Chapter 21

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**Ace's POV**

I felt it burn like a fire as the pain spread through out me. Then I felt something twist inside me. I gasped for air and fell to the ground. The last thing I heard was:

"Ace! Ace!" Peter.

**Peter's POV**

I screamed her name. I watched her fall to the ground in horror as Hook took his hook out of her body. The back of her shirt was drenched in blood and she looked dead. I felt like crying, screaming her name like it'd bring her back. But it wouldn't. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. I glared up at Hook. He was wiping his hook with a now blood stained white rag.

"You know, she was always in the way of things anyway," he said, smirking.

"I will kill you," I growled.

"Then why don't you? You have the shot," he extended his arms. "I took your dream girl from you, half of your Lost Boys, and I tried to kill you. Yet, you still haven't tried to kill me."

"I'm thinking of what will hurt most."

He laughed, lowering his arms back to his sides. He walked around me to my right and I turned as he walked past, not taking my gaze off of him. Then, I thought of it. I didn't have to kill him, just get rid of him. As much as I wanted to kill him, I didn't have the time. There was still a little bit of hope Ace was alive, and if she was I could save her.

"I'm going to make you a deal, Hook. And don't, for one second, think it's because I want to let you live. I will give you passage back off this island." I looked into his thoughts. He wanted to go back to the Enchanted Forest, he had just discovered a way to kill the Dark One... my used to be son.

"What makes you think I want to leave?" he asked.

I laughed. "I'm not stupid, Hook. You've found a way to kill the Dark One, to avenge your Milah. You want to go back and slaughter that crocodile."

He seemed to consider how I knew this for a moment, then slowly, his eyes softened, giving in. "What do you want in return?"

"I never want to see your bloody face in Neverland again, and if I do, I will kill you like I should be doing right now." I held out my hand, and a magic, portal bean appeared. "It's all yours, if you agree."

"Can I discuss with my crew?" Hook asked, shifting side to side awkwardly.

"Why not, it effects them as well."

Hook turned to his crew and I quickly turned and knelt next to Ace. She was still breathing, thank god. It was slow, though, and so was her heartbeat. I ran my hand over the length of her body, making her glow a gold color for a second before it sunk into her. It was a preservation spell, which would hopefully keep her alive a little longer and give me time to do what I needed to.

I ran my hand along the side of her face. She looked like a mess, all bloody and pale, with dark circles under her eyes. It was a miracle she was still alive for now. My poor Lost Girl, she'd been through so much lately.

I heard Hook cough impatiently, letting me know they had decided. I stood up and folded my arms, keeping my feet shoulder width apart. "Have you decided?"

"Yes, we will take your deal." Hook stomped over and snatched the bean from me. "But don't think I won't be trying to find a way back here and kill you again once the crocodile dies," he hissed.

"You heard what I said." I leaned forward so I was right in his face. "Come back, I murder you. And I will enjoy every last second."

"Get off my ship," he spat.

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