Chapter 18-Dungeon Escape

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Ava's pov....

I tried to move, but I couldn't. It was too dark to see and my hands were stuck behind my back. Whenever I moved, I only heard the sound of chains and my groans.

"Help! Is anyone there?" I asked. No answer came.
Esme's pov....

It is quite dark where I am, but I know that Stella is with me because I can hear her voice.

"Author, where are we?" she asked.

(You are in some sort of a dungeon cell. I'm afraid that I cannot help you anymore. You'll have to find your way out.)

"What did the Author say?" I asked.

"She said that we are in a dungeon cell of some sort and we have to get out of here ourselves. The Author can offer no more help for this situation we are in." Stella replied.

"Well, that explains everything! Are we even on the S.S. Starfighter anymore?" I asked.

"I highly doubt we are on the S.S. Starfighter." Stella replied.

I guess we are going to be in here for a long time! We are probably way off of the galactic map!

"Let's just hope someone comes soon." I said.

"Yeah, the way things are looking, we better get comfortable! We're going to be here a while...." Stella added.
Back to Ava's pov....

A silhouetted body and torch light were all I could see now! As the light got closer, I could see more of my surroundings.

I just hope it isn't Biz. I really don't want her to get the idea that we failed our first mission already.

The sound of an opening cell door shook me from my thoughts. The figure I saw turned out to be two! One of them had a key in their hand and the other had the torch.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, it was none other than Biz and Solei who came to the rescue. Biz unlocked the cuffs that were chained to the wall. I rubbed my wrists a little.

"Biz, I'm so sorry-" My words were waved away before I could finish them.

"There is no reason to be sorry. I've gotten captured plenty of times!" Biz said, extending her hand to help me up.

I grabbed her hand and she helped me up. Together, the three of us left the cell and continued towards the surface.

"Wait, what about Esme and Stella?" I asked.

"Snowfall and Ella are already on that. Lyn is waiting for us in the ship." Solei answered.

When we got to the surface, I couldn't believe my eyes.

We were on an........




Pinkninja, what are you doing!?

Trust me, I have plans.....Big plans....

And it starts next chapter with the return of an evil villain.....


Sorry, I just had to get that out there.  ;)

If you have any suggestions, or you just want to chat, let me know in the comments below. You don't have to be shy! I won't bite!

And sorry about the slower update than usual. Saturday night I was bowling during a friend's birthday party and Sunday I was babysitting my 7 year old brother.

I will try to keep updating, but I don't know how well that will go with our old friend, SCHOOL!

-pinkninja out

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