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Vanessa waited impatiently sitting in her chair. She kept checking the time. Nobody was in sight. Her nerves were starting to take the best of her. How could all of them be late ? She couldn't accept it. She was always in time, as far as her carreer was concerned. But no. The idiots she had hired to portray the characters in her movie have dissappointed her. Again. She inhaled deeply, trying to understand why she haven't fired them yet. They weren't that good anyway.
- I'm sorry Vanessa, but I have also other stuff that must be done you know.
She looked at him. The director was complaining. Vanessa noded. It wasn't her fault anyway.
- I'm really sorry. They should have been here.
She apologized although she really didn't feel like it.
- You have to be more bossy you know. They don't care about what you say to them.
The director sighted.
That was true. Vanessa didn't have the courage to shout at them about being late or about not knowing their lines. These were stuff that they had to do themselves. They were all responsible adults and they all knew why they came here. Vanessa nodded once more.
- I'll go find them.
She replied and went to the cast's dressing rooms. Both women and men were there checking something in one of the womens phone.
- Omg look at how she's in this picture! She's crying and her make up is as if her make up artist hate her.
One of them said.
- Yes, and look at this one too. Seriously, how broken was she ?
Another one replied.
- She was totally broken.
- Wouldn't you be ? Her fiance left her for his ex.
- He must be crazy, she may be a bitch but she's hotter than his ex.
- She may be boring.
- No, she left her because she's a bitch.
- Maybe she wasn't good in bed.
One of the men said and they all burst out laughing.
Vanessa cleared her throat to caught their attention. They all looked at her without being sorry at all. Vanessa didn't mind it anyway, it wasn't the first time her cast made fun of her personal life. They were constantly checking pictures of her crying that were updated by paparazzi in order to make Julian feel bad. The problem was that Julian didn't give a damn about it. Vanessa knew that he was living with Lila now and didn't care about what paparazzi were saying at all. But she did. She cared. Paparazzi had made her life a nightmare back in Germany. Things were better in London but still Vanessa didn't like seeing pictures of her in every magazine or posted in all social media.
- You're late.
She just said looking away.
- We're coming in a minute.
The response came from one of the men.
- You better do, cause the bitch is going to fire you.

- Cut!
The director shouted and Vanessa put her head inside her hands. This wasn't working. The actors had no clue today. They always had problems with some of the scenes but today, it wasn't just a problem.
- Okay, let's........
- Where's your mind today guys ? You're supposed to be professionals. What the hell are you thinking ?
The director shouted and Vanessa took a chance to speak.
- Okay, it's over for today. You need some rest. I'm sure everything will be better tomorrow.
Vanessa said faking a smile.
The director came close to her as the actors made their way to the dressing rooms loudly.
- What are you thinking Vanessa ? We don't have so much time for you to give them an off today.
He complained and Vanessa sighted.
- I didn't give them an off. They worked. Not efficiently, but they did.
- Vanessa, we don't have enough time you know that.
- I'm sorry. I thought it was the best, besides I'm tired.
Vanessa explained taking her things and getting ready to leave the studio.
- Do you need anyone to drive you home ?
He asked coming closer to her.
Vanessa rolled her eyes. Not again.
- No, thanks Noah, I do have a car.
- Sure. What are you doing tonight ?
Vanessa thought of it a little. She didn't have any plans but she didn't want to spend time with Noah. He was definitely not her type. Besides he was way too old for her.
- I'll just relax.
- That sounds good. If you need anything you can call me, you know that.
He said winking at her.
Vanessa tried not to show how disgusted she was.
- Sure.
She said faking a smile.
Two women from the cast laughed at the scene, appearing from nowhere.
Vanessa heard them whispering:
- Is she so desperate that she'll sleep with the director ?
- Poor girl! The footballer shot her heart.
And they burst out laughing.
Vanessa looked down, took her things and made her way to the door, ignoring all of the comments. She was used to these kind of stuff. They were all making fun of her. She couldn't understand why Julian leaving her was so funny to everyone.
She walked outside the building. Rain started as she made her first step outside.
- Perfect.
She complained as she realized she hadn't an umbrella with her.

Vanessa shut the door of her house behind her. She was wet from the rain and exhausted from the awful day. So many hours in the studio and she only had filmed a scene. Yes, the entire day has only filmed a scene. The day was awful. Turning the lights on she realized, she should find some time to unpack her things cause there were still in the boxes. She felt exhausted only in the thought.
Taking her coat of, she headed to her room. She took her shoes of as well and laid in the bed. She really needed to burst into tears and she really couldn't wait to do so. She decided that crying in the shower was the best option.
Heading to the bathroom, she undressed herself from her clothes avoiding to look herself in the mirror. She had lost a lot of weight since she broke up with Julian. She didn't like that. She was unhappy with her body and that was the main reason that she didn't visit her mother. She would turn mad seeing her so skinny. She would be right though. She had to put some weight. She was less attractive when being that skinny.
In the shower she let herself cry as the hot water cascaded her body.
When finishing, wrapped herself in a towel immediately avoiding the mirror again.
She dressed in her pajamas ane laid in her bed. What has she done wrong ? Why was she sleeping alone in a bed that had any familiarity to her ? She hugged her pillow. She wished that Julian was the one she was hugging. No, she didn't. Julian betrayed her and she should accept that finally. She didn't love her and it's more than possible that he never did.
She tried not to think about it but it was now too late. Her eyes were filled with tears and she wiped them away. She didn't want to admit it but she missed Julian.
She missed him a whole lot.
Turning on the other side of the bed she closed her eyes.
No point of thinking like that. She had to sleep. She had a difficult day to survive tomorrow anyway.

Vanessa opened her eyes realizing that it was way too bright. Then she remembered. She hadn't set her alarm clock yesterday night. Panicked she checked her phone and her worst fear was confirmed.
She was late. Really late. Basically she wasn't late right now but she would be if she didn't hurry. She made her way to the bathroom really fast, and then she wore the first thing she found which happened to be the last day's clothes which weren't wet from the rain anymore.
She made a ponytail and decided to make herself up in the car. She walked fast to her car and started the engine. She soon started driving to the highway and she didn't realize she had speed up only when she stopped the car forcefully. A car hit her in the back of her car and she crashed to the car in front of her.
- Damn it!
She screamed and went out of her car.
The driver that had crashed her and made her crash to the other car was constantly apologizing and because Vanessa wanted to leave as soon as possible she prayed that the damage wasn't that noticeable. She had no clue about cars, Julian was the one always caring about hers.
Vanessa stood there closing her eyes. The driver in front of her was talking with the other one saying something to him and letting him leave.
Then, he came close to her.
- Are you okay ?
He asked. His accent was a little weird. Vanessa looked at him, she was pretty sure she had seen him again.
- Yes, thank you and sorry for was so......
- It's okay. It wasn't your fault anyway.
He smiled. He had a beautiful smile. Vanessa smiled back.
- I'll give you my number because I really need to go now.
She stated looking at her phone.
He nodded.
They exchanged numbers. Vanessa was about to leave but the strangrer stopped her.
- I know you.
Vanessa was happy now. Being recognized for her job made her excited.
- You do ?
- Yes, you're Vanessa Taylor. Julian's Draxler ex fiance.
Vanessa stopped smiling when hearing that. She was famous only because of her break up even in her hometown ?
- Yes, nice to meet you.
She responded heading in her car.
- You don't remember me ?
The stranger asked.
Vanessa looked at him. He had seen him previously, she just didn't remember where.
- I'm sorry. Do we know each other ?
She asked him starting to wonder whether he was a fan or not.
- Not exactly. We have met in the party, after Germany winning the World Cup in 2014.
- Oh!
She sighted. She remembered now.
- I'm Mesut Ozil by the way.

Written In The Stars | M. Ozil ( Sequel to Hotel Room Service) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now