Chapter 29

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I continue walking with Bryelle towards the car glancing every so often at Harry.

He walks with a determined pace across the field. As he nears the parking lot he still hasn't noticed me. I don't want him to notice me though. I feel like if he noticed me I would immediately run over and start asking him questions. I can't just ask him questions all of a sudden. Sometimes my curiosity just gets the best of me.

But what does everyone always say? Curiosity killed the cat.

I get in Bryelle's car and buckle my seat belt. As we leave the parking lot, I allow one last look at Harry before we drive out of view.


"She's so stupid why would she ask if anyone was there?! Like oh yes the murderer is going to call back saying: oh honey I'm over here! Watch out!" I scream at no one in particular. Bryelle laughs at me and hits my arm.

"Jules you're killing me over here. You're ruining the scary effect." She says smiling.

"Well, I mean, come on!" I say looking at her with a serious expression.

Sometimes I really don't understand these movies. Yes, make yourself vulnerable by yelling. Yes, go downstairs in the basement. Yes, follow the sound of the scratching.

I shake my head in disapproval and continue watching the movie. I'm about to scream at the character again when I realize there's no use. The movie is already made. If the director has already decided she's going to die then she's going to die.

When the movie finishes, I'm actually relieved. These horror movies not only scare me when I'm alone but they make me go insane at people's stupidity.

"Bryelle do you ever get really into a movie or a book and then realize that it's already been planned out so you just give up on mentally trying to convince the characters to stop?" I ask her.

"You're a character and a half." She says laughing at me.

"But ya I guess I do." She answers after a few seconds of thinking.

"Bry... have you ever met someone that you want to get to know... but you're scared at the same time?" I ask.

"Well... I haven't personally met someone like that but I see where you're going with this." She says turning off the tv and looking at me.

"If I were you... I would have my doubts but Jules you're the director of your own life. If you decide to direct the girl to call out to the murder then that's what you do." She says. When I give her a confused look she continues explaining.

"If you close your mind up about... well getting to know Harry then you'll never get to know him. Nothing says that he'll ever let you though. I have my doubts because he wouldn't allow anyone else. You never know though." She explains. I nod my head deep in thought.

"Bry if you liked someone you would tell me right?" I ask changing the subject. Her face changes and she punches my arm.

"Never would I ever keep that from you." She answers smiling. I jump from my position on the couch and land on Bryelle. When she grunts, I laugh and grab her in a tight hug.

"I love you so much." I tell her.

"I love you more." She whispers. I immediately stand up grabbing my tooth brush and tooth paste.

"I don't see how that's possible." I say smiling and skipping off to the bathroom.


It's Thursday today but it honestly feels like Friday. We have a day off tomorrow so that must be the reason why.

I walk the hallways with Bryelle going to my locker. I grab my things and start to leave. I feel my arm get tugged so I turn on my heels.

"Hey Harry." I say when I recognize who it is.

"Hey Jules." He says copying me.

"Tonight at six be ready. I'm picking you up." He states giving me a mischievous smile.

"Well I don't know about that Harry." I say smiling. "Ok fine you can pick me up." I say nudging him. He rolls his eyes and puts his hands in his pockets.

"I'll see you tonight." He says before walking off towards his group of friends.

I glance over his shoulder and notice that all of his friends stare at me with odd looks.

I turn around catching up to Bryelle who waits for me a few classes down.

When I get into class I sit in my usual spot. I immediately pull out my notebook getting to work. It's English class and we're writing short stories. We're only doing practice ones this time of year to prepare us for our exam at the end of the year.

I turn my gaze outside trying to look for inspiration. When I can't find any, I slouch in my chair. I'm not the most creative person so I struggle for ideas. However, once I get an idea I believe I can execute it well. I guess that's how I get good marks, it's my execution of certain things.

By the end of class I've written down various ideas and all of which I don't particularly like. This is going to be a struggle if by the end of the year I can't find a topic for my exam.

When the bell rings, I hurry to my next class. History isn't something I'm particularly interested in but some of the things do surprise me.

The teacher only goes over the manual without giving us notes. I have a separate copy book writing down the things that seem to be important to me. The teacher says things that aren't written down in the manual so I write them down just in case.

By the end of the period my hand is cramping from the amount of notes I took.

"Class we're going to be having a big test once we finish this chapter. I will be giving you the date when we're almost done so you'll be able to prepare in advance." The teacher says just as the bell rings.

I quickly gather my things walking out of class to meet Bryelle at her locker.

When I notice she isn't there I head to my locker. When I turn the corner, I notice Harry leaning against my locker. I smile to myself and walk up to him.

"Hey." I say as he stands up leaving me room to unlock my locker.

"Come sit with me." He says out of the blue.

"Sit with you where?" I ask curiously.

"At lunch, sit with me." He says explaining further.

"Well..." I think out loud. Before I can answer Harry cuts in.

"Not with my friends. Just you and me. There's a table no one ever uses outside." He says.

"Okay." I say turning to face him. He smiles at my response.

The smile looks like a genuine one. A smile that shows his dimples and his teeth. It even reaches all the way to his eyes.

I can't help but smile back.


-Author's note-

After a lot of thinking to myself, I have finally turned the tables in my ideas. I'm a perfectionist and I like to plan ahead. I've figured out exactly what I want this story to be. I changed the description of the book.

At first I was thinking of going back and re-editing chapters but now I realize it might actually help the story line.

So please just bare with me.

I got myself excited from my ideas so please continue reading and I hope you enjoy<3

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