Chapter 64

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My family and I spend a lot of time together during Christmas break. Mostly because my parents take a few weeks off from working, we can have family time. If ever they were gone I usually spent time with Justin. Now they're gone to visit a doctor friend of theirs. I got permission to stay home but now I'm alone... Justin isn't here.

I start to regret declining the invitation but then I remember how awkward it was quite a few years ago. I guess I have to cope with the loneliness.

I run downstairs with my phone in my pocket and put on a movie I just got for Christmas. As the commercials play, someone calls my cell. I immediately answer the phone happy for something to do.


"Hello angel."

My stomach instantaneously erupts with butterflies and I'm left smiling like an idiot at the floor.

"Hi Harry." I say slowly. The smile behind my voice is obvious.

"I um... I have something to ask you." He says tentatively.

As I go to answer he quickly speaks up. "Or actually tell you..."

"Of course. Go ahead." I say as relaxed as possible because he sounds tense.

"Well you know I haven't seen my family in a while. I mean my relatives are all in England because we moved here, anyways... I'm talking about my mum and my sister." He pauses just to make sure I understand.

I do understand but what about his father? Although, that's not something I'm comfortable asking over the phone so I don't.

"Yes for sure." I say willing him to continue.

"After Christmas at your place... well you really inspired me to call them. I haven't seen them since I was thirteen because it wasn't safe. Now it's still not the safest but I called and asked if they could visit for one day."

I inspired him to do that?

I feel flattered and proud of myself in a way.

"They're coming over tomorrow- which is the day before New Year's Eve. I know you have your uncle's thing on New Year's Eve and I definitely want to take you up on the offer of going. So I scheduled for tomorrow."

"Harry you don't know how great that is." I tell him excitedly.

"I know... thank you. And um... would you... would you like to come? I mean you don't have to but I would really like-"

"Without a doubt Harry." I cut him off to assure him that I'm all in.

I hear a relieved sigh from the other end.

"Um... thank you angel. That means a lot."

"No worries Harry. I'm happy you want me to come."

"Without a doubt." He says copying me.

I smile and laugh. I hear him laughing as well.

"My sister is going to love you." He says quietly.

"I really hope so."

"I need you there with me." He whispers after a moment.

"I'll be by your side you don't have to worry."

"It's just... I haven't seen them in almost five years. It was too risky."

"I understand."

The phone goes silent for a little bit. I listen to Harry breathing steadily on the other end.

"Thank you again."

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