Chapter 24-Too Late!?

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Sorry if this chapter was unpublished and republished, I was WAY off on my chapter numbering. The last chapter was 23 and this one said 30! So I had to change it. Sorry about that!
Just a heads up here guys: Don't hate me for this, but I might be adding in quite a....(I can't think of the word).....that you might not like. Just bare with me here.
Biz's pov...(how many chapters has it been since I did this pov?)

"NO! NOOOOO!" I screamed as I struggled out of his grasp.

"Oh don't worry. I save the best experiment......for last." Zarling said.

I don't know why I'm nervous. I was a test subject before, wasn't I? Of course, that was 8 years ago! 8 years ago from today.....

I looked around the room. It was so similar to Zarling's workshop on the Vizion ship....except for the single test tube in the corner and the the shelves full of chemical materials.

"What kind of experiments are we talking about here?" I inquired.

"Oh...well....I don't know...." Zarling said.

"Zarling! You better not be playing dumb with me!" I said, trying to wriggle free of his assistant's grasp. Once again, his grip was too strong.

"I don't think they are suitable for your ears. You are still only a child after all." Zarling replied.

I heard a story once that aliens used to have powers, but they no longer do. If I still had my power, I could get out of here in a blast.....but I don't! Curse the man in history who forced all aliens to give up their powers!

There was no way I could stop him. I had no weapons and no powers, and he has the laws of science on his side. In those vials, beakers and flasks are ingredients I'll never know. Who knows what kind of reaction can form when it comes into contact.....

I shiver at the thought.

"Hmmm, the Hydroxide doesn't seem like a good enough experiment. And I know that you can overcome any sort of hypnotism or brain washing! No, No, Acid won't do me good either! What can be a good experiment?" Zarling said to himself out loud.

*Time skip to a few moments later*

"Get ready for the time of your life!" Zarling said with mock cheerfulness.

My arms were tied with ropes hanging from the ceiling over a test tube full of a dangerous chemical that I think he called Chemical Y. It's much worse than Chemical X and everyone asks why. I guess that's why it's called Chemical Y!

Out from the corner came Stella and Solei.

"This is the last straw, Zarling! Hand over our friend or you will be the test subject!" Solei shouted.

"Solei! He's too powerful! Run, Save yourself!" I said.

"No, we aren't leaving without you. Besides, if we left without you, we would have to answer to Viz himself." Stella said.

"There is nothing you can do!" I said.

The rope was being slowly cut! I was running out of time! If I had anything to say, I might as well say it now.

"Listen, I'm not good with last words, so the only thing I can say is....look for my journal. Read it if you wish! Just don't destroy it!" I said.


"Oh snap." I muttered.


*Third person*

"NO! BIZ!" Solei shouted.

"Get them!" Zarling shouted, pointing over at Solei and Stella.

Solei was shouting and trying to charge at Zarling, but Stella pulled her back.

"There's nothing we can do." Stella said, "We're too late."

The two managed to escape that room and lock it. Zarling was trapped......for now.

Viz met up with them at the meeting point.

"What happened? And where is Biz?" Viz asked.

Stella and Solei looked at each other with worried glances. Finally, Solei spoke up.

"We were too late. There was nothing we could do....Biz" Solei said.
I know what you are going to say:


Well, maybe The Author has a solution. Just maybe......

-pinkninja out.

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