A Talisman

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After dinner, You, Gaster, and Papyrus cleaned the plates and silverware while the Muskets got ready for bed. As you stood on the counter putting away dishes you decided to strike a conversation "Hey, Gaster, how was your day?" Gaster smiled crookedly and handed you another dried plate, "Why it was very good, I reunited with Alphys, as I had told you. We talked and she showed me some of her work" You nodded "Right, May I ask, how do you exactly know Alphys?" Gaster put on a thoughtful expression, then answered

"Before I fell into my own creation, Alphys was my assistant, she was assigned to me by Asgore, in fact, she helped with a lot of upgrades to my previously failed experiments. I remember this one time," Gaster chuckled as he passed another plate to you "She was so enraptured in one update that she didn't leave her station until it was finished, not even I could've moved her, I tried to order her to go home but she just right on working" He shook his head at the memory

You smiled, Alphys had struck you as someone who would be passionate about everything she loved. From the quick little conversations, you were able to have with her, it was obvious that she cared about all of the people she surrounded herself with.

As soon as the last of the dishes were washed, Papyrus turned to both you and Gaster "NYEH HEH HEH!! FINALLY, THE CUTLERY IS ALL WASHED! AND EXPERTLY SO BY NONE OTHER THEN THE GREAT PAPYRUS!!!" You smiled and said "Amazing job Pap! Now we don't have to worry about getting sick" Papyrus placed a gloved hand on the right side of his white armor and his cape/scarf waved in the non-existent breeze. Which, of course, confused you, but you shrugged it off "NYEH HEH HEH HEH! YES, WE WOULDN'T WANT THAT!" Gaster handed you the last plate while looking fondly at his son and you put it away.

Afterward, you started to jump off when two hands lifted you up then place you on the ground gently, looking up you saw that Gaster had helped you and puffed out your cheeks, slightly annoyed "You know, Gaster, I may be short but I can get down myself." Gaster only just chuckled and patted your head. Just then there was a knock on the door right as he was about to say something. Acting quickly you rushed out of the kitchen with an "I've got it!" and went to the front door.

Just as you were about to open it you heard another knock, this one slightly more insistent. Amused, you opened it to reveal Frisk and Toriel, both looking slightly winded and urgent. You looked at Toriel "Hello Tori, Why are you and Frisk out at this time?" Before Toriel could answer Frisk tugged on your sleeve, trying to gain your attention. Gaster joined you by the door, interested in what was happening

When Frisk had drawn your eyes to her, her hands started flying 'Sis, it's Chara. She started acting strange right around dinner than just locked herself in our room, she said she needed your help, she also started saying something about shadows but then her voice got all garbled and weird. Then she screamed!' As Frisk was signing all of this Toriel started wringing her paws and looking side to side

When she finished you stood there mulling over what Frisk had just said. You glanced at Gaster, who was still trying to figure out what was going on.

That was all you needed.

You dashed out of the door, through Frisk and Tori, skipping the two concrete steps that led to the porch area and flat out ran down the sidewalk. You heard your name being called behind you but you couldn't care less. Chara needed you, The Shadows was trying to drag her down once again but you couldn't, Wouldn't let that happen. She deserved to be happy, not stuck to the unending Hate that fueled that blob of black goo

As it was nighttime, and being winter, the air was very chilly as you ran through the dark street. The cold wind rushed past you, trying to take away the warmth you had from the house.

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