Chapter 6

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**Author's Note** This chapter changes pov a lot just so you know please tell me how I'm doing I have no clue :/ thanks! :) ~Peyton

**Ace's POV**

"Boys," Pan said, walking over and laying his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him weirdly. I was tempted to shrug it off, but I decided not to, I don't know why it was kind of, comforting in a way. "I think we have our very first Lost Girl." I couldn't help but smile and the boys cheered, pumping their fists in the air.

"If you're going to be a Lost Girl, however, you should look like one." Pan held out his hand and I felt my cloak disappear. I looked down. I now wore green and brown rags like the boys with my old knee high brown boots.

"I could get use to this," I said and I got some smiles from the boys.

"I say, we celebrate tonight." Another chorus of cheers.

Pan pulled out the flute he played before and held his hand over it, making it glow green for a second before it fades into the flute.

"What did you enchant it with this time?" I asked, glaring at him.

"I've now made it so lost girls can hear it too," he answered. He began to play and this time, I could hear the music. It was beautiful and did have a lively beat. I wasn't interested, though. I sat down on a log, watching the boys hop around the fire, screaming and cheering.

After a few minutes, Pan comes over and sits down next to me. He had stopped playing the flute and now another boy play the drums.

"Why aren't you dancing?"

"Its not my kind of music," I mumbled.

"All Lost Boys dance to this," Pan replied sharply, but also a tad confused.

"Well, I'm a Lost Girl so I wouldn't know, now would I?" I snapped. I was thinking about everything again, and was in a bad mood. I stood up. "I'm going for a walk." I began to walk away.

** Peter Pan's POV**

I watched Ace get up and walk away. Something wasn't right, and I couldn't let her just walk away. If she left, if Hook found her, everything would be ruined. Felix came over and I stood up with him. We watched Ace disappear into the shadows.

"Should I follow her, Peter?" Felix asked.

"I'll do it, something's up," I said. Felix nodded, and returned to the celebration. I began to follow the path I saw her leave down, hoping to figure some things out.

**Ace's POV**

I walked without really knowing where I was going for a while, but eventually found myself on the beach where we had landed when we first got here. I looked out across the water. The moonlight simmered off the surface and way out there was a giant pirate ship, no doubt my father's. I walked over to a rock and sat down, watching the waves hit the rocks gently. I looked down at my arm and pulled up my short sleeve to my shoulder. I gently ran my fingers over my scar, shuddering at the memories. It ran from the top of my shoulder and down to my elbow. It was definitely noticeable, but the shirt Pan provided me with covered it.

"How'd you get it?" I heard Pan's voice say. I could tell it was him because of the thick accent. He sat down next to me on the rock, looking at my arm.

"Like I would tell you," I spat, pulling my sleeve over it so he couldn't see it. The truth was, Hook caused it, and if he knew who my father was, he'd kill me.

"Which parent did it to you?" he asked.

"Look," I snapped, turning to face him. "You're only here to make sure I don't leave and I know I can't. You're making sure I don't run off. What I want to know is why."

He looked down at his hands in his lap. "You can tell me," he said, eventually looking back over at me.

"That doesn't mean I'm going to. I've heard of you, Pan, I know what you do and you didn't answer my question."

"First of all, call me Peter, most Lost Boys do. And second, how could you know about me unless..." he trailed off.

I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "If I tell you, you'll kill me, won't you?"

He laughed. "Oh, I've known, don't you think I would've killed you by now?"

**Peter Pan's POV**

I was so close to getting her to tell me about her past. It would be helpful for when we used her. Yet, I had a part of me telling me not too, that I actually cared about this girl, and the thought made me laugh. I'm Peter Pan, I don't fall in love.

"Oh, I've known, don't you think I would've killed you by now?" I asked her. She seemed to consider this. She was smart, I was hoping she wouldn't think about us killing her later, who knows what she would do if she knew.

"How?" she asked.

"It wasn't hard to tell." I had to try to be nice, to make her want to trust me. And I guess a part of me did want her to trust me, but it was that same part I laughed at for probably caring about her. "So, what did he do?"

She smiled. "You're good at reading between the lines, aren't you?"

"It's one of my many talents," I answered. She laughed a cute laugh, not like it mattered to me.

Ace took a deep breath. "It's a long story and I don't like to talk about it..."

"Take your time, this is Neverland, we'll never grow old," I said with a smile.

She half smiled for a minute too, then stared back out at the ocean. "Well..."

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