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After half an hour Wilson and Vanessa were standing outside their mother's door. Vanessa was a little anxious knowing that she hadn't visited her mother since coming back to London. She felt guilty but couldn't do otherwise. She herself had decided not to visit her mother because she was going to ask her so many questions about Julian and Vanessa just couldn't handle it.
- I'm going to hide and then appear in front of her.
Wilson suggested sounded like a small child.
- Wilson, mom would be surprised seeing me actually.
- Excuse me ?
- Well, I haven't actually found the time needed to visit her since I came here.
Vanessa explained and Wilson raised his eyebrows.
- You mean that these two months you haven't seen each other at all ?
Vanessa nodded.
- I was busy.
She explained knowing that this wasn't true at all. She could have found sometime to visit her mother, she just didn't want to.
- Then, you should hide.
Her brother suggested smiling.
- I won't do such thing.
- Why do you always act as if you're fourty ?
- Why do you always act as if you're fourteen ?
She asked him back.
- Vanessa you should relax. You're always so stressed, that it's annoying.
- And you're always.......
- Yes ?
- So not stressed that it's annoying too.
- Do we quarell as if we're children ?
- You've started it.
Vanessa said but burst out laughing.
She knew that they were ridiculous.
- Ring the doorbell.
Her brother said.
- No, you do.
- Do you still want to play games ?
He asked her.
- I'm sorry. I just wish I wasn't here right now. What's mom going to think when seeing me ? I should have visited her at least once.
- Mom will understand Vanessa. She knows what you've been through.
- Thanks you're really.........
- Although, you did have time to take Mesut's shirt so I guess that instead of doing this you could have also visited mom.
Her brother said with an annoying smile on his face.
Vanessa opened her mouth to defend herself, knowing that her brother was only joking but before her saying anything the door opened and their mother was standing there with her own mouth open.

Zoi Robinson had always been a successful woman as far as her carreer was concerned. She had been a lawyer, following her childish dream. She hadn't been that successful in her personal life too, though. She didn't have time for her husband and children and after endless fightings with her husband they had been divorced. Zoi had lived alone a lot of years since both her children had left England to leave in other countries. Her son for bussiness and so had her daughter in the beginning, because then she fell madly in love with a footballer and decided to live in Germany with him. She hadn't been satisfied with that, because even after her failed marriage, she did think that the most important part in life was for someone to be successful in their carreer.
Now she was sitting at her couch, chatting with her son, trying to ignore her daughter who didn't speak much, since she knew she felt guilty for having neglect her own mother in the first place.
- I'm so glad you came for dinner. I haven't cooked anything though. Had I known you come.........
- It's okay mom. We just wanted to surprise you. That's all.
Wilson said to her. Zoi smiled at him.
- I've missed you a whole lot.
She glared at Vanessa, then added:
- Both of you.
Vanessa looked at her but looked immediately away.
She didn't respond and feeling the tension Wilson decided to speak for all three of them.
- Let's go have dinner in a restaurant.
He suggested.
None of them replied. Vanessa preferred to go home and her expression betrayed that.
- You go. I'm a little tired. I'm really sorry guys.
Their mother replied. Vanessa understood that she was doing that only to make it easier for her.
- Come on mom. We haven't seen you im ages. Besides don't you want to know about your daughter's new fling ?
- What ?
Vanessa and Zoi asked in chorus looking at each other.
- A new fling ? So soon ?
Zoi asked looking at her daughter. Vanessa raised her eyebrows at her brother trying to understand why he had said all these stuff.
- It's not a fling mom. I don't even know what he's referring at.
She said staring angrily at Wilson.
- You can say that when going to the restaurant I was talking about.
- I'm not in the mood of going.
Vanessa said still staring angrily at Wilson.
- Come on Vanessa, I was only joking.
- Seriously, I'm not in the mood.
Vanessa insisted taking her purse and making her way to the door.
- You're leaving ?
- Yeah, I'm going home. Will you come ?
Vanessa asked him. Wilson looked at his mother apologetically and she nodded.
- I was tired anyway.
She added. Vanessa rolled her eyes. She knew what her mother was thinking.
- I'll see you sometime before I leave mom. I promise.
Wilson said while kissing her cheek.
- I'll wait. Good night.

Vanessa unlocked her house's door and let Wilson enter first. They haven't spoken all the way home because Vanessa was really mad at him.
- You shouldn't have said to mom about Mesut, you know what she's going to think now.
- Mesut ? I've never mentioned him.
Wilson said raising his eyebrows.
Vanessa paled in the thought of her making obvious that she was thinking of him.
- I thought you meant him, because you said previously............
Her voice cracked realizing that she couldn't explain what she meant.
Her brother was seemed to like what was happening. He liked when he made Vanessa feeling uncomfortable. What he liked more right now though was the fact that his sister had a chance to move on according to him and he didn't want her to skip this opportunity.
- Okay, don't be mad. I'm hungry. I'll make something to eat. Do you want to join me ?
- No. I'm going to sleep.
She said making her way to her bedroom. She was mad at her brother for exposing her personal life like that even if he had only said that to their mother, because there was no truth in his sayings.
Vanessa didn't want to think of it, she was exhausted. She couldn't find her pajamas so she dressed herself in a Julian's shirt. She was amazed by how many Julian's clothes she had actually kept. She made a mental note to get rid of them as soon as she could find some time.
She made her way to the bathroom just to do her routine. When heading back to her room, she could smell whatever her brother was cooking. If she wanted to be real to herself, she was hungry but she was also mad to join her brother. Thinking of it, she couldn't help but noticing how much of a stubborn she actually was.
There wasn't much she could do so she laid in her bed and closed her eyes in an attempt to sleep. Because she was exhausted she managed to fall asleep almost immediately.

Mesut was holding his drink lost in his thoughts. The whole team has been to a club to celebrate their draw. They could have easily lost so they found it as a really good opportunity to celebrate. Mesut wasn't in the mood of celebrating though. He has been annoyed some hours earlier when he saw Vanessa leaving with another man.
Who the hell was he ?
He was constantly asking himself. He could be her boyfriend. Yes, definitely her boyfriend. He didn't look much older than her, plus he was handsome. Mesut had been really happy seeing her in the Stadium. He couldn't expect her to do so. His happiness though had turned into dissappointment when the other man had called her.
- I've heard Vanessa came to the match.
Aaron commented coming beside him.
- It's possible.
Mesut responded while raising his arms.
- I saw her.
Aaron insisted.
- So why bothering mention it ?
- Okay, I haven't seen her but........
- But ?
- But Olivier did.
Mesut chuckled.
- Why do you even care ?
He asked Aaron.
- I don't. You do. And I seriously don't get why. She's no different from all the other girls you have slept with plus she has been sleeping with Draxler.
Mesut nodded. He knew that Aaron was right and maybe if he slept with Vanessa he would stop thinking of her. Something inside of him though was telling him that this wasn't the case. Not with Vanessa. Something was telling him that she was different. She had to be. And Mesut didn't want a lot. He just wanted to get to know her. That's why he couldn't understand why the thought of Vanessa with another man was so annoying to him. He had even fought the urge to drop by her house to see if she was alone.
He smirked to himself. He wasn't that crazy. He was never going to do such thing. It was really late after all. She was most probably sleeping.
Yeah, but what if she was sleeping with him ?
The thought wasn't pleasant at all to him. Without him thinking what he was actually doing he grabbed his jacket making himself ready to leave.
- I'm leaving.
He announced to Aaron who was looking at him shocked.
- Why ?
He asked.
- I've got stuff to do.
- What's so important at almost twelve in the night ?
Mesut didn't reply, he just made his way to the exit leaving Aaron speechless.
He fastly entered his car, not being able to believe that he was the one doing this. He started the engine and made his way to Vanessa's house really hoping that she was alone. She couldn't even think of a justification that he would wake her up.
If she was sleeping.
He thought to himself and really wished that she was doing so.
He knew that this wasn't like him at all. He wasn't usually running after girls. Girls usually run after him.
He wasn't running after her.
He thought to himself.
He knew that this wasn't true. He acted as if he was jealous. Jealous of something that he didn't even own.
After a while he arrived outside Vanessa's house. He had regretted it coming till there but he wasn't going to leave now.
He exited his car and made his way to Vanessa's door. Before thinking of what he was doing he had already rang the doorbell.

Written In The Stars | M. Ozil ( Sequel to Hotel Room Service) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now