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Vanessa Taylor is an English filmmaker born on April 8.
She's mostly known for her movie Written In The Stars which was a huge success in her country, England.
She is the ex fiance of Julian Draxler, having broken up almost two months ago.
Her parents have been divorced when she was only three. She has an older brother.

Vanessa had been in Germany a couple of times in her life. The first time was when she was seven. Her mother decided to spend Christmas there. She and her brother have really enjoyed themselves. Germany was a snowy country and small children always liked snow.
Her parents have been divorced only four years before that. They were always fighting even when other people were there. Then, Vanessa had no idea what getting divorced meant. Now, she knew.
Her mother was difficult to live with, that was for sure, but her father was the one not trying for his family. He always cared more about his carreer than he did about his family. Vanessa didn't understand that. She hadn't realized it. For her it was simple that whenever she asked him to play with her, his answer was:
- I'll come in a minute.
But he never did.
Vanessa got used to it and he stopped asking him to. Growing up she learnt to live by her mother.
Her father moved away from them when her parents got divorced. Vanessa visited him almost every weekend in the beginning but then decided that she didn't like it there and that she preferred staying in her room, listening to music and thinking about stories that could end up being movies.
By the age of twelve she had stopped visiting her father. She only saw him twice a year. On Christmas holidays and in her birthday.
The truth is, she didn't miss him but her father always complained that he missed her.
Her brother was the exact opposite. When their parents divorced, he was truly hurt and he cried a lot. He insisted on staying with his father more than just a weekend and tried to spend as much time with him as possible.

Second time Vanessa visited Germany was when she was in high school and they went on a school trip. Vanessa admired once again how beautiful Germany was. She has fallen in love with this country. She remembered herself saying that when she grew up she was going to live in Germany.
She took pictures of every place they visited and then back home she made an album with them.
During this school trip, she met Kim. These two girls have liked each other's company since the very first time. When Vanessa was about to leave they both decided to keep in contact. And they did. They skyped almost every day, talking about their routine and how much they couldn't wait to see each other again.
And they did soon when Vanessa invited her to spend some Christmas with them. Kim was excited and agreed immediately. They both had the time of their lives.
After that they hadn't seen each other for a long time. They both had a lot of homework and because of them being in the last grades of high school they needed to focus on their studies.

After graduating Vanessa was the one to visit Kim in Gernany. They spend an unforgettable summer together almost not caring about nothing.
Kim followed her father's job and decided to become a manager herself. It's not that she was interested in these stuff, it was the money that were attractive to her. On the other hand, Vanessa knew what she wanted to do with her life since she was a small girl. Her vivid imagination gave her many options. She always came up with romantic stories and imagined her one day filming them. Because some of her stories were good, she was easily given many opportunities.

Last time Vanessa visited Germany, she met Julian. Kim was his manager. Kim decided that introducing them to each other could be good. Julian was heart broken because his ex girlfriend left him without an explanation. He was hurt and that was obvious in his eyes since the very first time Vanessa met him.
They met at a football match. Julian's team had won and they were all in the mood of celebrating. Vanessa wasn't a Wolfsburg fan. She liked Dortmund instead. She never said that to him though. He was way too hurt to listen to stuff like these.
Vanessa never had a serious relationship before. She had dated some guys but she wasn't interested in them after a while. They were all so immature to her. She was looking for that one guy who was going to sweep her off her feet and it happened to find that in Julian.
He was also impressed by her, she realized that. She wanted to make him forget about this girl that hurt him so much. She could be better anyway.
She decided to give him some time, following Kim's advices and they started dating.
In one of their dates, Julian kissed her for the first time as a goodbye. Vanessa was happier than ever in her life because she really thought that he was starting to forget about his past girlfriend.
Almost half a year after that they had made love for the first time. Generally for their first time. They both lost their virginity then.
A couple of days after that Julian said that he loved her. She believed him. She loved him also and she told him so. Vanessa wasn't sure that Julian meant it though and that was because every time she looked into his eyes, she was seeing her.

Vanessa moved to Wolfsburg to be with Julian. Nothing hold her to London anyway. Her mother lived in her house and had her job and her brother had moved in Ireland for bussiness. It was time to change some things in her life too.
Her life with Julian had been pretty well until Kim told her that they should get engaged. Vanessa was really excited with it but couldn't understand why Kim was insisting. Julian wasn't that happy at all. Vanessa was hurt by that. She realized that maybe Julian didn't love her as much as she thought he did.
Julian agreed on the engagement finally and they travelled to Munich for that occassion and because Julian had a match there and she had to make her movie there.
Vanessa was excited with being in Munich but little did she know that this was the start of her breaking up with Julian.

Vanessa was always considered beautiful. She was pale and had black hair and big green eyes. Boys always gave her much more attention than she liked, even when having braces in high school. She was a shy girl but a girl that always stood up for what she wanted and believed. She wasn't close to anyone, maybe a little more with her brother but that changed when she met Kim. She really thought she had found a true friend in her. She tried to be close to Julian too, but he was never much talkative. She told him everything about her but he didn't do the same. Vanessa believed that this had to do with the fact that he was a little shy himself but she changed her mind after some time passing by. She wasn't sure if Julian was that strong to forget about his past. That made her feel as if she had lost. As if she had lost to a ghost. Because his ex was absent but the truth was, she was always there, reminding Vanessa that she wasn't good enough, not even to make a man forget about his ex.

Julian finally decided that they had to broke up and Vanessa was sure that this would come. She loved him more than life itself and the fact that he was unable to return that love made her feel as if she didn't matter. She spend nights crying thinking about everything they have been through, blaming herself and thinking that maybe she was like her mother, difficult to live with and that was why Julian was breaking up with her. But no. She knew that this wasn't true. Julian was in love with a ghost, but the problem was that the ghost appeared on their lives again and Julian couldn't resist. At least he was happy with her, she was constantly thinking to herself although that didn't make her happy. It made her angry, knowing that he was happy with a girl that hurt him and that he preferred her although Vanessa was the one that made great efforts in their relation.

Vanessa finally decided to go back in her hometown, in order to focus on her carreer which was the most important part in her life. She wanted to forget about Germany, about Kim, about Julian and his girlfriend. About everything. She intended not to be involved in any kind of relation with a man, at least not until she felt like it.

So, guys this is my new story, I really hope you enjoy it. It's a sequel to my previous one (Hotel Room Service) but there's really any need of reading the previous to read this as well. I'll be clear.
Your support will make me really, really happy ❤

Hope you enjoy it 😙


Written In The Stars | M. Ozil ( Sequel to Hotel Room Service) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now