Chapter 13

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**Ace's POV**

I woke up a while later in the tree house. I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and sat there for a minute, listening to everything. But there was a problem, I heard nothing. Quickly, I went over to the window. Like I said, Neverland always seemed to be dark, so I had no concept of day and night. Down below I saw Felix and Peter sitting next to the fire and none of the other Lost Boys. I quickly I climbed down and walked over to them.

"Where are the boys?" I asked, sitting next to Peter.

"Patrol," he answered, eating some sort of food. I hadn't eaten since I had gotten here and until now I haven't realized how hungry I was.

I held out my hand and a roll appeared. I began to eat and we sat in silence for a while.

"Felix, can you go make sure all the boys are doing their jobs? I can feel them on the island but I can't tell," Peter said.

"Okay," Felix said, grabbing his hammer and standing up, walking towards the jungle.

"How long was I asleep for?" I asked, finishing the bread.

"A few hours. You okay now? No more wanting to jump off cliffs or wanting to kill me?" he asked.

I laughed and playfully shoved him. "No I don't want to jump off any more cliffs."

"Oh, come on you know you don't want to kill me anymore. How could you, I am quite charming," Peter said with a smirk.

"Your ego is almost as big as the island," I joked.

"You know what else is as big as this island?" he asked, leaning closer to me.

"What?" I whispered. Peter was about to answer when Felix burst from the woods, not looking happy. Peter looked over at him and immediately got up.

"What is it, I know that look!" he exclaimed.

"We need to talk, alone."

Peter looked over at me. "I'll be back."

**Peter's POV**

"What now?" I hissed, trying to keep quiet in case Ace could hear.

"I was looking and found one sentry knocked out near the shore and footsteps of many men. Hook is on the island, Pan."

I felt so stupid. I've been paying so much attention to Ace and not what was happening on my island and now I had yet another problem to deal with.

"Get the Lost Boys back here, obviously he's going to come straight here."

"Watch out, if we don't get back and they get here first..." he trailed off.

"Would you just go?" I asked, flustered and annoyed.

"Yes, sir," Felix replied and began to run away. I made my way back to camp, trying to find out where Hook was.

**Ace's POV**

Eventually, Peter came back in a horrible mood. "What's wrong?" I asked, standing up and walking over to him.

"Hook is on the island and I have to find him."

"Let him come to us," I suggested and he gave me a confused look. "If we have a smart enough plan, we can sit back and watch him destroy himself and his crew."

"I'm pretty sure he isn't falling for that and he most likely already has a plan of his own."

"If we can figure out what that is then we can make one also based off of his so we can't fail."

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