Chapter 18

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**Peter's POV**

I stood in the jungle waiting for the Shadow to arrive. He better have something or else I don't know what I'll do. She wouldn't let me leave without a plan, heck, she wouldn't let me leave with one! But it would still be better to have one.

Finally, the Shadow descended from the sky and floated in front of me. "You wish to speak, Pan," it said in that same, eerie voice.

"Yes, there has to be a way to trick Hook into giving me the antidote and getting away."

The Shadow's glowing yellow eyes seemed to glare at me. "And this is to save the girl?"

"Of course."

"You care for her?"

"Where have you been? Obviously!" I exclaimed.

"This is not something I will help you with. If you want to live focus on finding the heart of the truest believer, not a girl," it hissed.

"What?! We can focus on that later right now she's the only thing important!" I almost yelled. The Shadow had to help.

"So her life is more important than yours? Would you rather lose your youth? You lost your son for it, are you going to give that up?"

"I'm not giving that up I have plenty of time left!"

"You'd be surprised by how quickly time flies."

"So you're not going to help?" I asked. This bloody shadow could be the reason Ace dies.

"No, and if you do help her I will take some of your time."

"You can't do that!"

"I gave it to you, I can take it away," the Shadow growled and with that it flew away.

I ran my fingers through my hair. This wasn't good, I had been counting on it's help. Now I had no ideas and a few days left. Felix better have something when I get back...

**Felix's POV**

Pan had a scowl on his face when he reached the camp and I could tell something went wrong with the Shadow. I walked over and looked down at him.

"Please tell me you have something." I shook my head, I had been thinking but came up with nothing. He crossed his arms and shook his head.

"What happened with the Shadow?"

"It isn't going to help and said if we attempted to save her it'd take away some of the time I have left," he growled.

"Peter we've got about four days and nothing planned."

"Your point is?"

I took a deep breath. He was going to hate this, but there was nothing else to do. I hated it to but it had to be like this. "We can't come up with something. I think it would be best to listen to her and not go." His jaw dropped. "I don't like it either but if we do you could die or lose years of your life."

"We can't just give up. Peter Pan never fails. There's a way, I know it."

"If there's a way wouldn't we at least have an idea of what that way is by now?! I'm not going to help you if you go, Peter. You can't go and none of us want you to."

"But I have to, Felix I can't just let her die," he whispered harshly.

"Right now that's the only safe option. We like her, but are you really going to throw your life away for a girl you just met? You wouldn't have even done that for your own son," I shot back.

"I never loved Rumple, she I do love. I've known her long enough to know girls like her don't come around everyday. She's strong, independent, and isn't a total good girl. Felix, please," he pleaded.

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