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I paced around the hallway. Scared out of my mind. My dad and Alphys were trying everything they could to get (Y/n) to wake up. She hadn't stirred since that blast she had delt to Warrior. Which was a few days ago.

"So you must be Sans." I shot my head up when my name was called and was greeted by the strangest sight.

There stood a teenage girl, with an oversized robe, stark white hair, the most piercing purple eyes I've ever seen, and a mild case of acne. She was standing against the wall with her arms folded and a friendly smirk on her face.

"That...would be me" I answered carefully, not quite sure what to make of this newcomer. She just chuckled and pushed off the wall.

"Don't mind me, I'm just passing through. I'm only here to make sure that dear (Y/n)'s magick is returned to its proper owner. Speaking of, here it comes." I watched in amazement as (F/c) tendrils I had come to know as part of (Y/n)'s power swirled out of the very door that she was behind.

The swirls of magick drifted into mist and turned into a mixture of Purple, Turquoise, and White. All the while curling around the young girl. I took a step back when a bright light erupted in the hallway as soon as she touched the shimmering mist.

When the flash died down, the girl was gone. In her place was a floating female deity. She had pure silver eyes, the robe was instead a cape attached at the shoulders, just barely grazing the ground, and her hair was flowing in curls like a slow-motion waterfall.

I stumbled and she turned to me.

"Best not think much of it, Sans. Just take good care of her, she's gonna need all the help she can get." With that. She disappeared.

Like, poof, gone.

I blinked frantically and wondered why I was staring at nothing.

"What-?" I was cut off when the door slammed open and (Y/n) frantically rushed out looking everywhere. Before stumbling.

I rushed to catch her and pulled her close. Sliding on the floor before coming to a stop. "Woah there, Pancake, take it easy." Her hand gripped my jacket, she looked up and released a big breath.

"Did you see her?" She asked, I raised a bone brow.

"Uhh, it's just been me in this hallway for a while now, you feeling alright?" Her eyes dimmed and a defeated sigh came from her lips.

"Y-yeah... I feel a little weird, but that's to be expected I guess." I chuckled and held her tighter.

Dad came out at that moment and kneeled down beside us. Looking both scared and relieved.

"The Heck (Y/n). You can't just give me a heart attack like that." He lightly scolded. (Y/n) chuckled nervously, and dug her face into the floof of my hoodie.

"This will take some getting used to..." She mumbled.

'I'll say,' I thought, seeing that her add-ons were no longer a part of her being. She didn't have that sense of magick either, she felt... well, Normal.

After (Y/n) gathered more of her strength, she returned to Dad's little lab room to do some final tests to see if she was in tip-top shape. Surprisingly, she passed every test with flying colors, she walked beside me as we all made our way out of the Hotland Highway Lab.

"Oh! Another thing (Y/n), dad said suddenly, digging through his pockets, producing a leather wallet, and offering it to her. "This came in the mail, it was addressed to you, though I have no idea what it's for." 

Once (Y/n) saw it, she smiled, gently taking it from dad she said "You'll see soon, thanks for getting it." My dad and I shared a glance but shrugged as (Y/n) put it in the back pocket of her jeans.

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