Chapter 3

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*Author's Note* sorry if these are short they will eventually be getting longer :) ~Peyton

Pan began to lead us through the woods towards a camp he told us he has set up. Slowly, I maneuvered my way over to John. Keeping my eyes forward, I leaned over to talk to him. Most of the Lost Boys were talking, so hopefully no one was paying attention.

"Its Acelina," I whispered. I felt his eyes on me after I said it, but I kept looking straight ahead. "You shouldn't be here."

"This is great, though. Pan is a good leader, this is much better than home," he said flatly. There was something wrong, his tone wasn't the same. The flute must've had some effect on him.

"Listen to me!" I whispered harshly. "Let's go back, not to our old home, somewhere else, just the two of us."

"Pan controls who leaves and who doesn't, we're fine here, it's better." I sighed, I wasn't changing his mind.

"Felix!" I heard Pan exclaim in front of us. I stood up on my tiptoes to see above the crowd. Up ahead was a fire with a few logs around it and a couple hammocks hanging. A boy, I'm guessing Felix, stood by the fire. He was tall and lean, with dirty blond hair and light brown eyes. He smiled and took a step forward.

"Glad to see you with more, Pan."

"Where are the others?" he asked, looking around.

"Out working on target practice," Felix replied with a smirk.

"Why don't you take our newest lost boys to begin training now with them?" Pan asked, a smirk creeping across his face.

"Yes sir. Follow me guys." We began to follow Felix. I was in the back of the group, so when they turned a corner, I slipped behind a tree, out of Pan's sight, and watched them walk away.

Pan was sitting on one of the logs, his head resting in his hands, watching the fire. He looked exhausted... or bored.

I was still near the camp, so I had to be careful. I moved silently around Pan in a twenty yard radius. When I was behind him, I started to wonder what I was doing. Spying on Pan? No. I wanted answers, but I couldn't just step forward, out from the shadows and ask him. No, who knows what he would do. I'd heard the stories from father. He was supposedly ruthless, evil.

I needed answers, and I wasn't getting them by asking nicely. A few feet in front of me, I saw a dagger. One of the Lost Boys must've dropped it. Quietly and carefully, I made my way over to it and picked it up. I crouched and ran my finger over the nice, smooth blade. Time for answers, I thought. Quietly, I snuck over. Moving slowly, I positioned myself, and quickly grabbed some of his hair, tilting his head back some, holding the dagger to his throat.

"What did you do to them? Huh? What the bloody hell do you plan on doing?"

He smirked, funny, he always seemed to. "Nice to meet you too, Acelina."

My grip got weaker a little, from shock. He took the advantage and grabbed the dagger from me and quickly getting behind me, holding me the way I had held him.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, lighting shivering at the tip of the blades chilly surface next to my neck.

"What I want to know is why there is a girl on my island." I smiled, he didn't like the fact that I was here.

"Open your eyes next time you kidnap boys and make them a part of your Lost Boys."

I could almost feel his smile fade after I said that and couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Why are you here?"

"Like I would tell you."

He ran the tip of the blade over my cheeks and around my jaw, sending shivers up my spine. "I suggest you talk," he whispered in my ear. If he wasn't about to kill me his voice would sound beautiful, but right now it's eerie and terrifying.

"You took my brother, John. I followed him out of our room and to you. I couldn't here the flute you were playing, but I stayed, curious."

"The reason you couldn't hear it was because only unloved and unwanted boys hear it," he said through gritted teeth. "What use is a girl?"

"I can show you what use this girl is if you fight me like a man," I said, trying to get him to let me go.

"Why would I fight like a man, when I can fight like a Lost Boy?" he asked. He put the dagger into his belt and pushed me away. I turned to face him.

"I'm warning you, I fight well."

He laughed a laugh that would've been cute if he wasn't evil. "What makes you think you can beat me?"

"My father is a pirate, I know how to take care of myself," I said, taking two steps to the left. "Now come on, princess,  you think you're so great then take your shot."

He smirked. "Oh, am I going to enjoy this." He lunged at me and I easily side stepped. I swung my leg up to nail him in the stomach but he was to quick for me and grabbed my ankle, throwing me around him and to the ground. I grunted and quickly scramble to my feet.

"Give up yet, love?" he asked, still smirking.

"Don't call me love." I swung my fist and almost connected with his cheek, but he caught my hand. Taking advantage of how close we were, I grabbed the dagger and kneed him in the stomach. He stumbled backwards and I pushed him to the ground. I quickly climbed over top of him, one leg on each side, and held the knife back to his neck.

"Told you I fight well," I said, glaring at him.

He still had a smirk on his face. His sparkling green eyes met mine and I felt myself blush a little, but I didn't know why. I hated Pan, he just almost killed me! "You're forgetting something, Acelina."

"Don't call me that I hate my name."

"Then what do I call you?"

I thought a moment. I didn't want to change my name completely. "Ace."

"Well, Ace," he said with a grin. "You're forgetting I've got magic on my side." He sent me flying back with a flash of gold and my back hit a tree. I had dropped the knife on impact, and now it lay next to him. He picked it up, tossing it in his hand.

"You're almost as good as my Lost Boys," he said pointing it at me.

"Almost?" I scoffed. "I could beat them, I doubt half of them could throw."

He glared at me. "Don't underestimate me and my Lost Boys. At any time we could kill you." He leaned in close, and I could feel his hot breath. "Including now."

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