Chara's Soul

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  you opened your e/c eyes and looked around, sure enough, you were in the darkness of Dreamland, though it felt a little different, more sharp maybe? you looked down and saw that your arm with the orange cast was healed again, apparently you were only healed in Dreamland, that would explain how your magick resisted the orange cast, and yes, you secretly were trying to heal your arm, but that doesn't matter right now,

brushing those thoughts aside for now, you turned around in a slow circle and saw that right behind you a child in a green sweater with a yellow stripe on it sat, their back facing you, you felt something emanating from this child, anger? sadness? a mixture of both? you puzzled over this, but quite suddenly the child stood up and turned to face you,

you couldn't help but freeze, the child's eyes were nothing but pitch black holes of, well, black. it started to come towards you, taking slow steps, a creepy smile formed on it's face, and the pink blush on it's cheeks did nothing to mask the weird feeling you felt coming off this kid, then it clicked,

it was anguish,

with this information you felt the emotion grow ten-fold, you found that your limbs wanted to move again, not away, as many would have done, but towards the child, you felt that you wanted, no, needed to comfort them, your feet took a step forward and the kid took a step back surprised that you wanted to come towards it, as it looked ready to give chase, the black of the eyes dripped down and fell from the child's face revealing blood-red eyes, the gooey black substance stains their face, making trails not-unlike tear streaks,

the red eyes glow as you take another step forward, your mind is fuzzed up a bit so you have a bit of a hard time comprehending what exactly is happening around you, a child's voice pierces the quiet atmosphere your eyes see that it came from the child, and you stop walking, your brain clears and you're able to understand what they say 

"why aren't you afraid of me?" the question hangs in the air, you smile and sense that under the anger that was obviously laced in the voice, there was a hint of extreme sadness as well, the voice was slightly high-pitched so your able to safely assume that the voice belongs to a girl,

the girl's eyes reflect a bit of restlessness, but also curiosity, "because i know you want help" the words come flowing out of your mouth before you actually processed them, but nothing could be more true, the girl takes another step back, and for a split second, the blood-red eyes, become a more chocolate brown, but they turned red again before you rightfully saw them, making you think that it was your mind playing tricks on you, the girl squares her shoulders but you see something trying to fight it's way to regain control in those red eyes of hers

"i don't think you can help a demon" the words chill you a bit, as she says them with malice, your smile falters and you find yourself pondering what this child has been through, "maybe not, but i don't really see any demons around here" you look around and smile, the girl blinks and you see that whatever was fighting, win, the red mixes with brown and you see a flicker of hope spark in them, "may i come closer and help?" 

the girl's eyes turn brown and she runs toward you, you barely had enough time to brace yourself, as she launched at you, you caught her and wrapped your arms around her, your crystal flickering f/c briefly, as you hug her you can tell that she hasn't done this in a very long time, you lightly squeeze her and look down at her trembling from, she started to cry again, but you don't care

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