Twenty one

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Vanessa woke up while trying to catch her breath. Her dreams were filled with Noah.
Not dreams. Nightmares.
She thought to herself.
Noah was always so close to her that Vanessa wasn't even able to breathe. She had woken up several times but this time didn't seem possible to sleep again. Vanessa looked all over her dark room feeling weird. She had the feeling that Noah could be anywhere. What if he was going to try do the same thing again tomorrow ? Or even something worse ? She didn't want to think of that. She had been so afraid. What if Mesut had never been able to be there on time ? What was Noah going to do then ? Mesut was her savior. Vanessa jumped out of bed. Mesut was sleeping in her couch. She had insisted on him sleeping in the guest room but he refused. Vanessa thought that maybe he wanted to be on the couch so that he could leave in the middle of the night, but the truth was that she didn't really believe it. He wasn't like that. He had proved himself several times. She slowly made her way to the living room trying not to make any noise to wake him up. It was a little after two in the night. Vanessa stood and looked in the couch from a distance. Mesut was sleeping peacefully. She smiled looking at him. The fact that he had agreed to stay at her house for the night made Vanessa really happy. She hadn't expected him to agree that easy. Maybe the kisses they shared had convinced him. Yes, the kisses. Vanessa was the one kissing him and she wasn't going to regret it at all. She had been craving for his kiss for a long time. She was surprised that she hadn't realized that. Staring at him, she bit her lip. She knew exactly what she wanted to do. She made her way to the couch. She sat beside where he was sleeping still staring at him.
He was good looking.
She thought to herself.
She smirked.
He wasn't just good looking. Mesut was handsome, he was hot. He was sexier than any men she had met.
Vanessa couldn't stop thinking how much she wanted to kiss him. Again. And again and again. She could kiss him right now but she fought the urge to do so. Instead, she ran her fingers through his hair. She leaned to place a kiss on his forehead. Mesut groaned and opened his eyes. Vanessa felt her cheeks turn red. Mesut looked at her with a smirk on his face. Vanessa felt butterflies in her stomach. How was it possible that he was looking so sexy even right after waking up ?
- What are you doing ?
Mesut asked her smirking.
Vanessa blushed again.
- I didn't mean to awaken you.
She snapped.
- Then ?
Mesut asked furrowing his eyebrows.
Vanessa opened her mouth to say something but it was like her voice had betrayed her. Mesut stood up from his laying position and took her face in his hands. He opened his mouth to captivate hers but Vanessa stopped him.
- What do you think you're doing now ?
Vanessa asked.
- Isn't it obvious ?
He asked back looking into her eyes.
It was obvious. But Vanessa had started having second thoughts about this whole thing again. Mesut was a teammate of Julian's after all. Mesut sensed her doubts. He had second thoughts too. He didn't want to make it obvious though. Maybe this was his only chance with Vanessa.
- I think have misunderstood some things.
Vanessa snapped staring at his lips.
- Say that while looking into my eyes.
He snapped right back.
- What ?
Vanessa asked panicked.
- It's easy to get distracted if you stare into my lips.
Mesut replied smirking.
Vanessa knew that she had blushed and that he knew it. She swallowed hard.
- Sorry for interrupting your sleep. I shouldn't have asked you to stay here.
She bit her lip when saying that. She didn't mean it. How could she ?
She stood up trying to make her way to her bedroom. She felt Mesut's eyes on her.
- I can leave right now if you want to.
Mesut replied.
Vanessa let out a breath she hadn't realize was holding.
She turned to face him. She didn't want him to leave. She needed him to be here. Now and forever. It was like Mesut had read her thoughts. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like a decade. Vanessa was the first one to look away. She was feeling embarrassed. Why couldn't her feelings be clear to her ?
That wasn't the point. Her feelings were clear to her. It was her determination that didn't let her do what she wanted.
- I didn't mean it.
She admitted looking apologetically at him.
- I know.
Mesut simply said.
- If you know then..........
She stopped. Why was she behaving like that ? How was Mesut able to make her feel that way ?
- Why are you awaken ?
He asked her.
- Nightmares.........
She simply said looking down.
- Why did you ask me to stay here Vanessa ?
He asked her looking sheepishly at her.
Vanessa tried to breathe normally.
- I'm still afraid of what happened with Noah.
She replied.
- I'm sure you're.
Mesut said looking away.
- Now do you want to hear the truth ?
She asked him, while trying to control her breath.
Mesut looked at her confused.
- What do you mean ?
Vanessa chuckled.
- Do you really believe that Noah's the reason of why I asked you to stay here ?
She asked him.
- Do you want to hear the truth ?
Mesut asked her repeating her words.
Vanessa nodded.
- No, I don't believe it.
He said.
Vanessa made her way towards him. She sat on his lap while he placed his hands around her waist. She didn't make an attempt to avoid it when he leaned to kiss her gently, then more demanding. Instead she kissed him back as if she couldn't take enough of him. Mesut pulled away staring into her eyes. His hands moved to the place of her bruised skin touching it gently. As if taking her permission, he pulled her shirt a little up to see her bruised skin. He firstly touched it and then placed an open mouthed kiss at it making Vanessa moan. He then started to place more kisses all the way up from her navel but he sensed that Vanessa didn't feel like it. He stopped immediately looking at her, afraid he had upset her. Vanessa gave him a weak smile.
- I'm sorry.
She whispered.
- You don't have to be.
He replied touching her hair.
- I'm a little tired.
She admitted.
- I understand Vanessa.
He replied smiling back at her.
She stoop up making her way to her bedroom once again but turned to him again after a moment.
- Come sleep with me.
- You said you were tired........
- Sleep. Just sleep.
She explained.
Mesut nodded.
He followed her, taking her hand.
Vanessa placed one last kiss at his lips. She could do that for her rest of her life.
She thought to herself.
She knew that she shouldn't think like that. But she just couldn't. This attraction between them was undeniable and if she wanted to be real to herself it was undeniable from the moment they met. She couldn't stop thinking about him kissing her waists and belly. If only she had let him continue. He had kissed her in a way nobody had kissed her before.
- Are you sure you want to do that ?
Mesut asked her while she was sitting at her bed.
She nodded.
She could see the doubt in Mesut's eyes.
- I won't regret it.
She said smiling.
- I don't know if I should believe that.
He replied smirking.
- Just sleep here. I want you to be here.
Mesut nodded.
He laid beside her. Vanessa had turned so not to face him and he wandered if he should place his hand around her. He finally did and Vanessa didn't mind it. She was smiling inside.
- I thought of you sleeping here this morning.
She admitted.
Mesut raised his eyebrows.
- Does this mean that you had worked out this whole thing ?
- No.
Vanessa replied.
Mesut kissed her hair.
- Sleep Vanessa. You'll be tired tomorrow.
- You make me tired.
- What ?
- I always think if I'm good enough to even care about me.
Mesut kissed her neck.
- You're perfect. Just sleep now.
Vanessa touched his hand.
- Sweet dreams Mesut.

A ringing doorbell made Vanessa groaned and open her eyes. She hadn't slept that bad since she broke up with Julian. Her sleep was interrupted a couple of times by her nightmares. She was pretty sure she had even cried in her sleep. She could sense Mesut's hand trying to calm her down in the middle of the night. The nightmares had continued though even after that. Vanessa tried to imagine who could it be that early in the morning. Mesut was still sleeping beside her. She moved to free from his hug and made her way to her door.
She unlocked it and opened it only to see her worried mother looking at her.
- Mom ?
She asked surprised.
Her mother entered the house not waiting for Vanessa to invite her.
She stared at Vanessa madly and then she hugged her without any warning.
- What's that for ?
Vanessa asked her.
Her mother's eyes were filled with tears.
- I read what happened in a newspaper. Are you okay ?
Vanessa looked at her confused.
- What are you talking about ?
It was impossible that her mother knew what happened last night.
- This.
Her mother handed her a magazine she brought out from her bag.
Vanessa took it with hesitation. There was no need to read what the articles said. A picture of Mesut punching Noah was enough to understand that they were all in big trouble.
- It's not as bad as it seems.
Vanessa responded but her voice was shaky.
- I can't believe he dared to touch you. Tell me you're okay.
Her mother was worried.
- I'm fine really. Just keep your voice down.
Her mother furrowed her eyebrows.
- Why ?
She asked confused.
Vanessa looked down.
Her mother made her look at her.
- Is he sleeping there ?
Vanessa nodded.
Her mother exhaled deeply.
- What have you got yourself into Vanessa ?

Written In The Stars | M. Ozil ( Sequel to Hotel Room Service) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now