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Vanessa hadn't slept the whole night. She was thinking about her and Mesut's almost kiss. She couldn't deny to herself that she wanted him to have kissed her. Why though ? That was difficult for her to answer. She was also sure that she wanted to see him again just so to make clear to herself that she didn't like him or something. Of course she didn't. Vanessa didn't like the first handsome guy she met. That wasn't her at all.
Vanessa stepped out of her bed. This Sunday was unusually sunny and Vanessa smiled. It had been a long time since the weather was actually good in London.
Vanessa needed a cup of coffee just so to survive another depressed day of her life. Making her way to the kitchen she crashed with a box filled with things she didn't have the time needed to unpack since she came in London. Looking at the box and before getting mad with herself that she was so careless she came with an idea in first place. A smile was formed in her lips as she thought of her idea again.

Vanessa was sitting in her couch as she was about to dial Mesut's number. She knew that the justification of calling him was more than just stupid but she couldn't think of anything better. He had said to call him if she needed anything. Vanessa remembered that. She had her doubts about doing so though, because she knew that she didn't really need any help with unpacking the things that were inside the boxes. She wanted to see him desperately though, it was the only way for her to understand if there was any kind of attraction between them. Dialing his number again, she took a breath and called him. She regretted it immediately and prayed in silence for him not to pick it up. Her hopes failed when hearing his soft voice.
- Hello ?
- Uhm, Mesut.....hi, it's me. Vanessa.
She said feeling embarrased at how shaky her voice was.
- Mrs. Taylor, nice to hear from you again.
He said calmly. Vanessa wanted to throw up. Why was he so calm and she was about to explode ?
- You know, I was wondering if you could........
- Yes........
He said with a smirk. Vanessa felt even more embarrassed realizing that he was making fun of her.
Vanessa closed her eyes grateful that he couldn't see her right now.
- Could you come and help me with some furniture that need to be placed in my house ? I didn't have time to do it on my own after I moved here.
She opened her eyes biting her lip. She had to say furniture because Mesut wouldn't be interested in her suggestion otherwise. She knew that speaking the truth wouldn't bring Mesut to her place today.
- Well.......
- It's okay, if you can't. We can do it some other time. Or never, whatever feels right to you.
She said and she bit her lip once more. She was anxious and she had started saying things she knew she shouldn't.
- It's fine Vanessa. I'll come in about an hour. Is that okay to you ?
- In an hour ? Why don't you come now ?
- Now ?
Mesut's voice was surprised. Vanessa realized she sounded way more excited than she should.
A minute of silence passed and then Vanessa spoke again.
- In an hour then.
- No, I'll come now. I do remember where you leave. See you.
He said hanging up. Vanessa exhaled deeply. What she had just done ? She shouldn't have done this. Mesut was Julian's teammate. Things would be now complicated and Vanessa didn't like when things gone complicated.

- I've got to go.
Mesut informed Aaron while taking his jacket.
Aaron had dropped by Mesut's home just to spend some time with his teammate. He was worried about him being some kind of depressed.
- Where to ?
Aaron asked raising his eyebrows although he knew the answer.
- You know she said that she needed me with some furniture and.......
- And you're willing to run to her immediately.
- Don't say it like that. You make it sound as if she manipulates me.
- I bet she does.
Aaron responded and Mesut looked at him.
- She doesn't. She just needs some help.
- And why does she ask you to help her ?
- Because I told her so. I told her that if she needs anything she can call me.
- Okay, then Romeo.
Aaron replied.
- I'm leaving. I don't know when I'm coming back.
Mesut said making his way to his door.
- Good. I'll see you sometime I guess.
- Whatever.
Mesut responded. He opened the door and as if he was about to close it behind him, Aaron screamed:
- I could help her with that furniture too.

After seventeen and a half minutes Vanessa made her way to open her door to Mesut. She saw him parking his car outside her house from a window. Vanessa couldn't do otherwise but admit to herself that he was looking hot. She knew that she could spend a whole day staring at him, if the opportunity given. She tried to think of something else except than him and how handsome he was.
She made a little her hair before opening the door, goddamning herself for not having decided to wear something sexier for this occassion. She knew that she had to play it cool and act as if Mesut's help was inevitable and the only reason she called him.
A bright smile was formed in her lips while opening her door.
- Hi. Come in.
Mesut smiled at her and Vanessa felt weird. She remembered that he had a beautiful smile.
Mesut looked all over her house and Vanessa felt ashamed. It was about time he realized that Vanessa was lying about the "furniture" thing.
- You must have placed the furniture.
He commented and Vanessa blushed.
- Excuse me ?
She asked with her voice being a whisper.
- The furniture. You said you needed me to help you with that.
- Did I say furniture ? I don't think so mr. Ozil.
Mesut chuckled. He knew well enough what the girl was thinking.
- Fine. So you invited me here.......
He started saying but before he managed to finish his sentence Vanessa placed a box in his hands.
- Help me with that. Please.
Mesut opened his mouth to say something but he thought of it again and just nodded.
- Fine. Let me help you with that.

After three hours they had unpacked all the boxes. Vanessa was grateful for having him helping her with that. It was a pleasure seeing him. They didn't talk much during that but they exchanged smiles. Mesut had asked her about her decision to become a filmmaker and she had asked him about his to become a footballer.
- I really appreciated your help today. I wasn't going to do that on my own.
Vanessa admitted.
- Yeah, I noticed. It has been almost two months since you moved. Why haven't you done that earlier ?
Vanessa thought of it. The truth was that she had been so depressed since moving here from Germany that she had been doing only the basics in her life just to survive the day.
- I don't know.
She just answered but that didn't persuade Mesut.
- Yeah, I thought so.
- Are you making fun of me ?
- Is that what you think ?
- You do it all the time.
- Do I ?
- Yes, and it's annoying.
Mesut came closer to her. He looked into her eyes as he said:
- Then I promise not to do it again mrs. Taylor.
Vanessa was now lost in his eyes. He had so beautiful eyes.
She cleared her throat after realizing she had been staring in his eyes for way too long.
- Can I get you anything ?
She whispered. Mesut smirked. He was really enjoying the effect he had on her.
- A glass of water if you can.
- Sure.
Vanessa said, nodding. She made her way to the kitchen knowing that Mesut was staring at her.
Filling a glass with water she tried her hardest to be calm. It was obvious that Mesut was attracted to her.
As she approached him, Mesut turned and the water was spilled in his shirt.
- Don't apologise! It's okay.
He said before Vanessa could say anything.
- Mesut, I'm really sorry.
She said and she meant it.
- It's not a big deal Vanessa.
- It's. Wait.
Vanessa made her way to her bedroom. She knew that she had somewhere a pullover that belonged to Julian.
Searching in her wardrobe she found it and tried her hardest not to smell it. She knew it had Julian's smell.
She made her way to the living room.
Mesut looked at her.
- It wasn't a big deal Vanessa.
- Try this.
She said ignoring him and giving him Julian's pullover.
- Thanks.
Mesut said.
Vanessa was about to turn away but a shirtless Mesut caught her eye. She couldn't stop staring at his incredible body. Kissing his abs was a very appealing thought to her right now.
Mesut noticed that she was staring and he didn't try to wear the pullover Vanessa gave him.
Vanessa noticed that he found out her watching him and tried to look away.
- Perhaps it fits you.
She said referring to the pullover. Mesut chuckled.
- Don't be ashamed to admire the view mrs. Taylor.
Vanessa looked at him with an open mouth.
- I wasn't......
- Admiring the view.
- Yes, admiring the view.
- That's a shame. I like it when girls do so.
- Well, I'm not like the girls you sleep with.
- Who told you, I do sleep with them ?
Vanessa tried to focus on staring at his eyes instead of his body. It would help her win the argument after all.
- You, know what mr. Ozil ? It's pointless.
- Oh, is it ?
- Yes. And thanks for all your help here, although it was obvious that I didn't need it that much......
- Of course, you didn't.
- Stop making fun of me. I hate it.
- Am I the one making fun of you ? I wasn't the one saying that I needed help with the "furniture".
Mesut tried to sound serious but he was about to burst out laughing.
Vanessa opened her mouth to say something.
She closed it immediately and led Mesut to her door.
- Thanks again for your help.
- My pleasure. And if you ever need help again with your "furniture"........
Vanessa didn't let him finish. She closed the door. Mesut argered her but at the same time she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Written In The Stars | M. Ozil ( Sequel to Hotel Room Service) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now