Waking up

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  As you slowly opened your (E/c) eyes, light and color flooded your vision. The sudden light made you groan slightly.


You realized that you had a massive headache, not quite a migraine, but close. It reminded you faintly of when you woke up from just discovering your powers. Opening your eyes all the way, the first thing you took in was the different scenery.

 For one, you were on a old favored green couch, and not in your familiar bed with it's (F/c) and blue orchids with blue butterflies on it.

 Second thing you saw was everyone around you, which included Elijah, Agrian, Rose, and surprisingly Sans. He must've been the one who saved you from Jabberjay's grasp, you smiled weakly. Putting one arm below you, you tried to push yourself up. However, you were tackled by a yellow and pink missile taking you down quickly.

"Oof!" Rose was clinging onto you for dear life as if you had just risen from the dead heh, ok that's not punny, anyways...

 You got up again in a sitting position, and wrapped your arms around your little sister. You looked down on your arm and saw that it was encased with a orange cast. 

You furrowed your eyebrows, distinctly remembering gaster had healed you. You guess that it was just in the voi- er Dreamland. That's what the button had said, right? If you were being honest, it fit, it was better than 'The Void' at least.

 Brushing that thought aside you found that both of your brothers had already stuck themselves to you, their arms around your torso. Agrian back-hugging you, and Elijah in the front with Rose.

You shifted yourself so your legs hang over the couch and touched the floor, Agrian shifted as well, and now all three of your siblings snuggled up next to you.

"(Y/n), we were so worried, when you didn't come back from your shift I almost called you" Elijah said slightly muffled from your shoulder, you rubbed his back looking up and saw Sans looking at you. Hands stuffed in the pocket of his blue jacket you decided was trademark.

  Your siblings pulled back and a question raised up, well, two... 

"How did I get here?" Sans walked up.

"Well, uh, I guess that'd be my fault, I brought you here, and my brother healed you. See the cast?" You glanced down at the bright neon orange cast and nodded. Looking back up, you glanced at your siblings.

"Alright, then how did you guys know where I was?" Agrian smiled sheepishly. 

"That's also because of Sans, he called us from the front desk and told us what happened...well, he told us Jabberjay got you..."

At the mention of his 'nickname' Elijah, Agrian, and Rose's faces go slightly dark. You interanly sighed, though you really didn't blame them. You turned to Elijah, and found him a bit apprehensive. More than one would normally be.

Hold up. He didn't... Did he? You narrowed your eyes at Elijah and he noticed right away, he looked everywhere but your eyes and bit is lip.

Let's find out.

  "Elijah, when did you get back?" Elijah flinched then tried to play it off by reaching a hand over his shoulder.

"What do you mean?" You sighed, that's all the proof you needed.

"Elijah, you went to him didn't you" Elijah bit his lip harder. Dragging his hand down, trying to keep up his charade in any way he could.

"N-No..." You shook your head sighing, showing you weren't convinced.

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