Chapter 8

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We were almost there, according to Yoongi, when the dogs started to go crazy.

"Alec, Beau! Shush!" I shushed them. They kept pulling towards a certain house.

"That's Namjoons house?" Yoongi said confused. I shrugged and went up to the door, and Yoongi knocked on the door.

A guy in his early twenties opened the door, still clad in his boxers and tshirt. He faked a girly scream and closed the door, making me giggle uncontrollably.

"Min Yoongi! What did I tell you about coming here unexpected! And with a pretty girl too!" He said, in a deep voice, making me stifle my growing laughs. Yoongi was smiling at me, not answering the person.

"YOONGI!" He yelled again, snapping him out of his state.

"Sorry! I wanted to walk her dogs!" He said, holding his hands up in surrender. The man opened the door, slowly, this time fully clothed.

"They're so cute aw!" He said, then bent down to play with them.

"I think all you're friends are good people." I whispered to Yoongi, then nudged him. " Nice going!" I said in English. He smiled and fake cheered.

"Only to other people, they're so mean to me!" He said, then huffed.

"Aw poor baby!" I poked his cheek and smiled. He rolled his eyes and swatted my hand away.

"Still here guys, let's refrain from the lovey-dovey crap." The guy said, making both of us blush.

"Well, um, this is Soojung, Soojung, this is Hoseok." Yoongi said awkwardly. I waved and he stood up quickly.

"I'm your hope, Im your angel, I'm J-Hope!" He said with a small aegyo. I laughed.

"Nice to meet you J-Hope, this here is Alec and Beau!" I said, gesturing to said dogs. They barked and did their doggy smile.

"Do you want to meet the others?" J-hope said, gesturing inside. I shook my head.

"I need to get back to work, this was a well-needed break." I smiled and nodded in thanks. "Thanks anyway, maybe another time?" I offered, looking in between Yoongi and J-Hope.

"Sure! Of course, whenever!" Yoongi said, then automatically showed regret for showing too much enthusiasm.

"Great! Well, I'll get back then. Bye boys!" I said, then turned to walk back.

"Bye!" J-Hope waved, and Yoongi smiled and nodded in my direction. I smiled back and turned away.

"Come on Boys, we gotta hurry up!" I said, and started a slight jog with the two dogs beside me.

~Yoongi's POV~ (woopwoop)

I stared after her, not noticing Hoseok was trying to talk to me.

"SUGA!" He yelled in my ear.

"WHAT!" I yelled back, holding my ear. He was just smiling at me, wiggling his eyebrows.

"So, how long you've been dating?" He said calmly. I started to blush.

"We aren't dating. I've only known her for a couple of days." I murmured, making him open his mouth widely

"You never bring girls over unless you're dating them! Not even that, you don't bring girls here unless you've been dating them for at least a week!What's so special about Soojung?" He said.

"I'll tell you...when I get inside." I pushed past him and into the house, going straight to the living room. The other 5 boys were either talking or playing a video game. Once I entered the room, they all greeted me and then went back to whatever they were playing.

"Wait a second, why are you so early? You're never here on time,much less early?" Jin said, making the others nod in agreement. I scratched my neck and was about to answer when J-Hope best me to it.

"Who cares about that! He brought a girl over!" He said, hitting Jimins arm as he was the one beside him. All the boys simultaneously shouted.

"Is she cute?"
"IF YOU GUYS SHUT UP ILL SAY!" I yelled to grab their attention. The room was silent making me sigh in relief.

"Thank you. Anyways, yes I did bring over a girl, her name was Soojung, and yes, she's extremely cute." I said, smiling at the memory of her.

"Awwwww, look he's smiling! He's probably thinking about her." Jungkook said. I started to blush, making them all roar with laughter.

"Wait, the pretty girl with the bakery?" Jimin asked, and I nodded.

"Oh yeah, she's really cute. Like, if I saw her walking down the street and I was with Minah, I'd so dump her and run after Soojung." He said matter-of factually. I hit his head.

"Sucks, kid. She's mine." I said. The boys once again started laughing uncontrollably.

"You're not even dating, yet you're calling her yours?" Taehyung laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"I plan on asking her out soon." I said, folding my arms and leaning against the door frame.

"Oh oh oh! Can we help? I wanna see her dogs again!" J-Hope exclaimed.

I shrugged "Sure, if you really want. It has to be special, she's...honestly really special to me already." I said, murmuring the end. Namjoon and Jin aww'ed and started poking my cheeks.

"Stop it, Namjin!" I said, emphasizing the 'Namjin'. They pouted and sat back down.

"We need to plan this out. When do you plan on asking her out exactly?" Jimin said.

"It's Wednesday, right? So probably Sunday. She said she gives herself that day off so." I shrugged. They nodded, and we went to work on the plan to make Soojung mine.

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