Chapter 7

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**Author's Note** This is a flashback Ace has to what happened that really mad here despise her father so much. Also and PLEASE READ just to let you know I am going to make Pan Rumple's father now. I don't know how to change it and if I decide to write a sequel that takes place during the show like I've been considering, it would have to be like that. Okay? Okay. Sorry if this isn't good :( I don't know please give me feedback. ogot no clue how I'm doing XD Thanks.

Read Vote Comment :) ~ Peyton

I was ten. Father came back to see us for the first time in years. He was upset, and came back missing his left hand, it replaced by a hook.

"It's Captain Hook," I squealed, laughing, not paying attention to how it hurt him. Father glared at me.

"Don't call me that," he said.

I nodded and left the room, going to my room to get my crossbow and sword. Whenever father was home, he would help teach me and John to use them. I was the only one that paid attention, and practiced daily.

I came bounding down the stairs with my crossbow and sword.

"Staying here isn't any good for you," I heard dad say. I peaked around the corner and saw him talking to mum in the living room. "If that crocodile finds you..."

"But he won't!" mum exclaimed.

"It's not a chance to take! Leave these life ruiners and come back to being a pirate with me. You and I can live in Neverland together, without those brats."

"I dislike them as much as you, but I'm not coming to Neverland with you. I'm not interested in living forever."

"Then fine," he spat, glaring at her. His expression softened a little. "But I miss you every time I leave."

"Visit more."

"I can't, bloody Peter Pan needs to pay for what he did."

"What did he do to you?" mum asked.

"I prefer not to talk about it..." father said, trailing off. Tears welled up in my eyes from him saying he hated me and John. Father was the only one I thought cared anymore, and now apparently he doesn't. No, I thought. He still did, he was just kidding. Yeah, kidding.

"Father, can I show you something?" I asked, holding up the crossbow. I had just mastered the shot with my peripheral vision and wanted to show him. He hesitantly nodded and we walked out into the small backyard.

"What is it?" he growled.

I lined up my feet and pointed it at the tree with my left hand. Looking, at him, I fired. Excited, I looked to see where it hit.

"That's it!" he exclaimed.

"Well... yeah. I thought it was amazing..." I trailed off.

"Amazing? I've been able to do that since I was six!"

"I just thought you'd be proud," I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Proud? Ha!" he scoffed. "I never wanted kids and I never will. You just get in between me and what I love, Milah and I pirating together. If I didn't have you my life would be much better!" he yelled.

"Then why do you bother coming back! Mum doesn't want to go with you and you don't care for us! Why don't you just stay out of my life!" I yelled back. He was mad, I could tell, but I would never guess what he did next.

Father raised his hook hand and brought it down on my arm, tearing through flesh from my shoulder to my elbow on my left arm. I screamed and sank to my knees, grabbing my arm, rocking back and forth crying. A hint of fear showed in his eyes before he turned and just casually walked away. Mum poked her head out the door.

"Killian, what's happened?"

Father pushed past her. "I'm going back to Neverland."

Mum's eyes landed on me, bleeding and crying in the middle of the yard. She turned and walked away, not caring what happened.

I had to walk to find help and it took me a long time to reach help from someone.

"What's wrong, deary?" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw a man with what seemed like scaly skin and long grayish blond hair. A wry smile stretched across his face.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Why, I'm the Dark One," he replied, still smiling. "Looks like you could use some help there," pointing to my arm.

"Can you help?" I asked, hopeful.

"Of course, but with magic and magic comes with a price, deary."

"What's your price."

He tapped his chin. "You know what, deary, I'll help you without a price, now. You'll owe me a favor in the future. And trust me, I never forget, you can't wriggle out of it."

"Fine!" I exclaimed, the pain killing me. He held his hand over it and it disappeared leaving and faint scar. "Thank you," I breathed, dumbfounded. That was the first I had ever seen of magic.

"Remember the favor," he said, disappearing into a cloud of smoke.

I never knew he was the one who took my father's hand. I found that out that night when I told Mum, and she hit me again. After that, father was no longer father to me, he was Captain Hook. And even though I still called her mum, I didn't have any hope left in me that she still cared, and I quit loving her.

And I never forgot the favor. I never forgot anything that day, and I would never forgive.

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