Chapter 1

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*Author's Note* My original fanfic of Peter Pan from Once Upon A Time. I do not own any characters from the show! Takes place before all that happens in season 3.  Hope you like it! :) Read Vote Comment ~Peyton

At first, I didn't know what woke me. I thought it was the wind, or possibly John coughing over on this other side of the room. I rolled over to look at his bed and he wasn't there. Panicking, I looked around. I spotted him quietly opening the door to our room.

"John," I hissed. I didn't get a response, so he was either ignoring me or didn't hear me. "John," I whispered again. No response. He just kept walking right out the door.

I rushed to the window to see where he was going. Outside, almost all the village boys were in the same irresponsible state as John. Where the bloody hell could they be going? And, why was it just guys?

Without thinking twice, I quickly put on a pair of brown khakis that went to my knees and a dark green tank top. Over that, I wore an old tattered black cape. I threw on a pair of my own brown boots and quickly looked in the mirror. I wasn't very tall for sixteen, about five foot five. I had straight brunette hair and kind of tan skin. Not pale, but not tan, like halfway in between. My eyes were a light emerald color and complimented my skin tone. I flipped the hood of the cloak over my head and sighed, my hair was too long, it was too noticeable. I loved my hair, though, I admit it, I couldn't cut it.

I decided to put it up into a messy bun and I quickly rushed out of the house. In the streets were tens and tens of boys making their way towards... something. I followed them, my head down, trying to keep them from noticing who I was,

After a few minutes of walking, I saw a firelight glow up ahead. As we neared, I made out some boys dancing around a fire, some wearing masks, some not. Then, I caught a glimpse of why they were all coming here. It wasn't much, but one boy sat by the fire, playing some sort of flute playing a tune I could not hear. He seemed to be enjoying it. As more of us approached, he stood up.

"Friends," he said in a thick accent. I could see him better, but couldn't see his face under his cloaks hood. "If you came because you saw others coming, please leave. This is of no importance to you." Most of the boys began to grumble and leave. I was tempted to leave, but couldn't I had to find out what was going on. In the end, it was just me and one other boy standing there. "Perfect," the boy whispered and began to play the flute again.

Following everyone else's lead, I began to hop around the fire in a repeating way, every now glancing around for John. Most boys had ditched their sleepwear and put on old, tattered clothes, and some with capes like the boy playing the flute. I already kind of blended in, so I didn't worry about my attire, just finding John. As much as I despised him, he was still my blood brother. Eventually, I gave up. Too many of them were wearing masks.

The boy with the flute pushed through us and into the center. "Boys, please sit." Without thinking, I sat down and so did the other boys. He took down his hood and I had to admit, he was good looking. He had messy, yet perfect, brown hair. His eyes were a sparkling green that went well with his in between tan and pale skin. He smirked and looked around at all of us. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Peter. Peter Pan."

"All eight of you boys are here because you can hear this," he held up his flute. "Only boys that feel unloved, unwanted can hear it." I was shocked there were only eight of us, I thought there were more.

I looked around and everyone was nodding in agreement. "You're lost boys, and I'm here to give you freedom. A family that understands you. To take you to a place where you will never grow up and never have to see them again." The boys erupted in cheers, pumping their fists into the air. I did the same, not wanting to stand out. "It will take magic to get there, however, and all magic comes with a price. You can never return."

The boys cheered again and began high fiving each other and smiling. The rest took off their masks and I could finally see John. I had to get to him so we could leave. But, yet again, he looked happy and we would finally have to stop dealing with the years of abuse. Then there was the fact that I was a girl. I didn't belong and I had heard stories about Pan and Neverland, that you could not trust him.

Eventually, I made up my mind. The boys stood, up eager to leave and I realized it was my chance. I got up and was about to leave when Peter turned to me. I froze as he looked at me, praying he wouldn't realize I wasn't a boy. "Looks like we're going to Neverland," he said, smirking, then looking away. I let out my breath I was holding and before I could leave, we were gone.

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