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**Peter's POV**

It has been some time since Hook left, maybe a week or two. Still no sign of the shadow, maybe he decided not to take any of my years. Ace was enjoying life here without her horrible father to worry about, celebrating more with me and the boys, and having more fun, living more on the edge. I still hadn't told her Hook was alive, and I didn't plan on it. He wasn't coming back, if he knew what was good for him.

The boys seemed to love Ace now like they love each other (if they didn't before). She now knew all of their names and all of their tricks. She definitely was different then most of the other girls to ever come here.

I sat on my stump closest to the fire, playing my flute. The boys danced around, yelling and laughing, clapping sticks together. Ace joined them this time, laughing the whole time. I couldn't help but smile. Felix sat next to me.

He leaned over. "Have you heard from the Shadow?" he whispered.

"No, I think it's changed it's mind on taking some of my life."

"Did you ever tell Ace about this?"

"No," I said, laughing. "Why should I?"

"Peter, she should know your losing time. Especially now, when there's not as much going on and she can focus on you." As soon as Felix said it, I knew he was right. I wasn't going to tell him that, though. I couldn't let it go to his head.

"It's in the past, it doesn't matter."

"There is no past in a place where time stands still," Felix said.

He was begin to really make me angry. "Whatever," I mumbled, standing up and throwing the flute to the ground. I pushed through the dancing Lost Boys and left out into the jungle. He thought he knew everything. I liked Felix, I did. He was my most loyal Lost Boy, but he was too smart.

"Pan," I heard a familiar voice growl. I tried not to shiver.

"Shadow," I spat, turning. It's glowing yellow eyes seemed to pierce into my soul. "Why are you here?"

"I think we both know why I'm here, Pan. That girl is still alive."

"We found a way for her to live."

"By getting the antidote from Hook!" it screeched. "I warned you of what I would do."

"But, I got Hook out of Neverland and I lived, I'd say I deserve to keep my years," I said, walking to my left. My shadow floated right, circling me as I circled it.

"You still went. You still defied me."

"I am the king of Neverland! Not you!" I yelled.

"Maybe. But I am still the one who gave you your youth. I'm still the one who can take it away. You're breaking the rules, and I'm helping. We're equal, Pan."

"We are not equal!" I yelled. "You are beneath me! I rule Neverland and nothing happens without my permission!"

"True, and I like you, Pan. I obey you, but this one time I won't. You've lost a third of your time."

"That means I have one third left!"

"Better set out after the truest believer," it warned me.

"No, I'm not doing anything other then spending time with her and those boys. They're what's most important to me now, not time or whatever. But I will stay young, just you wait. And when I find out a way, you won't exist anymore to take it away," I growled.

"Good luck," it spit, before flying away.

I took a deep breath before heading back to camp. That shadow was so infuriating. All it did was mess things up for me, and I wouldn't have it.

I don't see why it was so mad about Ace being there. I wasn't going to let her die, it had to have known that. We all survived to, so why does it matter?

It doesn't. One third is still hundreds of years here, and I'm not going to waste it.

* Ace's POV *

I smiled as I took a seat on a stump, exhausted from celebrating.

"All done already?" Felix asked to my right. I looked over at him and nodded. "I see you're hair is growing back nicely."

I laughed as I played with the ends of it. It now reached my ears, and I was excited to have it long again. I always felt like that suited me best.

"Hey, have you seen Peter?" I asked him, looking around.

"No, why?" Felix asked, glancing behind me quick. I went to turn around and felt to arms snake around my waist.

"Boo," Peter said, chuckling slightly.

My smile grew wider and I stood up and turned to face him. "Wow you sure gave me a scare there," I said sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm the master of sarcasm here not you," he joked.

I wrapped my arms around Peter's waist as his were still on mine.

"It's much nicer here when you're evil pirate father isn't attempting to murder you," I told him.

Peter laughed. "Well at least he didn't succeed."

"He is dead, right?" I asked. I had asked that repeatedly these last few weeks, just to make sure. I never wanted to see his face again.

"I promise," he said. "Now can I please kiss you like I planned."

I giggled and planted a kiss on Peter's cheek. "Happy?"

"Nope." Peter's lips came crashing onto mine and I couldn't help but to feel alive. This is what it felt like to be happy in life.

* A/N * eh this was ok I guess

so new epilogue new sequel new everything! haha!

no but for real the sequel will be up soon. so check my profile it should be up by the 8th and I think I'll call it what I called the original which was "Playing In Pan's Game"

thank you everyone I hope you loved the story. I love you guys all you have no idea. You guys are my inspiration to keep doing what I love which is writing so thank you all so very much. if you ever need someone to talk to you can come to me I am here for you guys, my social media is on my profile and my pm is always open. I love hearing from you guys and talking to you and helping you. I know quite a few of you have kiked me (shout out to unicorns_robbiekay [ivy] ) and I love talking to you. I love helping you if you're feeling down, and that's because I see you guys as like my second family.

Like seriously there is never any hate towards me or one another or anything of the sort it's just one big happy fandom and I love it like that. so thank you.

ok ill shut up but I love you guys, I hope to see you in the sequel and if not, thanks for being here anyway. <3


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