Chapter 5

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**Author's Note** this first part is a flashback, just in case you're confused ~Peyton

I walked outside to find the other village children playing tag on the cobblestone street. John was playing with them too, laughing and enjoying himself. Eager to join, I went out to see if I could play.

One girl, I think her name is Jane, took one look at me and froze. Everyone else stopped and looked at me too.

"Hi!" I said, smiling. "Can I play too?"

Everyone looked at each other and laughed. Finally, Jane stepped forward. She was older than me by two years, and was taller too. Most everyone was taller than me...

"You're own parents don't want you, what makes you think we do?"

I frowned and pointed to John. "But, you let my brother play."

All of them turned to John. "You never said you were Milah's son!" Jane exclaimed. His face turned red and he looked down.


Jane laughed. "So, nobody wants either of you two losers. You don't belong and never will. You're a pirate's children, you're evil and mean and don't deserve love."

"We are not evil and mean!" I screamed. "Just because who our parents are doesn't mean we are like them."

"Don't be to sure about that," she said, smirking.

I glared at her. She sounded just like mum. "Fine, we don't need you anyway." I grabbed John's hand and we began to go back home.

He pulled his arm away. "Don't touch me, you ruined my chance at having friends. Why can't you just shut up and go away!" he yelled, running into our house.

I blinked furiously, trying not to cry. Nobody wanted me, and nobody ever would. Jane was right. I didn't belong, and I wasn't going to try to. I was going to stand up for myself next time. I promised myself I would.


The memory hurt as I thought about it, staring at the fire, waiting for Pan and Felix to return. I was so young, all I wanted was to fit in. At first.

I heard twigs snapping and voices coming from the woods and in front of me emerged about thirty boys, I'm guessing Pan's Lost Boys. Only one saw me at first and froze. Soon the others did and stopped dead in their tracks.

"I see you've met Ace," I heard Pan say behind me. I turned and saw him walking a bit ahead of Felix back into the light of the fire.

"Pan, that's a girl," I heard a Lost Boy say.

"Thank you for letting us know what we can clearly see," Pan spat, obviously annoyed. He stopped, a few feet away from me and a smirk crossed his face. "Should we let her stay?" The boys looked at each other, looking somewhat confused. "How about a little target practice to help you boys decide?" They seemed to like that idea and began to cheer.

"Target practice?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Pan said, looking over at me. He held out his hand and a crossbow appeared. "One arrow, one shot." He tossed it to me and turned to the boys. "Would one of our newest Lost Boys like to prove himself?"

The Lost Boys that have been here each grinned and turned to the group of boys that came with me. "How about you John?!" one boy exclaimed.

"John!" they began to chant. My stomach flipped. What could he have done to become so well known already?

"John... he's you're brother right?" Pan asked with his classic smirk. I nodded. "Even better. Let's go, John."

John stepped out from the group of boys. Compared to them he was tall, not as tall as Felix, but tall. He has messy dark brown hair with light blue eyes.

"Stand there." Peter pointed to a tree to my left. He walked over and stood there, his back pressed against the tree. Pan tossed him an apple. "Balance it on your head." John did so.

"Don't think I can hit it, Pan?" I asked.

"No, just trying to motivate you to not miss," he said grinning.

I knew how to shoot a crossbow, pretty well actually, but I was still nervous. What if I hit John? Why should I care, though? He never did anything for me, was never kind to me. Even if we were brother and sister, our relationship was strained and we usually kept our distance.

I held out the crossbow with my left arm, aiming it at the apple with my peripheral vision. Staring straight ahead at the Lost Boys, I let the arrow fly.

**Peter Pan's POV**

My jaw dropped as I saw her let the arrow fly. It went straight through the center of the apple, nailing it to the tree. John seemed surprised, too, along with the rest of the boys. I had to admit, she was impressive. She was talented with a crossbow, a pretty good fighter, and brave. She had all the qualities of a Lost Boy.

Ace turned to me. "Didn't need motivation," she said, tossing the bow to me. I caught it, in shock. She was definitely different, but in a good way. I shook the thought away. She wasn't here to stay. We were going to use her, then kill her. But, a part of me didn't want to anymore.

"Boys," I said, walking over to her. I laid my hand on her shoulder and she gave me a weird look. "I think we have our very first Lost Girl."

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