Chapter 17

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**Ace's POV**

After Peter explained everything I began to understand how everything worked. Eventually, we got back to camp. The boys were up to their usually antics, throwing knives and shooting bows. I had another headache, even worse than the last one, and decided to just sit down and relax. After all that I learned no wonder my head hurt, it was kind of confusing. I leaned back against the tree.

Felix walked over and sat next to me. "Hurting again?" he asked. I nodded. "You know, Peter will find a way. He can make a plan."

"And what if it fails? I'm not letting him go, wether he has an ingenious plan or not. There's still a possibility he could get hurt!" I exclaimed, making my head pound harder. I bit my lip, trying not to scream.

"Calm down, you'll kill yourself," Felix said. "I'm just saying, he obviously loves you. He won't listen he'll try to save you."

"I know," I mumbled. "And that's the problem. I know for a fact Hook is trapping him and that he will kill Peter. But Peter's to stubborn to listen. Plus, I'm not worth it. He's got more to live for than I do."

"You're worth it to us," Felix said. "Look around, you've showed these boys new adventures in these past few days. They don't want you to die, either."

I sighed. "What do you think Peter should do? Obviously I don't want him to go but..." I trailed off.

"Peter Pan never fails, I just think that with the right plan, he can get the antidote from Hook and escape."

"I was afraid you'd say that."

"Why can't he at least try?"

"Because even if you try your hardest there's no guarantee you'll succeed and there's still a chance of him getting hurt! If anything happened to him because of me I wouldn't be able live with myself... given I was still living."

"Everyone has to take risks," Felix stated, looking at me.

"Yeah, and he's not taking one for me, one of us dead is better than both or more, depending on what Hook would do to you boys."

"I think you should just let Peter do what he wants, you try to step in his way you'll be sorry."

"I know," I mumbled. Felix got up and walked away. I laid my head against the tree and closed my eyes, hoping to sleep for a while.

**Felix's POV**

I walked away from Ace and over to the fire. I stared at the flames. She was stupid. I liked Ace, she was amazing, but she was stupid. She couldn't keep Pan from doing this, it was obvious. We all liked her, we all wanted her to live, especially Peter. She couldn't expect us to listen to her and not do anything. We had to do something.

I looked back over at Ace. She was asleep now, leaning against the tree.

"Still won't let me, eh?" Peter asked, standing next to me, his arms crossed.

"Did you really think she would? Right now is probably the ideal time to start on a plan if your going to make one. Remember you'll probably have to sneak away," I added.

"I know, come on we have to start planning. And it has to work. Hook will die. I'll make sure of it."

I nodded. We all wanted the pirate dead. The ass had taken some of our boys and is killing Ace. He would pay, alright. We'd make sure of it.

**Ace's POV**

I woke up sometime later and stretched, sore from being in that position for too long. But, that wasn't the only reason I was sore. My muscles ached and burned, probably from the enchanted dagger wound. Five days left, I think.

"How long was I asleep, James?" I asked, seeing him not very far away.

"A few hours. Here," he tossed me a bowl. I caught it and looked at the wonderful fruits inside.

"Thanks," I said while taking a bite. I looked around and there was no sign of Felix or Peter. Surprise.

Oh god, hopefully they didn't go to Hook.

"Are you okay?" I heard a Lost Boy ask from behind me. I had never paid attention to this one. He was around as tall as me and maybe thirteen. He had reddish blond hair and dull brown eyes.

"I'm fine," I said smiling. "What's your name?"


"Well, Zach, like I said I'm fine, thanks."

"We all saw what happened though, and it was enchanted. Are you sure?" he asked. I felt bad lying to him, but I didn't want to worry them.

"No, I'm fine." Biggest lie I ever told.

**Author's Note** hey guys how's it going? welp I know it's not long and not amazing but hey whatever I like it I'm going with it.

so today I found out my friend Rachel is reading this(if your reading this now hi rach) and I'm still shocked

ok well bye hope you liked it thanks for 1.94k! and over 220 votes! :) <3 ~Peyton

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