Chapter 20

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"Where is it, where is it, where is it.." I kept repeating as I tried to find the instant coffee jar.

"Hmmm, seems we ran out." I said in a disappointed tone. I walked to the living room where Yoongi and the three pets were sitting, the latter sleeping as yoongi was watching some news channel.

"I'm going out to get coffee, ok? I'll be back in like five minutes." I said as I walked past him. He mumbled an 'okay', eyes glued to the tv. I just chuckled and shook my head as I pulled on my shoes and started to walk to the store.

I got the coffee I needed, and saw some limited edition cookies and cream PockySticks (idk if that's a thing or not but it should be hoo man)
I laughed quietly at the thought of doing the pocky challenge with Yoongi, and grabbed a box. I also decided to treat my dogs and Elizabeth (as well as Holly) and buy some off-branded dental stick.

As I was getting ringed up,I heard my name be called.

"Oh! Hey Sungoh, what're you doing here?" I said, surprised to see him here.

"You know, just getting some food to live and stuff." He joked, making me smile.

"How's Kisu? I haven't visited yet, but I was planning on going my next Sunday off." I said, suddenly remembering the sick boy. Sungoh smiled widely.

"He's doing great! Hes not in the hospital anymore!" He said excitedly. I smiled, it made me remember how I used to love him.

"That's great! I'll still come by to see him though, if you don't mind?" I said as I grabbed the bags and silently thanked the cashier. He nodded and walked me out of the line.

"We don't mind. By the way, how's you and that guy you were talking about before? What's his name... Youngjae?" He said, giving me a questioning glance.

"Yoongi, actually, and we're doing fine. He actually asked me out about a month ago, after we visited Kisu." I said shyly, blushing at the thought of him. Sungoh cooed and pinch my cheeks, making me laugh.

"Well, I'm happy for you. I gotta go now, see you soon? And you better text me, cause if it's been a month since you've been dating, we haven't talked in a month!" He said, shaking his finger at me. I laughed and pushed his hand out of my way.

"Yes, yes, now go be your lame self somewhere else." I said with a smile. He gasped, but nonetheless hugged me. I stiffened slightly, but hugged him quick after.

-Unknown POV-

I saw him walk off, looking slightly pissed off.
She just gracefully walked out, probably back to her house. Who was that? And the even bigger question...
...what am I going to tell Yoongi?

-Normal POV-
I hummed to the tune of BTS' song Look Here, and bopped my head to the beat as I walked home. I was confused when I saw that Yoongi's car wasn't there. I went inside and put the things away, and fed the dogs as they were looking at me with those "feed me hooman" eyes. As I sat down, I noticed a little note attached to a freshly made cup of English toffee. I smiled and took both in my hand, sipping the hot drink as I read his cute note.

My Queen,
Namjoon called me in for a quick meeting about our upcoming fanmeet, so I'm sorry I made you go and buy coffee ): I'll come pick you up when it's finished and we can go get some dinner and walk down by Han River to make it up?
Your Prince Yoongi ❤️

I smiled and sighed happily, thankful for him.
I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to lhim.

To: Sleepykitty❤️
I'll be expecting you in thirty minutes, I suppose? See you then 😝

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