eyes.

'She's been crying.'

"I-I don't know." She begins " When I went to look for Sasuke I couldn't find him anywhere. That was until I came across a crowd of people. They found Sasuke on the ground unconscious. When I realized he was stuck in a genjutsu, I tried to release him from it. But no matter what I did, it didn't work. Sasuke wouldn't wake up, so I had him brought to the hospital."

"A genjutsu?" I mumble to myself surprised.

'Who could've done this?'

"Has anyone released the genjutsu yet?" Asks Kakashi sensei.

Sakura answers faster this time. " Yes, someone told me they were able to release it, but Sasuke still hasn't woken up yet. I don't know what's wrong. They wouldn't tell me anything else, they only said they wanted to speak with you." She finishes

At this time a soft knock is heard before the door opens. A fairly young medical ninja walks in holding a clipboard. He appears to be in his early twenty's. He clears his throat before speaking.

"You're Kakashi Hatake I presume?"

"Yes that's right."

Sakura and I remain silent as we listen to their conversation.

"There's something I'd like to discuss with you in private. Would you mind if we stepped into the hall?"

"No, not at all." Kakashi replies.

"Wait!" I shout.

My voice stops them from moving forward. They both turn in my direction, waiting for me to continue. The room is still with silence. All eyes are on me now.

"If what you're going to discuss involves Sasuke's condition, then we wanna hear everything too. We're a team. We deserve to know!"

"Naruto's right! We should be able to know what going on." Sakura adds.

The medical ninja simply looks to Kakashi for his approval before saying anything. With a nod from Kakashi, he scans over the paper reviewing the highlights of Sasuke's condition. The room is silent once again. Everyone listens carefully as he begins explaining.

"While we all know that Sasuke was trapped in a genjutsu, the effects of it were ones that we had never seen before. By now you realize this isn't your average genjutsu. It took one of our best medical ninjas to release it. The reason being, there were traces of chakra within Sasuke's body that weren't his own. It most likely belonged to the caster of the jutsu.

I keep quiet while trying to process the new information. I still don't understand how this happened. No one says it, but I can tell it's the statement on everyone's mind. With no one speaking, the medical tries to reassure us.

"You guys don't have to worry. Since the genjutsu has been released, he'll wake up. It's only a matter of time now." He says with a smile before opening the door.

Before he's able to leave, Kakashi sensei stops him with a question.

"Were you able to find anything that could possibly tell us who did this?"

"No, we didn't find anything specific. All I can say is that the casters' chakra was mostly concentrated on surrounding Sasuke's brain."

"What does that mean?" Sakura questions before the man can continue to explain.

"It means that whoever casted the jutsu, did so with the crucial intent of keeping Sasuke unconscious for as long as possible. The fact that he's still insensible even though the genjutsu's been released is proof of that. Another thing to point out, it that a genjutsu with this effect specifically isn't one that's used senselessly in battle."

"I think I see where you're going with this." Kakashi suddenly interrupts.

"What is it Kakashi sensei?" I ask while slowly becoming afraid of the answer for some reason.

Kakashi continues, "This tells us that the genjutsu is something the caster would only use if necessary. This ability is something they used as a last resort."

"Exactly." The medical ninja says, " I'm glad you understand, unfortunately that's all the information we have. I wish I could be of more help, but if you have anymore questions or concerns than you can always ask me. My name is Yukio."

Kakashi offers his hand to Yukio. As they shake hands Kakashi thanks him.

"It was my pleasure." Yukio states before exiting the room.

As the doors close, all our attention is reverted to Sasuke.

"What would cause someone to use a genjutsu like that against Sasuke?" Sakura quietly mumbles to herself, but Kakashi and I can still hear her.

The words in her question cause the wheels in my head to turn. I suddenly make eye contact with Kakashi.

"Kakashi sensei, y-you don't think that-"

"(Name)." He responds cutting me off. "It would make sense."

"(Name)? What about her?" Sakura questions, clueless as to what's happening.

I forgot Sakura doesn't know (Name) left!

"Wait, what? Are you trying to say that (Name) did this to Sasuke?!" Sakura exclaims with both surprise and confusion in her voice.

Neither of us can answer her since we don't know the answer ourselves. We all look to each other, hoping to figure everything out, but we can't know for sure. The only one who'd know is Sasuke.

'(Name), s-she wouldn't have...would she?'

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