Chapter 27-Life of a Ghost

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Biz's pov....

"What's going on?" I asked myself out loud.

I looked around me and saw piles of stone and broken building pieces. I wonder who blew this place up? And what was it before it was blown up?

"I wonder where everyone else is?" I asked myself, "Probably aboard the Vizion ship. I should find my way up there."

*Time Skip brought to you by Outer Space*

I find someone walking by.

"Hey there! What's going-" they pass right through me like I'm not even there.

"Huh? Let me try that again!" I said walking up to another person. They also walk right through me.

"No one sees me or hears me! They just go right through me!" I noticed, "I'm all alone."

With tears in my eyes,  I ran back to the ship I snatched and flew away.

*Back on Earth(Sorry I'm jumping around so much)*

I wandered the city in hopes to take my mind off of things...but it only made things worse. I did the only thing that I could think of to take my mind off of the situation: sing. Singing is one of my hidden passions.

*cue music! Music video will be down in the author's note at the end of chapter if you want it. Like I said some lyrics is changed for this situation.*

What's happening? I feel so forgotten, I'm plotting to go it alone! With reckless abandon, I decided the plan is to make it on my own.

Cuz I believe there's something more for me.
There's gotta be....

Close the circle, I'm never getting out.
The solution's vertical, jump up, take Zarling down. There's no place to hide. Open the chamber, Close the Circle, running out of time.

It's frightening! My reflection is fading and I'm contemplating my doom. This man that I'm chasin is cleverly placin a path for me to choose.

But Destiny has got a plan for me
If I believe....

Close the circle, I'm never getting out.
The solution's vertical, jump up, take Zarling down. There's no place to hide. Open the chamber, Close the Circle, running out of time.

*End of song. Take a bow*

Now I sit on the roof of the Middle School. I used to love going here! My friends and I would sit together at lunch and talk about stuff,
(mostly Vizion if I heard any news). know.

Still, I always say Expect the Unexpected, yet have I really done that myself?

Then, a sudden realization hits me: Am I doomed to wander the world as a ghost for the rest of my life!?

"I really am all alone, aren't I?" I said with a sigh.

"No, your not." a voice said from behind.

"WHAT!?" I turn around quickly to find that it was Solei and Stella.
Well, well, well! The tables have turned!

I've got a religion retreat today so I might be publishing this later on.

See ya!

-pinkninja out!

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