Chapter 12

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**Ace's POV**

I stomped through the jungle, not knowing where I was going. I can't believe I fell for it. How could I have been so blind? I should've known, he's bloody Peter Pan, he doesn't care for anyone but himself. I kept walking on, not knowing when to stop.

After a while longer I was exhausted. I sank down to the ground, leaning my back against a tree. Good riddance, Peter's words rang in my ears. I tried to hold back the tears but I couldn't this time. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face into them. I was so foolish. I'd known him for a few days, I couldn't have loved him. He lied to me, Hook was right. Hook was right. I'm not sure how I felt about that, really.

I sat there a while, not really knowing what to do. I wasn't going back to the camp and I wasn't about to go join forces with Hook. No, I needed a way off this cursed island. But there was none, unless I had permission from Peter, and he wasn't about to give it to me, I knew it.

**Peter's POV**

None of the boys felt like celebrating, but they did anyways. I sat in the middle of them on my stump close to the fire. I was sharpening a stick, staring straight at the flames, thinking about what I had done. Felix didn't dance either, he sat on a log outside of the dancing circle of boys. I looked over at him. He lifted his eyes to, and I averted my gaze. God, things were getting awkward.

I threw the stick in the fire and put my dagger I was sharpening it with back in my belt. This was pointless. I shouldn't be so down, she was only a distraction anyway.

But she was a good distraction, short to. I smiled, thinking of her sparkling emerald eyes, beautiful, long and straight brunette hair. Her smile as she did dangerous things with the boys. The way she laughed and the kiss.... it did mean something.

I stood up and pushed through the boys over to Felix. He slowly stood up. "I know that look, Pan. Determination."

"I'm going to bring her back, watch the camp."

"Finally coming to your senses," Felix said, with that same expressionless tone. I could tell he was glad I was going.

"You could say that," I mumbled. I could feel her walking on the other side of the island, rather far from here. I began to fly after her.

**Ace's POV**

After a while I got up and began to stretch. My muscles were sore from being in that position for so long.

I had finally come up with an ideas on how to leave the island, it was horrible, but what else could I do. No one wanted me, I had no one any more. I obviously wouldn't be able to leave to another realm any time soon either. So, I had come up with a way to escape everything. It wasn't my best idea, but I couldn't think of any other way.

I started walking again, turning left to walk uphill. I thought about the last few days, the little sleep I had gotten. Hook, the Lost Boys, Peter. Peter. I couldn't stop thinking about him, no matter how much he had hurt me. His handsome brown hair, gorgeous green eyes. How he would look down at me and smile. But where was the point in thinking about him? He probably wasn't thinking about me, he didn't even care!

I kept going until I reached the top of the hill, but it wasn't a hill. It was a cliff, high above a jungle extremely dark. Just what I was hoping for. I sat down, dangling my feet over the edge. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

This is what I wanted, it was time to leave, but part of me didn't want to. Part of me held onto the hope that the boys and Peter were back at the camp thinking about me, wanting me back. But they weren't. The only people I ever thought liked me, didn't, and I guess that's what will push me over the edge. Not myself, just how horrible everything was.

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