Chapter 36

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The alarm buzzes on my desk beside me. I slam my hand on it. Already time to wake up?

I groan and roll over. My bed is so warm. I hate getting up in the morning... but at the same time I can't leave my bed any faster. I need to get away from the images of the nightmares.

Every morning I tell myself I'm going to bed early because I'm so tired but when it's late at night I convince myself that I'll be okay waking up. It's a constant cycle where I contradict myself.

Today during school, the majority of my classes will be free periods. I'm going to have a lot of substitute teachers because the rest of them are at the school board for a meeting.

I won't have any homework for the next few days which is good. That's so rare.

I get ready while I let my mind wander. I suddenly stop brushing my teeth.

Harry's coming over tonight and I said I would show him something. I start to get really nervous. I'm starting to regret my decision. Maybe I can show him something else?!

No. I can't be like that. It's not like I'm giving all my memories to Harry and putting myself up for ridicule. I'll be okay.

Maybe I should lay it out and set up what I'm going to show him. No... I don't know!

I finish up in the bathroom and run downstairs.


I see my mum washing some plates in the sink. My dad is at the table with a newspaper.

"What are you guys doing home?"

"Oh you're up! They gave us the morning off but we have to go back tonight." She answers looking at me.

I nod a little caught off guard.

I finish my breakfast and kiss both my parents goodbye before leaving for school.

As usual Bryelle picks me up on her way to school and then we go to each others lockers.

At lunch I find myself in a daze. I stare outside where Harry and his friends are sitting. I'm still extremely nervous but it's slowly fading as the day progresses.

In gym class I watch as Harry does all the exercises. I can't help but stare at his figure. Does he ever go to the gym and work out? That's a definite yes.

Once in a while he catches me staring or I catch him staring. I can't help but get butterflies in my stomach. What is wrong with me?

When I finally get home I have no homework to do. Like I said we had substitute teachers.

I try and distract myself by watching tv. I turn on the tv and start watching the Bachelor. It can be really entertaining sometimes. I laugh at all the cat fights the girls have. They're so feisty.

Before I know it I hear a knock on the door. I inhale deeply before walking over to open it.

"Hi." I say smiling up at Harry. I stand there staring at him. I snap myself out of it and quickly back up to let him in. He chuckles and walks in. He's wearing the same thing he wore to school.

"So you wanted to show me something?" He asks with a smirk on his face. I scoff but can't help but smile back at him.

"Well... it's a bit personal but..." I say trailing off not knowing what to say.

"That's fine." He says walking towards the stairs.

How does he know it's upstairs?

I walk to my room and go straight to my closet. Harry sits himself on the bed.

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