Chapter 20

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**Peter's POV**

"Hello, Hook," I said, trying to keep calm. "Long time no... see. Still don't trust me do you?" I asked, looking around a the crew.

"Who would trust you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He was planning something, I knew it.

"A lot more people then you would think. Including your daughter." I said, folding my arms.

Hook glared at me. "She isn't my daughter anymore."

"Maybe not to you, but by blood technically."

"How is she doing, by the way?" he asked with a wry smile.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I growled. "Now, I want the antidote, it's what I cane for, it's what I'll get."

"Because Pan gets everything he wants doesn't he," Hook scoffed.

"Partially. We had a deal, if I came to you, you'd give me antidote. Hand it over."

"Why of course Peter Pan," he said with a smirk. Suddenly, I felt a hand clamp around my wrist. I jerked it away, but it was too late. They had already gotten the squid's ink on it. I desperately tried to move, even though it wasn't going to work. Hook held out a vial of gold colored liquid and put it in one of my hands, wrapping my fingers around it. "I said I'd give it to ya, mate. Never said I would let you get back to her."

"Let me go," I said through clenched teeth, angrily. "I swear I will murder you when I can move again."

"Who said you'll be able to move again? I might just skin you alive first."

I swallowed hard, hoping he didn't notice. I was worried, mainly about not getting back to Ace. God, I screwed up. I should've listened to her. No. I shouldn't have. I'd rather be able to say I tried then to not have tried to save her at all.

"I love how you try to threaten me. Don't you know who I am? I don't go down without a fight." I glared at him and he glared back.

"Well this time your missing something important for a fight. An army. And look at what I have. You seem a tad outnumbered."

"For now. Just wait." But I doubted it. Felix said him and the boys wouldn't help, they probably didn't notice I was gone. The Shadow made it quite clear it wasn't helping. Tinker Bell didn't care, she'd probably prefer me dead. And Ace... well she was probably really close to death right now.

"You wish. Now come on crew, we don't have all day to kill him."

"I'd like to see you try and kill me. You wouldn't have the guts," I said, spitting at him.

"You willing to put your money on that mate?"

**Ace's POV**

Felix handed me a crossbow and a small dagger. I slung the crossbow over my back next to a sheath of arrows and the dagger into my belt. I sat on the window sill, waiting for Felix. I still felt horrible, I was dizzy and hurt everywhere when I moved, but I had to do this.

"Are you sure? You could just make yourself die faster," Felix said, looking me over.

"I'm positive, I have to do this."

"You don't technically have to..."

"You don't understand Felix! Peter and you boys are the only things I have left. And we all know how I feel for him and how much I hate my father. If I don't do this I will hate myself until I die," I explained.

"Okay, just don't kill yourself before the enchantment does. Your keeping pace with us, we don't want you going ahead. We could be spotted and, well you could be hurt."

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