Chapter 4

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I walked away, putting in my headphones while juggling the box in my hands. I was about to drop the box when someone took it from my hands, making me lookup in surprise. It was the same guy from earlier...

"Oh! Um, thank you." I said, fixing my hair and bag. He smiled, his mask now off, and walked beside me.

"Where are you heading?" He asked, his voice more clear now that his mask wasn't muffling him.

"There's this orphanage I used to go to, and I've made it a habit of bringing the leftover sweets to them" I smiled at him. He opened his mouth and closed it again, making me confused so I looked away. He nodded instead, and we walked on.

"Um, may I ask for your name? Min Jihoon might've told me a lot of things; but she didn't exactly say your name." I laughed awkwardly. He cleared his throat.

"Min Yoongi. Or you can call me Suga." He said, a small smile on his face. I nodded.

"Lee Soojung. Great to finally meet you." I said, a smile on my face. He seemed to stare at me for a few seconds then looked away, his cheeks turning red and smile widening.

Once we got there I took the box from him.

"Thank you for carrying it all this way. Um, would you like to join me?" I said, though unusually hoping that he'll actually take up the offer. He looked at his phone, probably checking the time.

"Uh, yeah sure." He smiled, making me smile as well. I opened the door and walked in, making all the children look up from whatever they were doing and run to me, smiles all adorned on their faces. "Noona's" and "Unnie's" were heard throughout the place, making me smile and bend down, awaiting their embraces. Once they all reached me, we had a humongous group hug, making me laugh loudly.

"Hello my sweets! Are we all doing okay?" I yelled, making them either nod or yell out a "yeah". I ruffled everyone's head, when I heard a familiar voice.

"Is that young Soojung I hear?! My god, you've gotten so big!" I looked up quickly and saw Mr. Jeon, the old owner of the orphanage. I squealed and quickly ran up to hug him, making him laugh.

"It's been so long!" I said, after getting over my shock. "How have you been?"

"I've been alright, I just came by to say hello. I'm actually on my way out right now, so I apologize for this short meeting." He said, a sad smile on his face. I pouted.

"Ok, but come by tomorrow around 6, I usually come every day at that time. See you soon!" I waved. He smiled at me and went to go out the door.

"Oh? Is this your boyfriend Soojung?" He said, noticing Yoongi smiling and waiting patiently at the door with all he kids crowing around him.
Oh man, I totally forgot him!
"Oh, no, he's just a friend. Yoongi, that's Mr. Jeon, he's a very old friend of mine." I laughed at Mr Jeon's expression when I said 'old.' He shook Yoongi's hand, and whispered something in his ear that made him blush. I gave Yoongi a confused face, but soon turned my attention to Mr.Jeon when he huffed and walked out, smiling ever so lightly. I rolled my eyes at his child-like behaviour and walked back over to Yoongi.

"Sorry I just left you like that, I haven't seen him in over 10 years and got way too excited." I chuckled.

"It's fine, it was kinda cute how excited you got." He laughed. I blushed, and turned away. I haven't blushed since Sung-Oh!

A little finger poked my arm, and I turned to see Hyorin, the youngest of the bunch.

"Is Unnie dating oppa?" She said in a small voice. I chuckled and knelt down.

"It all depends on him I guess." I said in her ear, making her giggle. I stood back up and Yoongi raised his eyebrows in confusion at me. I winked back at him and turned to the kids.

"I brought you guys a treat, so after dinner you can have desert." I said, holding up the box. The kids cheered and brought the box over to the house matron. I smiled at them all.

"I have to go now, so you guys be good ok?" I heard some small cries. I waved bye and pulled Yoongi's hand.
There was a mixture of goodbyes said, and I was surprised when I heard kids
saying goodbye to Yoongi too.

Once outside I nudged Yoongi.

"I think they like you, last time when I brought over my bo- I mean, ex boyfriend, they strayed away from him and didn't pay him any attention." I said, a smile playing on my lips. He looked at me and licked his lips, smiling after.

"Yeah? Well then that saying is true, huh? Kids and dogs always know who a good person is, no matter how they look like." He smiled. I smiled back and we walked in silence to the bus stop.

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